It's a new day, it's a new shift and I'm feeeeeliiiiing goooood !!!!!
0.15 Checks:
DSSSD bias & leakage current - Grafana - attachments 1-2
leakage current dropped a bit since the evening shift ~22:00.
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 3
ADC data item stats - attachment 4
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 5
Merger etc - attachment 6
ucesb - attachment 7
2:20 Nothing new to report. All good. Leakage currents continue to go down slowly. See attachement 8 to 12
3:30 Still running smoothly.
5:20 AIDA 4 stop counting in the last 20 min. I informed the main DAQ and they started a new run without AIDA.
DAQ restarted OK. Main DAQ informed.