1. This graph is the Gaussian fitted Ca42+n with rebinned to 10 total. Theorotical cross section is around 15 while the experimental is 16.5, which matches well.
2. This the the distribution of l = 0 with bins = 10.
3. This the the distribution of l = 1 with bins = 10.
4. This is the TALYS output for Ca42+n.
5. mygoe.f input code which consists of TALYS parameters (Gg, D, S). |
TALYS-1.96 (Version: December 30, 2021)
Copyright (C) 2021 A.J. Koning, S. Hilaire and S. Goriely
Dimensions - Cross sections: mb, Energies: MeV, Angles: degrees
########## USER INPUT ##########
# general
projectile n
element ca
mass 42
energy 1.
astroe 0.02
racap y
resonance y
# output
#channels y
outgamma y
outdensity y
outlevels y
outbasic y
Keyword Value Variable Explanation
# Four main keywords
projectile n ptype0 type of incident particle
element Ca Starget symbol of target nucleus
mass 42 mass mass number of target nucleus
energy energyfile file with incident energies
# Basic physical and numerical parameters
ejectiles g n p d t h a outtype outgoing particles
maxz 12 maxZ maximal number of protons away from the initial compound nucleus
maxn 20 maxN maximal number of neutrons away from the initial compound nucleus
bins 40 nbins number of continuum excitation energy bins
equidistant y flagequi flag to use equidistant excitation bins instead of logarithmic bins
equispec n flagequispec flag to use equidistant bins for emission spectra
popmev n flagpopmev flag to use initial population per MeV instead of histograms
segment 1 segment number of segments to divide emission energy grid
maxlevelstar 30 nlevmax maximum number of included discrete levels for target
maxlevelsres 10 nlevmaxres maximum number of included discrete levels for residual nucleus
maxlevelsbin g 10 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for gamma channel
maxlevelsbin n 30 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for neutron channel
maxlevelsbin p 10 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for proton channel
maxlevelsbin d 5 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for deuteron channel
maxlevelsbin t 5 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for triton channel
maxlevelsbin h 5 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for helium-3 channel
maxlevelsbin a 10 nlevbin maximum number of included discrete levels for alpha channel
ltarget 0 ltarget excited level of target
isomer 1.00E+00 isomer definition of isomer in seconds
transpower 15 transpower power for transmission coefficient limit
transeps 1.00E-18 transeps limit for transmission coefficient
xseps 1.00E-17 xseps limit for cross sections
popeps 1.00E-13 popeps limit for population cross section per nucleus
Rfiseps 1.00E-06 Rfiseps ratio for limit for fission cross section per nucleus
elow 1.00E-06 elow minimal incident energy for nuclear model calculations
angles 90 nangle number of angles
anglescont 18 nanglecont number of angles for continuum
anglesrec 1 nanglerec number of recoil angles
maxenrec 20 maxenrec number of recoil energies
channels n flagchannels flag for exclusive channels calculation
maxchannel 4 maxchannel maximal number of outgoing particles in individual channel description
micro n flagmicro flag for completely microscopic Talys calculation
best n flagbest flag to use best set of adjusted parameters
bestbranch y flagbestbr flag to use flag to use only best set of branching ratios
bestend n flagbestend flag to put best set of parameters at end of input file
relativistic y flagrel flag for relativistic kinematics
recoil n flagrecoil flag for calculation of recoils
labddx n flaglabddx flag for calculation of DDX in LAB system
recoilaverage n flagrecoilav flag for average velocity in recoil calculation
channelenergy n flagEchannel flag for channel energy for emission spectrum
reaction y flagreaction flag for calculation of nuclear reactions
ngfit n flagngfit flag for using fitted (n,g) nuclear model parameters
nnfit n flagnnfit flag for using fitted (n,n), (n,2n) and (n,p) nuclear model parameters
nafit n flagnafit flag for using fitted (n,a) nuclear model parameters
astro y flagastro flag for calculation of astrophysics reaction rate
astrogs y flagastrogs flag for calculation of astrophysics reaction rate with target in ground state only
astroex n flagastroex flag for calculation of astrophysics reaction rate to long-lived excited states
nonthermlev -1 nonthermlev excited level non-thermalized in the calculation of astrophysics rate
massmodel 2 massmodel model for theoretical nuclear mass
expmass y flagexpmass flag for using experimental nuclear mass if available
disctable 1 disctable table with discrete levels
production n flagprod flag for isotope production
outfy n flagoutfy flag for output detailed fission yield calculation
gefran 50000 gefran number of random events for GEF calculation
Estop 1000.000 Estop incident energy above which TALYS stops
rpevap n flagrpevap flag for evaporation of residual products at high incident energies
maxZrp 12 maxZrp maximal number of protons away from the initial compound nucleus before residual evaporation
maxNrp 32 maxNrp maximal number of neutrons away from the initial compound nucleus before residual evaporation
# Optical model
localomp y flaglocalomp flag for local (y) or global (n) optical model
dispersion n flagdisp flag for dispersive optical model
jlmomp n flagjlm flag for using semi-microscopic JLM OMP
riplomp n flagriplomp flag for RIPL OMP
riplrisk n flagriplrisk flag for going outside RIPL mass validity range
optmodall n flagompall flag for new optical model calculation for all residual nuclei
incadjust y flagincadj flag for OMP adjustment on incident channel also
omponly n flagomponly flag to execute ONLY an optical model calculation
autorot n flagautorot flag for automatic rotational coupled channels calculations for A > 150
spherical n flagspher flag to force spherical optical model
soukho y flagsoukho flag for Soukhovitskii OMP for actinides
coulomb y flagcoulomb flag for Coulomb excitation calculation with ECIS
statepot n flagstate flag for optical model potential for each excited state
maxband 0 maxband highest vibrational band added to rotational model
maxrot 2 maxrot number of included excited rotational levels
sysreaction sysreaction particles with reaction cross section from systematics
rotational n rotational particles with possible rotational optical model
core -1 core even-even core for weakcoupling (-1 or 1)
ecissave n flagecissave flag for saving ECIS input and output files
eciscalc y flageciscalc flag for new ECIS calculation for outgoing particles and energy grid
inccalc y flaginccalc flag for new ECIS calculation for incident channel
endfecis y flagendfecis flag for new ECIS calculation for ENDF-6 files
radialmodel 2 radialmodel model for radial matter densities (JLM OMP only)
jlmmode 0 jlmmode option for JLM imaginary potential normalization
alphaomp 6 alphaomp alpha OMP (1=normal, 2= McFadden-Satchler, 3-5= folding potential, 6,8= Avrigeanu, 7=Nolte)
deuteronomp 1 deuteronomp deuteron OMP (1=normal, 2=Daehnick, 3=Bojowald, 4=Han-Shi-Shen, 5=An-Cai)
# Compound nucleus
widthfluc y flagwidth flag for width fluctuation calculation
widthmode 1 wmode designator for width fluctuation model
compound y flagcomp flag for compound nucleus model
fullhf n flagfullhf flag for full spin dependence of transmission coefficients
eciscompound n flageciscomp flag for compound nucleus calculation by ECIS
cpang n flagcpang flag for compound angular distribution calculation for incident charged particles
urr n flagurr flag for URR calculation
urrnjoy n flagurrnjoy flag for normalization of URR parameters with NJOY method
lurr 2 lurr maximal orbital angular momentum for URR
# Gamma emission
gammax 2 gammax number of l-values for gamma multipolarity
strength 9 strength model for E1 gamma-ray strength function
strengthM1 3 strengthM1 model for M1 gamma-ray strength function
electronconv y flagelectron flag for application of electron conversion coefficient
racap y flagracap flag for radiative capture model
ldmodelracap 1 ldmodelracap level density model for direct radiative capture
upbend y flagupbend flag for low-energy upbend of photon strength function
psfglobal n flagpsfglobal flag for global photon strength functions only
# Pre-equilibrium
preequilibrium n flagpreeq flag for pre-equilibrium calculation
preeqmode 2 preeqmode designator for pre-equilibrium model
multipreeq n flagmulpre flag for multiple pre-equilibrium calculation
mpreeqmode 2 mpreeqmode designator for multiple pre-equilibrium model
breakupmodel 1 breakupmodel model for break-up reaction: 1. Kalbach 2. Avrigeanu
phmodel 1 phmodel particle-hole state density model
pairmodel 2 pairmodel designator for pre-equilibrium pairing model
preeqspin 1 pespinmodel model for pre-equilibrium spin distribution
giantresonance y flaggiant flag for collective contribution from giant resonances
preeqsurface y flagsurface flag for surface effects in exciton model
preeqcomplex y flagpecomp flag for Kalbach complex particle emission model
twocomponent y flag2comp flag for two-component pre-equilibrium model
ecisdwba y flagecisdwba flag for new ECIS calculation for DWBA for MSD
onestep n flagonestep flag for continuum one-step direct only
# Level densities
ldmodel 1 ldmodelall level density model
ldmodelCN 1 ldmodelCN level density model for compound nucleus
shellmodel 1 shellmodel model for shell correction energies
kvibmodel 2 kvibmodel model for vibrational enhancement
spincutmodel 1 spincutmodel model for spin cutoff factor for ground state
asys n flagasys flag for all level density parameters a from systematics
parity n flagparity flag for non-equal parity distribution
colenhance n flagcolall flag for collective enhancement of level density for all nuclides
ctmglobal n flagctmglob flag for global CTM model (no discrete level info)
gshell n flaggshell flag for energy dependence of single particle level density parameter g
colldamp n flagcolldamp flag for damping of collective effects in effective level density
# Fission
fission n flagfission flag for fission
fismodel 3 fismodel fission model
fismodelalt 3 fismodelalt alternative fission model for default barriers
hbstate y flaghbstate flag for head band states in fission
class2 y flagclass2 flag for class2 states in fission
fispartdamp n flagfispartdamp flag for fission partial damping
massdis n flagmassdis flag for calculation of fission fragment mass yields
ffevaporation y flagffevap flag for calculation of particle evaporation from fission fragment mass yields
fisfeed n flagfisfeed flag for output of fission per excitation bin
fymodel 2 fymodel fission yield model, 1: Brosa 2: GEF
ffmodel 1 ffmodel fission fragment model, 1: GEF 2: HF3D (Okumura) 3: SPY
pfnsmodel 1 pfnsmodel PFNS model, 1: Iwamoto 2: from FF decay
ffspin n flagffspin flag to use spin distribution in initial FF population
# Output
outmain y flagmain flag for main output
outbasic y flagbasic flag for output of basic information and results
outpopulation y flagpop flag for output of population
outcheck y flagcheck flag for output of numerical checks
outlevels y flaglevels flag for output of discrete level information
outdensity y flagdensity flag for output of level densities
outomp y flagoutomp flag for output of optical model parameters
outkd n flagoutkd flag for output of KD03 OMP parameters
outdirect y flagdirect flag for output of direct reaction results
outinverse y flaginverse flag for output of transmission coefficients and inverse reaction cross sections
outdecay n flagdecay flag for output of decay of each population bin
outtransenergy y flagtransen flag for output of transmission coefficients per energy
outecis n flagoutecis flag for output of ECIS results
outgamma y flaggamma flag for output of gamma-ray information
outpreequilibrium n flagpeout flag for output of pre-equilibrium results
outfission n flagfisout flag for output of fission information
outdiscrete y flagdisc flag for output of discrete state cross sections
outspectra n flagspec flag for output of double-differential cross sections
outbinspectra n flagbinspec flag for output of emission spectrum per excitation bin
resonance y flagres flag for output of low energy resonance cross sections
group n flaggroup flag for output of low energy groupwise cross sections
addiscrete y flagadd flag for addition of discrete states to spectra
addelastic y flagaddel flag for addition of elastic peak to spectra
outangle n flagang flag for output of angular distributions
outlegendre n flaglegendre flag for output of Legendre coefficients
ddxmode 0 ddxmode mode for double-differential cross sections
outdwba n flagoutdwba flag for output of DWBA cross sections for MSD
outgamdis n flaggamdis flag for output of discrete gamma-ray intensities
outexcitation n flagexc flag for output of excitation functions
components n flagcompo flag for output of cross section components
endf n flagendf flag for information for ENDF-6 file
endfdetail y flagendfdet flag for detailed ENDF-6 information per channel
sacs n flagsacs flag for statistical analysis of cross sections
partable n flagpartable flag for output of model parameters on separate file
block n flagblock flag to block spectra, angle and gamma files
########## BASIC REACTION PARAMETERS ##########
Projectile : neutron Mass in a.m.u. : 1.008665
Target : 42Ca Mass in a.m.u. : 41.958618
Included channels:
73 incident energies (LAB):
... 39897 more lines ...