<p>Start: 13:43</p>
<p>Stop: 14:05</p>
<p>Comments: The source looks also too strong. Rates: 39 kHz (Dynodes), 40 kHz (anodes).</p>
<p>Source ID: IR052 from the third floor, small plastic rectangular form</p>
<p>RefAn: 180 Hz</p>
<p>Dy01: 3.7 kHz</p>
<p>Dy02: 0.4 kHz</p>
<p>Dy11: 0.5 kHz</p>
<p>Dy12: 0.13 KHz</p>
<p>AIDA in. The source is put at the extreme of the source holder, at 16.5 cm from the edge of the detectors. Almost touching AIDA.</p>
<p>Lmd: 133Ba_source_AIDA_in_201905281343_227.dlt ..133Ba_source_AIDA_in_201905281343_230.dlt</p>
<p>Root: 201905281405_133Ba_AIDA_in.root</p> |