3x MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 installed
detector bias -160V, leakage current c. 1uA @ +21 deg C for all 3x DSSSDs
all FEE64 good event rates (slow comparator 0xa, LEC fast comparator 0xff) c. 120k, or less, typically 30-50k, overall merge rate c. 1.6M data item/s
See https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/DESPEC/70
Outstanding issues
- occasional loss of bits 48-63 of WR timestamp for aida09 - can be recovered by power cycle - replace HDMI cable?
- aida09 asic 1 not producing ADC or disc data - replace aida09?
ASIC Check works OK
aida09 asic temp c. 30deg C < other asic temps
- evidence of c. 1MHz extrinsic noise for most FEE64s
- acquisition of waveform data not robust - most ASIC channels do not produce data or quickly stop producing data - PJCS to review firmware rev for Jan/Feb 2020
- require spare DSSSDs, FEE64s, HDMI cables etc |