ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Text |
Wed Oct 18 12:14:09 2023 |
Emma Walker | Processing file for EAR-1 with WF applied, Si-30 | Weighting function for Si-30, Au22, Au20
and Sinatgood applied for parasitic and dedicated
beams. |
Wed Aug 30 12:08:45 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | Processing files | Here are the Processing files for EAR1
and EAR2 with calibrations. |
Tue Aug 29 10:32:35 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR1 Parasitic vs Dedicated runs | Below are the histograms of parasitic vs
dedicated runs for EAR1. Also included are
histograms with ambient background removed |
6x |
Mon Aug 28 14:07:23 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 Experiment vs Simulated Amplitude Spectrums | Attatched are the overlayed compton edges
for the calibrated experimental and the GEANT4
simulations. Note p1 and p2 denotes the lower |
28x |
Mon Aug 28 12:21:09 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 STED Calibration Parameters | Calibration parameters for each STED detector:
With function f=p0+p1*x+p2*x*x
8x |
Fri Aug 4 10:45:05 2023 |
Annie | Zn Plots: Normalised Spectra, Ratio Plots, Integral/Protons vs Cut (all dets) | All plots in the ratios all look pretty
contstant. Zn1 for all detectors seems to
have some strange spike in the integral, |
27x |
Mon Jul 31 12:00:02 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | EAR2 Silicon Samples | |
Fri Jul 28 12:19:10 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 consistency checks, PKUP BCT SILI and normalised counts | The EAR2 ratios of BCT/PKUP, BCT/SILI
and PKUP/SILI plotted for each run for samples
Si, Sinat, Au20, Au22 and Dummy. |
10x |
Fri Jul 28 12:07:33 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 C6D6 timeshift issues | There seems to be issues with the EAR2
C6D6 T histograms. For Au the earlier run
seems to be shifted for detector 2 compared |
Mon Jul 24 10:32:39 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | Consistency Checks BCT PKUP SILI | The EAR1 ratios of BCT/PKUP, BCT/SILI and
PKUP/SILI plotted for each run for samples
Si, Sinat goodfellow, Au20, Au22, Empty and |
6x |
Fri Jul 21 10:45:22 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | Consistency Checks BCT PKUP comparrisons | The ratios for BCT/PKUP for Si, Au20, Au22,
Dummy, Empty and Sinat goodfellow have been
plotted. Also included is the normalised |
12x |
Mon Jul 17 14:49:16 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Mounted Si-nat Sample | Goodfellow Si-nat mounted at EAR1. First
run: 116551 |
Mon Jul 17 12:30:28 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Si-nat Goodfellow Sample Properties | Goodfellow sample has been deposited on
a single Mylar foil and glue is drying.
mass = 2.932 g |
Mon Jul 17 11:30:54 2023 |
Claudia | Properties Silicon powder samples | 30Si
Mass: 0.9925(1) g; Diameter:
22.22(1) mm; Thickness: 1.77(4) |
Mon Jul 17 10:06:35 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | State of the Union: Campaign Update 17.07.2023 | EAR1: Si-nat sample fell off the holder
during maintenance (before run 116544), appears
intact and undamaged. Placed it back in-beam |
Sat Jul 15 07:33:32 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | 30Si EAR2 | 8 sTED + 2 C6D6
C6D6: distance = 14 cm, angle =
135 degrees |
6x |
Thu Jul 13 14:19:37 2023 |
Claudia | dead time 30Si run | Default TTOFSort dead time setting of 30
ns is ok. |
Thu Jul 13 12:27:44 2023 |
Michael Donnachie, CLW | Calibration Parameters | Calibration parameters for each detector:
y-intercept |
24x |
Thu Jun 29 09:21:13 2023 |
Annie | Info on Samples | Both Au samples (20mm and 22mm) are single
Both Si30 (22mm) and natSi (20mm) are |
Thu Jun 22 10:37:39 2023 |
Annie | Gold 22mm Sample Images | New 22mm sample compared to old 20mm sample
used at the beginning of the campaign
+ picture of dummy target in the setup. |