Snout assembled for detector position and timing test.
The planned test is to use a BGO with a 22-Na source and the implantation stack to characterise the timing and position of back-to-back 511 keV events (proxy for mock beta decay event).
The implantation stack is assembled as follows:
Upstream ----> AIDA test frame (as a spacer) ----> AIDA DSSSD (3208-3/3208-21/3208-22, Upstream AIDA used in S100 & S181, April 2024) ----> bPlast (Downstream bPlast) ----> BB7 (mounted in test frame connected to AIDA adaptor) ----> Downstream
The AIDA DSSSD condition seems to be the same as when it was dismounted after S181 and it, apart from some specks of dust no bond wires appear to be broken to the naked eye.
BGO signals appear on the scope with a 22-Na source but the response is quite messy.
MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 24cm x 8cm DSSSD upstream position within snout using 8x upstream (23") ribbon cables
MSL type BB(DS)-1000 positioned downstream of downstream bPlast within snout using 1x downstream (29") ribbon cable. For BB7 'isolated' Right Coupler Kapton PCB replaced by unmodified Right Coupler Kapton PCB.