Alpha run has been running over the weekend. Stats looking positive with notable exception that aida10 is not sending much data. Will attempt a powercycle.
Temperatures and Leakage Currents very good to excellent
Noted that the slow rate of aida10 seems to be slowing down the rate data is sent to tape - perhaps being buffered until an ADC event arrives?
Update 05.11.2019
Most rates OK, aida10 only recorded 1 event over night, aida09 spectra had a number of weird channels.
Performed ASIC check/load, aida10 found another 201 events but mostly in the HEC channel (as did all FEEs)
All other FEEs look very nice however
15:44 CET: Check/load performed as aida07 rate went very high (in HEC it seems) - now back to 0
Update 07.11.2019
Run stopped to move DESPEC platform, overnight the USB relay disconnected/reconnected powering down the FEEs (probably someone knocked the interlock wire)