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Tue Mar 25 20:23:52 2025
> > Aanlysis data files R3_9 - R3_128 (207Hg setting) > > Data file R3_9 first WR ts 0x16FB110A37376D88 > GMT: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 10:13:43.562 PM > Your time zone: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 11:13:43.562 PM GMT+01:00 DST > > Data file R3_69 first WR ts 0x16FB2286FAD71896 > GMT: Thursday, June 23, 2022 3:34:11.118 AM > Your time zone: Thursday, June 23, 2022 4:34:11.118 AM GMT+01:00 DST > > Data file R3_128 first WR ts 0x16FB35DF179BD866 > GMT: Thursday, June 23, 2022 9:28:40.278 AM > Your time zone: Thursday, June 23, 2022 10:28:40.278 AM GMT+01:00 DST > > Attachments 1-3 - analysis data files R3_9, R_69, and R3_128 > max. *time averaged* deadtime FEE64 #1 (aida02) 15.7%, 8.6% and 15.6% respectively > all other FEE64 deadtimes < 2% > > > *** scaler( 1): 120442206 DSSSD#1 decay events LEC m_p = 1 and LEC m_n = 1, 151.2keV < ADC data < 1008keV *and* HEC m_p = HEC m_n = 0, ADC data > 151.2MeV > *** scaler( 2): 51126024 DSSSD#2 decay events LEC m_p = 1 and LEC m_n = 1, 151.2keV < ADC data < 1008keV *and* HEC m_p = HEC m_n = 0, ADC data > 151.2MeV > *** scaler( 3): 5630250 DSSSD#1 implant events HEC m_p > 0 and HEC m_n > 0, ADC data > 151.2MeV > *** scaler( 4): 4983984 DSSSD#2 implant events HEC m_p > 0 and HEC m_n > 0, ADC data > 151.2MeV > *** scaler( 5): 42439339 DSSSD#1 other events HEC m_p > 0 or HEC m_n > 0 *and* LEC m_p > 8 or LEC m_n > 8 > *** scaler( 6): 22316289 DSSSD#2 other events HEC m_p > 0 or HEC m_n > 0 *and* LEC m_p > 8 or LEC m_n > 8 > *** scaler( 7): 0 > *** scaler( 8): 0 > *** scaler( 9): 0 > *** scaler(10): 2464294601 FEE64 #1 LEC data items > *** scaler(11): 7641292106 > *** scaler(12): 3547670559 > *** scaler(13): 6144404472 > *** scaler(14): 637262222 > *** scaler(15): 2302716728 > *** scaler(16): 4511293677 > *** scaler(17): 3857002960 FEE64 #8 LEC data items > *** scaler(18): 0 > *** scaler(19): 0 > *** scaler(20): 7697923 FEE64 #1 HEC data items > *** scaler(21): 7169894 > *** scaler(22): 10028407 > *** scaler(23): 3045622 > *** scaler(24): 4246633 > *** scaler(25): 5564911 > *** scaler(26): 7196158 > *** scaler(27): 1960591 FEE64 #8 HEC data items > *** scaler(28): 0 > *** scaler(29): 0 > *** scaler(30): 0 > *** scaler(31): 0 > *** scaler(32): 0 > > DSSSD#1 implant events > x=m_p=0 1334587 > y=m_n=0 4860983 > > DSSSD#2 implant events > x=m_p=0 1159736 > y=m_n=0 2757735 > > > Attachment 4 - per DSSSD LEC E_p versus E_n - x and y-axes 20keV/channel > - LEC energy difference +/- 2000 channels (+/- 11200keV) > - Do not observe the off-axis energy correlations observed in the postrun background/calibration runs > - Do observe expected inter strip charge sharing and charge sharing at DSSSD active area boundary > > All subsequent spectra LEC energy difference +/-20 channels (+/- 112keV) > > Attachments 5-7 - per FEE64 LEC data item rates (Hz) 268ms/channel - common x and y scales > - no conditions > - 150keV < energy < 1500keV > - energy > 1500keV > Note structure in > 1500keV data not restricted to on spill > > Attachments 8-10 - per FEE64 HEC data item rates (Hz) 268ms/channel - common x and y scales > - no conditions > - 100MeV < energy < 1000MeV > - energy > 1000MeV > > Attachment 11 per DSSSD decay and implant rates (Hz) 268ms/channel =- common x and y scales > - significant on spill deadtime for DSSSD#1 > > Attachment 12 - per DSSSD LEC m_p versus m_n > - no conditions > - z_hec=1 (DSSSD#1) and z_hec=3 (DSSSD#2) > > Attachment 13 - per DSSSD LEC p strip versus n strip > > Attachment 14 - per DSSSD LEC E_p versus E_n - x and y axes 20keV/channel > > Attachment 15 - per DSSSD per pixel time difference between successive LEC events (4.096us/channel) > - minimum time difference c. 4us > > Attachment 16 - per DSSSD HEC m_p versus m_n > - many more m=0 observed cf. RIKEN data e.g. > - more low energy HEC events? > > Attachment 17 - per DSSSD HEC p strip versus n strip > - no conditions > - z_hec=1 (DSSSD#1) and z_hec=3 (DSSSD#2) > - z_hec=1 => implant stops in DSSSD#1 > - z_hec=3 => implant hits DSSSD#1 and DSSSD#2 but does not necessarily stop in DSSSD#2 > > Attachment 18 - per DSSSD HEC E_p versus E_n - x and y axes 20MeV/channel > > Attachment 19 - DSSSD#1 HEC E_p versus DSSSD#2 E_p - x and y axes 20MeV/channel > > Attachment 20 - DSSSD#1 LEC E_p versus DSSSD#2 E_p - x and y axes 20keV/channel > - y=0 12816818 > - x=0 7374435 > - x>0 and y>0 2295693 > > Attachment 21 - per DSSSD per pixel time difference between successive HEC events (4.096us/channel) > - minimum time difference c. 36us which make sense - c. readout time of ASIC with all 16 channels active > - origin of 9 channel period spectrum structure? > > Attachments 22-23 - per DSSSD per pixel time difference between HEC and LEC events (4.096us/channel) > Attachments 24 - per DSSSD per pixel time difference between HEC and LEC events (1s/channel) > - for ions stopped in DSSSD#1 or DSSSD'2 - no PID selection > - minimum time difference c. 88us > - effect of high on spill deadtime apparent per S100 analysis > > Attachment 25 - per DSSSD per pixel time difference between HEC and LEC events (1s/channel) versus > - HEC energy > - LEC energy > - p and n strip > > Attachment 26 - per DSSSD implant and decay event p strip - n strip time difference (2us/channel) > - wider distribution for implant events expected due to number of ASIC active channels in implant events > - most decay events +/-2us - lower ASIC occupancy for decay events so most events will be from same (or adjacent) clock cycle > > Attachment 27 - per DSSSD decay event p strip - n strip time difference (2us/channel) versus decay (E_p - E_n) (20keV channel)
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