<p>Start: 09:45</p>
<p>Stop (partial save): 09:55, 10:00, 10:14,10:29,10:37,10:46</p>
<p>Root: 201906030955_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, not erased), 201906031000_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, not erased),</p>
<p>201906031014_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased), 201906031029_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased),</p>
<p>201906031037_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased),201906031046_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased)</p>
<p>201906031135_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end)</p>
<p>At 10:43 or so, a Synch pulse was sent</p>
<p>Intensity of the beam has been increased. There is a clear increase of the background. Rates 3.2 kHz (dynodes), 3.3 (anodes).</p>
<p>9 kHz at F11 plastic, 9 kHz at F7</p> |