<p>Noise seemed less strong today, unsure of cause. I had re-taped snout as tape was not sticking well.</p>
<p>Figures 1-4: Waves for all 4 FEEs connected to the DSSD<br />
Figures 5-8: Zoomed in on region 400-600<br />
Figures 9-10: Rates in DSSD</p>
<p>Note in particular fee09 has a clear noise pickup somewhere. Also appears when no DSSD voltage.<br />
Peak distance = 6 channels = 16.6 MHz.</p>
<p>Fee09 is connected to HV bias core (-160 V)<br />
However unplugging the HV cable from it shows no difference.</p>
<p>Must be related to something else.</p>
<p>Update 16:29 CEST:<br />
Distance is more like 5 channels (20 MHz)<br />
Fee09 picks it by far most strongly but all fees you can make it out<br />
Additionally can see a slower waveform especially on other fees... approximately 40 channels = 2.5 MHz</p>
<p>Checked with multimeter that low resistance path between FEE cooling plate and ground LEMO connector<br />
also low resistance between ribbon cable copper shield and ground LEMO connector.</p>
<p>Noise seems to appear even if pulser cable unplugged at pulser end or when attentuation is increased weaking pulse.</p>
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