Message ID: 1     Entry time: Fri Jan 27 11:02:03 2017
Author: DK, PB 
Subject: Notes from visit to CERN 
Here I am simply digitizing my notes from our visit to CERN 17~18 January 2017.  They may not be perfectly linear or organized, but may be searchable.

==ISOLDE Hall Info==

*Safety shoes and hard hats are required for everyone.  We need to buy our own in the future and bring them with us.

The 'general purpose scattering chamber' seems to in fact be named the Scattering Experiments Chamber (SEC).
     Contact Joakim Cederkall at Lund University in Sweden (DK has collaborated with him before in 2012)
     Secondary contact

2 meters downstream of SEC we see the SAND neutron detector array.
     Contact Ismael Martel at University of Huelva in Spain
     Array structure is on wheels, but needs to be moved before our experiment, presumably by someone from that collaboration
          Of course, we don't know after the SEC relocation from station 2 to station 3 that SAND will be installed in the same relative position or not

SEC has eight (8) transverse ports evenly spaced about its circumference
     We need adapters to connect to this
     The nominal ISOLDE beamline pipe is 50 mm diameter
     Chamber itself is about 1 meter in diameter, about 70 cm tall.  Shape is a cylindrical prism with hemispheres on top and bottom
     Calculated volume about 0.55 cubic meters
     Support structure is about 1 x 1 square meter footprint, about 125 cm tall
     2 large-volume pumps in parallel.
          TMP: PTM 5400 ALCATEL CORP x2
          Oil roughing pumps Edwards 12 x2
     According to Karl, its pressure is in the low 10^-6 mbar region, but everything seemed off when we visited so cannot confirm precise value
     Presumably it requires the overhead crane to open it
          Not many people have the license
          Although we don't need to access it very often if at all
          Karl said they are arguing to install a small fixed crane for that purpose after relocation which wouldn't need a license
     SEC is being disconnected over the weekend (21~22 Jan)
Alignment in ISOLDE Hall (not very sensible to write w/o diagram)
     POT1, POT2 are on the wall downstream of the beam lines
     POT3 and POTREX are on the beam-right side before it is turned and delivered to the target stations
     Geodetic survey points -- though we don't really know how they are used

Downstream of station 3 (under construction) is XT03 which is a crosshair on the wall
     Presume it was used for alignment of the steering magnet base
          Bases are installed but the quadrupoles are still off to the side

There is no port on the station 2 bending magnet to offer a straight line of sight down to the target station
     How was the alignment performed?
     We assume station 3 will be installed in a similar manner, unfortunately.

Station 3
     Expected to be complete by the end of February

Station 2
     HELIOS-type device will be installed at station 2
     This is presently called ISS and is mainly being done by the Swedish group (Lund?)
     Footprints were drawn on the ground downstream of the present SEC point
     How much space will the fence to prohibit near-approach for B-field safety be?

Distances around the stations
     From the target positions to the far wall is over 10m, though a lot of equipment and storage lines the wall area
     Beam-right wall from station beam-line 3 is about 180 cm
     7 m to station 2 -> ~5 m between station 2 and 3
     End of station #2 to the end of the SEC including the beam pipe is ~210 cm

At some point, we must provide a list of items ot be imported and used so it can be approved by the CERN Safety groups

==Meeting notes with Karl Johnston==

HIE-ISOLDE may begin physics around the last week of June (say 24~25th)
     A MINIBALL experiment is usually prioritized first, given the track record and existing infrastructure and experience.

From the end of April there will be about 2 months of commissioning, ideally
     Though, in years past, the timeline was too tight and commissioning was basically not performed during this period

They will start the cryogenics on Tuesday, 24th January

ISS will start to be installed in May for about 3 weeks (? hand writing and detail of notes is poor on this point)

Anytime in mid-March should be okay for the Edinburgh group to ship

59Cu is a candidate for an early run this year
     As soon as early July perhaps in an ideal world
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown