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Message ID: 55     Entry time: Wed Nov 8 11:47:44 2023
Author: AR 
Subject: Zn68 TTOFSort codes 
Attachment 1: Process_Au_31-10.C  4 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full

#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>

#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"

using namespace std;

Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}

Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}

int Zn68(){

	Char_t prefix[] = "root://";

	Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

	//Int_t runlist_ZnP[]={108570, 108569, 108568, 108567, 108566, 108565, 108560, 108558, -1};

	//Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108354,\
				108570, 108569, 108568, 108567,108566, 108565, 108560, 108558,-1};

	Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};

	Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1}; // isue with 108341? remove?

	TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
	 a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch

	a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");   // use instead of variable amp
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");

	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4 && detn!=5 && detn!=6");

		a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
		a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING

		 a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");

		 a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0);    // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
		 a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns

	a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfau1, wfau2, wfau3, wfau4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s

	a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
	a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_single.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Au_single.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_sum.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Au_sum.root", "E", "UPDATE");

	return 0;
Attachment 2: Process_Au_dedicated_31-10.C  5 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: Process_Au_parasitic_31-10.C  5 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full

#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>

#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"

using namespace std;

Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}

Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}

int Zn68(){

	Char_t prefix[] = "root://";

	Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

	//Int_t runlist_ZnP[]={108570, 108569, 108568, 108567, 108566, 108565, 108560, 108558, -1};

	//Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108354,\
				108570, 108569, 108568, 108567,108566, 108565, 108560, 108558,-1};

	Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};

	Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};

	TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
	 a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch

	a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");   // use instead of variable amp
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");

	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4 && detn!=5 && detn!=6");
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");

		a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
		a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING

		 a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");

		 a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0);    // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
		 a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns

	a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfau1, wfau2, wfau3, wfau4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s

	a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
	a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_single_parasitic.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_sum_parasitic.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");

	return 0;
Attachment 4: Process_Zn_inc_prob_dedicated.C  4 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: Process_Zn_inc_prob_parasitic.C  4 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full

#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>

#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"

using namespace std;

Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}

Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}

int Zn68(){

	Char_t prefix[] = "root://";

	Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

	Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108355,108357,108359,108360,108361,108362,\

	Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};

	//Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108342,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};

	TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
	 a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch

	a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 6);
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");   // use instead of variable amp
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");

	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");

		a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
		a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING

		 a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");

		 a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0);    // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
		 a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns

	a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfzn1, wfzn2, wfzn3, wfzn4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s

	a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
	a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_parasitic.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_parasitic.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");

	return 0;
Attachment 6: Process_Zn_inc_prob.C  4 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full

#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>

#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"

using namespace std;

Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}

Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0

Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}

int Zn68(){

	Char_t prefix[] = "root://";

	Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

	Int_t runlist_Zn[]{108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108355,108357,108359,108360,108361,108362,\

	Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};

	//Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108342,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};

	TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
	 a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch

	a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 6);
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");   // use instead of variable amp
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");

	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");

		a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
		a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000);        // CLW: CHANGED BINNING

		 a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");

		 a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0);    // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
		 a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns

	a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfzn1, wfzn2, wfzn3, wfzn4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s

	a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
	a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL.root", "E", "UPDATE");

	return 0;
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown