<p>Start: 16:26</p>
<p>Stop: 17:20 (until then no beam),</p>
<p>Root1: 201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:20), nor erased</p>
<p>Root2: 201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:29), nor erased</p>
<p>Root3:201906011741_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:41), nor erased</p>
<p>Root4: 201906011800_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end, saved 18:00), not erased</p>
<p>Comment: At the begining there was no beam, to see the difference. The lead bricks blocking the way to AIDA has been removed as well as the</p>
<p>polyethylene blocks. The lead wall after F11 plastic remains, and of course the lead shielding and the polyethylene shielding before the DTAS is not removed.</p>
<p>Only the blocks that were inside the holes were removed.</p>
<p>Beam arrived around 17:47, intensity at F7 is 3.3 kHz, at F11 of the order of 2.4 kHz, at Aida plastic of the order of 2 kHz after substracting. The beam is centered at 102Sn, but there are a lot of other staff comming through</p>
<p>the noise level.</p>
<p>The increase in the counting rate of the NaI is very small.</p>
<p>Rates with NO BEAM: Dynodes 1.6 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz</p>
<p>Rates with BEAM: Dynodes 1.7 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz</p>
<p>File with guaranted no beam saved at 17:20 (201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root)</p>
<p>Another one saved at 17:29 (201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root), no beam also, still waiting, similarly saved at 17:41</p>
<p>Attachment 7 shows the rates of TF11PL (black), TCryA (blue), and TAIDAPL (the other color ?). it shows the "noise" level of the AIDA PL, and the increase in the counting</p>
<p>rate of the crystals.</p>
<p> </p> |