<p>Start: 10:49</p>
<p>Stopt: 11:04</p>
<p>Lmd: 201906071049_24Na_AIDA_242.dlt</p>
<p>Root: 201906071117_24Na_AIDA_in.root</p>
<p>Comment: After irradiation of approximately 7 days, we extracted one Alu plate. It shows 24Na activity and also probably some beta+ activity.</p>
<p>The sample was not irradiated in the last 10 hours or so. It is positioned roughly in the center of the detector side in front of AIDA, using the frame prepared in Valencia.</p>
<p>It is not in the geometrical centre of the DTAS</p>
<p>Rates: 4.5 kHz (Dynodes), 4.5 (Anodes) (Background level was at approximately 1.6-1.7 in both Dynodes, Anodes)</p>
<p>We need to check the alignment properly with Cs, but it looks that after one week some of the detectors have moved.</p>
<p>Group 1,3,5,7 (all seem to move with respect to detector 1)</p>
<p>Group 2,4,6,8 (detector 6 moved)</p>
<p>Group 11,13,15,17 (11 and 1 seem aligned, detector 13 moved)</p>
<p>Group 12, 14,16, 18 (12 and 2 not aligned, they seem aligned)</p>
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