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Message ID: 227     Entry time: Sat May 14 11:27:09 2016
Author: AE, VP 
Subject: [How To] DAQ correlation monitor (June16 campaign) 
The program for online monitoring the correlation of the DAQ systems (AIDA-EURICA-BigRIPS) through a common scaler is SyncCheck (J. 

The code runs in the d05 server, receiving data transferred to a DataSink from each of the individual DAQs. The data transfer is 
done with the DataRelayFilter code for AIDA (AE), and the euricatssender and ribftssender (Baba-san) codes for EURICA and RIBFdaq, 

The attached screenshots show how to setup these programs. Follow these steps:

1) Log in to d05 as user 'aida'. Start an instance of the DataSink code with option -i 3 (3 data stream, which will use ports 10305 
to 10307). The code is saved in /home/aida/DataPackage/DataSink/Linux64

2) In the d05 server start the following codes: euricatssender (in /home/aida/ribfts/euricatssender/ directory), and ribftssender 
(in /home/aida/ribfts/ribftssender/ directory). If you give the codes dummy command line option (e.g. -X) the value of transferred 
timestamps will be printed to screen as diagnostics.

3) In the AIDA computer (aidas1), start the DataRelayFilter program (will work from any directory). As command line arguments 
provide the IP address of d05, and the TCP port and id of the data stream for the DataSink program: DataRelayFilter -n -
p 10307 -I 2

Only the master FEE will produce correlation scalar items (?). The code has as default NNAIDA5 for the module where to search for the Corr Scaler
items; if this has to be changed use command line option -m X (where X is NNAIDAX number for new master FEE)

4) Back in the d05 server start the SyncCheck program, in the directory /home/aida/SyncCheck/. You can give as an argument the ID 
of the Master data stream for the synchronization check, through "-M ID" (should be done if one of the three data streams is down). 
For example "SynCheck -M 2" will use AIDA as the master timestamp.

5) Perform a manual correlation reset request to synchronize the value of the correlation scaler in all three DAQs. This is done with the 
button 'Force Correlation Reset' of the AIDA "Correlation Status & Control" webpage (attachment 2), which can be accessed from the MIDAS web-
based control of AIDA.

The SyncCheck code will display a few spectra for onine monitoring of DAQ correlation (attachment 3, shown only with AIDA and EURICA running). 
A peak will appear showing the offset in the correlation scaler between the different DAQs. The counts in the peak should increase 
continuously, and its position should not change. If it doesn't, try sending a Correlation Reset signal (step 5). If this does not fix the 
monitor, report a correlation error! 

Further information on the scheme for data synchronization is here:
Attachment 1: sync2.png  340 kB  Uploaded Sat May 14 17:59:15 2016  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: sync3.png  75 kB  Uploaded Sat May 14 17:59:44 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: sync5.png  388 kB  Uploaded Sat May 14 17:59:58 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: sync6.png  35 kB  Uploaded Sat May 14 18:00:09 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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