<p>Start: 10:25</p>
<p>Stop: 11:26</p>
<p>lmd: Cs137_source_201905211025_052.dl ...Cs137_source_201905211025_053.dlt</p>
<p>root: 201905211126_137Cs.root</p>
<p>Rates: 8.0 kHz (Dynodes), 8.1 kHz (Anodes)</p>
<p>Comment: detector 3 HV was increased by 1 V ( from 529 to 530 V). Used source CS401, 4763 as in earlier measurements.</p>
<p>The red box Cs source is too strong. We had 150 kHz in the cards.</p>
<p>Details of the source:137Cs, 8.23x 10**3 Bq at 2010/03/16, ID: CS401, 4763</p>
<p>Root file attached, and tested</p> |