<p>Start: 16:28</p>
<p>Stop: 17:03</p>
<p>Rates: 14.4 kHz (Dinodes), 12.8 kHz (Anodes)</p>
<p>Lmd: 60Co_source_AIDA_201905271627_196.dlt .... 60Co_source_AIDA_201905271627_209.dlt</p>
<p>Root: 201905271703_60Co_AIDA_in.root</p>
<p>Comments: AIDA in, sligthly less deeper than before. It is 17 mm less deeper. So from the other side we measure 17.7 mm to the nose of AIDa.</p>
<p>The source is on top of AIDA with a help of a plastic ruler, that it is lying on top of it. The other extreme of the ruler is attached with tape to the edge</p>
<p>of the frame on the beam side. The source is positioned on top of the detectors 3, and 4, in practical terms in the geometrical center, but on top of </p>
<p>AIDA. 60Co source from source box (key 3). No sources around, the sources are kept inside BELEN.</p> |