The rootfiles countsB.root and countsLi.root contain histograms of count spectra that would be expected at n_TOF for a 10B and a 6Li target, respectively. The units in y are arbitrary. This can be used to check, if we can reproduce the expected trend with our Li and B measurements. So the histograms called "counts" can be directly compared to the histograms called "energy" in Sili_deed.c (they should have the same binning). You need to scale the histogram to get a decent overlap. You can use this also to estimate the neutron energy calibration - the thermal bump at low energy will give you a good idea of the flight path length. Structure at high energy will give you a better idea on the offset.
The files 6Li_endf.root and 10B_endf.root are the original cross section files, and countrate_calc.C is the file used to produce the count spectra.