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Message ID: 278     Entry time: Sun Jun 5 17:09:49 2016
Author: CG, DK, AE 
Subject: Monday 6th June 

00.45 Run R1100 started on n-rich setting (EURICA run_1100, BigRIPS run 1165)

            Degraders as noted in previous entry

           Check clock status failed for nnaida5. ADC calib failed for nnaida8. nnaida19 failed Check ASIC clock and Check SYNC errors.

           Temps ok. Leakage currents ok.

            Settings file 2016Jun06-00.31.34

            AIDA fluctuating but all > 0.

            Tape rate ~8Mb/s.

            Merge was outputting some interesting looking messages to terminal about queue being full and timestamps going backwards (attachment 3).

            TapeServer window shows data being written as does repeated ls in /TapeData/NP1306. Writing one file every ~5-7min.


01.45 Merger went into 'Want next SYNC'

            AIDA SYNC rate went to zero and TapeService stopped writing data.

            Run stopped and FEEs power cycled as contact was lost with ~50%.

            Beam operators want to do some tuning so control has been given to them while we start back up.


02.22 Started run R1101 on n-rich setting (EURICA run_1101-1102, BigRIPS run 1168-1169)

            Increased fast disc threshold to 5 in all nnaida to prevent merger from running so fast and possibly choking.

            Stopped @ 04.20

            Realised after, nnaida24 had been on 1GeV range.


04.28 Started run R1102 on n-rich setting (EURICA run_1103, BigRIPS run 1170)

           Stopped as 04.37 nnaida24 in 1GeV range.


04.39 Started run R1103 on n-rich setting (EURICA run_1104, BigRIPS run 1170)

           Settings file 2016Jun06-04.39.22 -> same as previous settings but nnaida24 changed to 20MeV range.

           Stopped at 04.59 at request of beam operators.


05.11 Started run R1104 on n-rich setting (EURICA run_1105, BigRIPS run 1171)

            Merger died.

            Stopped @ 05.15.

            Ctrl-c out of all tape/merger related windows and restarted them. Setup/Configure etc.


05.34 Started run R1105 on n-rich setting ( EURICA run_1106, BigRIPS run 1172)

           Settings file 2016Jun06-05.34.56 -> nnaida24 reverted back to 1GeV range. New settings file to make sure nnaida24 is set to 1GeV range. Changed in Save/Restore options.

           Temps ok. Leakage currents ok.

           Rates in visual scalar ~10% higher.


07.22 Lost contact with nnaida4 and merger stopped outputting data.

            Stopped run R1105.

            Power cycle FEEs and start new run.

            On two power cycles, certain FEEs were not contactable.

            Beam stopped by operators for brief period.


08.14 Run 1106 started on n-rich setting (EURICA run_1108, BigRIPS run 1175)

            Settings file 2016Jun06-05.34.56

            Temps ok. Leakage currents ok.

             Stopped 09.06 for setting change.


09.41 Run 1107 started on reference mass setting (EURICA run_1200, BigRIPS run 1177)

            Settings file 2016Jun06-05.34.56


11:24 Network link to the outside world is dropped across B3F

             Beam is being controlled by the primary operators.

             Run 1108 - background run with beam off from 10:29 to 11:31 (EURCA run 1201, no BigRIPS run)

             (Was still editing the elog without submitting it.  Sorry!)

             Settings file was saved: 2016Jun06-10.45.31

             Leak currents from paper logbook in consecutive order bias1 ch0-3, bias2 ch0-1 in uA: 3.225, 4.155, 3.515, 3.315, 3.65, 3.205


12.45 start R1110 (AIDA) run_1103 (EURICA)

           Continuing reference mass measurement following earlier network outage B3F

           ASIC settings 2016Jun06-05.34.56


          see attachments 13-20


13.30 Stopped R1110 for B3F entry

           'unable to connect' to nnaida1 etc

           AIDA FEE64s reset OK but would not ReSync wuth about half of the FEE64s returning -1 status code

          power cycle FEE64s, reboot aidas1 & FEE64s

14.03 ASIC seetings DB key 2016Jun06-14.03.48

14.20 System-wide checks

            All FEE64s pass all tests *except*

                 nnaida21 ADC calibration

                 nnaida19 ASIC clock timestamp & SYNC errors not counting






Attachment 1: bias1_run1100-0506-0046.png  12 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: bias2_run1100-0506-0046.png  12 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: merge_output_R1100.png  179 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 18:14:02 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 4: merger_output2.png  76 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 18:34:55 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 5: bias1_R1101_0606-0228.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 23:11:45 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 6: bias2_R1101_0606-0228.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 23:11:58 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 7: bias1_R1102_0606-0430.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 23:12:11 2016  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 8: bias2_R1102_0606-0430.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 23:12:24 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 9: bias1_R1105_0606-0540.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 23:12:53 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 10: bias2_R1105_0606-0540.png  12 kB  Uploaded Sun Jun 5 23:13:05 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 11: bias1_R1107_0606-0953.png  12 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 02:54:30 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 12: bias2_R1107_0606-0954.png  12 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 02:54:42 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 13: 1.png  88 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:14:46 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 14: 2.png  91 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:14:59 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 15: 3.png  85 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:15:10 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 16: 4.png  91 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:15:27 2016  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 17: 5.png  12 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:15:39 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 18: 6.png  12 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:15:52 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 19: 7.png  579 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:16:09 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 20: 8.png  136 kB  Uploaded Mon Jun 6 06:16:27 2016  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
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