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Entry  Fri Sep 13 08:43:13 2024, CLW, Cabling 
Detector Bunker Signal patch panel signal cable ADC Card name in daq
dE 0 71 220804 10 5348 DEED 1
dE 1 72 220805 11 5348 DEED 2
dE 2 73 220806 12 5348 DEED 3
dE 3 74 220807 13 5348 DEED 4
dE 4 75 220808 14 4679 DEED 5
dE 5 76 220809 15 4679 DEED 6
dE 6 77 220810 16 4679 DEED 7
dE 7 78 220811 17 4679 DEED 8
dE 8 79 220812 18 4676 DEED 9
dE 9 80 220813 19 4676 DEED 10
dE 10 81 220814 20 4676 DEED11
dE 11 82 220815 21 4676 DEED 12
dE 12 83 220817 23 4677 DEED 12
dE 13 84 220818 24 4677 DEED 13
dE 14 85 220819 25 4677 DEED 14
dE 15 86 220820 26 4677 DEED 15
Efront 0 95 220821 27 4674 EDET 1
Efront 1 96 220822 28 4674 EDET 2
Efront 2 97 220823 29 4674 EDET 3
Efront 3 100 220824 30 4674 EDET 4
Efront 4 101 220825 31 4684 EDET 5
Efront 5 102 220826 32 4684 EDET 6
Efront 6 103 220827 33 4684 EDET 7
Efront 7 104 220828 34 4684 EDET 8
Efront 8 105 220829 35 4683 EDET 9
Efront 9 106 220830 36 4683 EDET10
Efront10 107 220831 37 4683 EDET11
Efront11 108 220832 38 4683 EDET12
Efront12 109 220833 39 4682 EDET13
Efront13 110 220834 40 4682 EDET14
Efront14 111 220835 41 4682 EDET15
Efront15 112 220836 42 4682 EDET16
Eback 0 113 220837 43 5344 EDET17
Eback 1 114 220838 44 5344 EDET18
Eback 2 116 220839 45 5344 EDET19
Eback 3 117 220840 46 5344 EDET20
Eback 4 118 220841 47 4680 EDET21
Eback 5 119 220842 48 4680 EDET22
Eback 6 120 220843 49 4680 EDET23
Eback 7 121 220844 50 4680 EDET24
Eback 8 122 220845 51 5345 EDET25
Eback 9 123 220846 52 5345 EDET26
Eback10 124 220847 53 5345 EDET27
Eback11 125 220848 54 5345 EDET28
Eback12 126 220849 55 4073 EDET29
Eback13 127 220850 56 4073 EDET30
Eback14 128 220851 57 4073 EDET31
Eback15 129 220852 58 2872 EDET32


Entry  Fri Sep 13 08:12:04 2024, CLW, How to Edinburgh Chamber HOW_TO.docx

A how to from last year, still relevant for this measurement (only the vacuum valve may have moved depending on the pump.

Entry  Tue Aug 27 09:01:01 2024, CLW, Prep Meeting Slides K40_prepmeeting.pptx
Entry  Wed Jul 31 11:15:09 2024, CLW, Francisco, reference samples, 10B, LiF, blank Experiment_40K_Reference_Samples_1.jpegExperiment_40K_Reference_Samples_2.jpegB_Sample_2_1.jpegLiF_Sample_1_1.jpeg

B10 and LiF samples have arrived at CERN.

There are 4 LiF sample, 4 Boron sample and one blank sample. All samples are attached to a square and are in good condition.

Entry  Thu Jun 20 12:41:22 2024, CLW, To Prepare 

- new Kapton windows for chamber (underway, waiting for workshop)

- LiF and B samples from Daresbury: under production, will be shipped directly to CERN

- shorter flat cable: will try again to make a proper flat cable that is shorter. check with Tom

Entry  Tue Apr 16 08:57:12 2024, CLW, New Elog tab for 40K experiment 

This is a new elog tab dedicated to the 40K(n,p) and (n,alpha) experiment. Things to be prepared before the run (start of run TBD):

- new almunised Kapton windows for chamber (Peter has ordered material)

- Lemo - BNC converters (most availanble, 10 new ones in my office)

- 10B and LiF reference samples: being prepared by P. Morrall in Daresbury

- 40K samples: one 40K (16% enriched) prepared by PSI, one highly enriched 40K sample will be produced by implantation at iThemba labs. Implantation will commence around May for about 6 weeks.

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown