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Message ID: 191     Entry time: Sat Apr 30 07:46:47 2016
Author: CG,PV,TD 
Subject: Saturday 30 April 2016 
MSL type BB18 serial # 2977-20 bias +100V I_L +12.45uA T=23 deg C
(biased by nnaida # 3 & 5 )

DSSSD - AIDA adaptor PCB cabling
4 off LH Coupler (Kapton PCB, 5cm), 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cable (62cm p+n, 53cm n+n),
RH coupler(Kapton PCB, 10cm)
 + 3M 1245 1.4mil copper foil screen ribbon cables (i.e. not RH & LH couplers)
 + drain wires -> gold-plated Lemo-00 test input connectors

to FEE64s in 4x FEE module crates

3M 1245-wrapped cables enclosed by polyethyelene bags (supplied to deliver 90cm Printech Kapton PCBs)
to ensure no electrical contact with snout, DSSSD mounting tubes, snout base etc

Snout drain wire to FEE module Cu block

nnaida 3 & 8 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C
nnaida 5 & 9 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C (LK1 fitted) 
ground links LK3 & LK7 *not* fitted to nnaida3, 5, 8, & 9 AIDA adaptor PCBs
LK1 fitted to nnaida5 ( cf. )

Heavy duty copper cable connects copper front end frames of FEE modules
Nitto 5011N conductive gasket between FEE module and front end frames
Standard ASIC settings
 nnaida 3 & 8 - negative input
 nnaida 5 & 9 - positive input
Pulser BNC PB-4 
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate c.100Hz
Delay min
Amplitude 50,000
Polarity -
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
+ polarity via EG&G Ortec 433A Sum & Invert Amplifier

Standard ASIC settings

Shaping time 8us
LEC/MEC Slow com 32 (dec)
        Fast com 32 (dec)
HEC Fast com 2(dec)

Attachments 1-4 ASIC #1 waveforms from each FEE64
            5-8 ASIC #2 spectra + 2.0.L pulser peak width 

Pulser peak widths (ch FWHM) versus shaping time ( spectrum 2.4.L )

tau nnaida3 nnaida5 nnaida8 nnaida9
 8   68      60      70      62
 4   83      49      88      48
 2  100      47     109      43
 1  172      60     165      42
0.5 380      86     309      48  

Note: n+n ohmic strips spectra > 100 ch FWHM display non-gaussian peaks/double peaking 

15.45 Attempted to increase detector bias from +100V to +150V
      Leakage current increased ~0.5uA/V for bias > 115V
      Detector bias supply trips (20uA) at +120V
      Remain at detector bias +100V

16.17 Switch polarity of detector bias from + to -
      Move LK1 from nnaida5 to nnaida3

tau nnaida3 nnaida5 nnaida8 nnaida9
 8   61      64      65      61

n+n ohmic strips ~10% improvement, p+n junction strips no significant change

16.30 Fit LK3/LK7 jumpers to connect adaptor PCB ground to detector PCB ground
tau nnaida3 nnaida5 nnaida8 nnaida9
 8   61      64      62      60

No significant change to cf. previous test

18.30 Install second DSSSD

Upstream   3058-6  bias +100V I_L 4.15uA
Downstream 2977-20 bias +100V I_L 11.8uA
+ 207Bi source ~3cm upstream of 3058-6

Standard ASIC settings
shaping time 6us
slow comp 8(dec)
HEC fast comp 2(dec)
LEC/MEC fast comp 16(dec)

Pulser peak widths ~60 ch FWHM per previous tests today

Discriminator masks TBD

22.27 R2 to disk (directory /data20/TapeData/May2016)
      MERGE data links 2-9

Run data to disk overnight. Add two more DSSSDs tomorrow.

09.21 R2 stopped
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Attachment 9: 1.png  6.247 MB  Uploaded Sun May 1 02:27:39 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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Attachment 11: 3.png  465 kB  Uploaded Sun May 1 02:28:08 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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