Message ID: 313
Entry time: Mon Jun 13 03:45:15 2016
Author: |
TD |
Subject: |
Monday 13 June 2016 |
10.20 AIDA62 found stalled - no SYNCs, no data transfer
All FEE64s pass all system-wide tests *except* nnaida3 & nnaida8 which fail ADC calibration
Data files indicate DAQ stopped c. 06.56
DAQ stop and file closed
10.30 Detector bias & leakage currents, trigger rates and FEE64 temperatures - see attcahments 1-4
Julabo FL11006 set point +17 deg C (B2F/F11 ambient temperature +25.3 deg C, d.p. +11.6 deg C, RH 42.7%)
10.48 AIDA63
Pulser walkthrough
BNC PB4 settings
Amplitudes 10,000-90,000 @ 10,000 step
x5 attenuator IN
Frequency 250Hz range
t_r 50ns tau_d 50us
- polarity (+ polarity via EG&G Ortec 433A Sum & Invert Amp)
INT ref, tail pulse, MIN delay
ASIC settings 2016Jun12-09.09.37
See attachment 5 showing 9x pulser peaks, noise/beta/background and low amplitude pulser-related peak
Spectra saved to /MIDAS/SpecData c. 11.00 13 June 2016
Note directory names are derived from internal FEE64 date/time settings which be wrong or unset
All spectra cleared
11.06 AIDA64
Per AIDA63 *except*
BNC PB-4 amplitudes
10,000-2,000 @ 2,000 step
Spectra saved to /MIDAS/SpecData c. 11.13 13 June 2016
Note that not all pulse peak amplitudes will be above the slow comparator threshold
Attachments 6-10 hit/stat spectra and example energy spectra
EURICA standalone gamma energy and efficiency measurements using 152Eu and 133Ba.
The gamma-ray sources were placed immediately upstream of DSSSD#1 inside the AIDA
16.00 Obtained 'unable to connect' to nnaida1 through multiple power cycles/reboots and restarts
of MERGE unable to clear problem. Finally reosrted to a reboot of aidas1 which did 'fix' the
Brief test run to check DAQ/merger/TapeServer - OK
16.06 AIDA66 (AIDA) 1 (EURICA)
~11kBq (current activity) 60Co source immediately upstream of DSSSD#1 inside the AIDA snout.
ASIC settings 2016Jun12-09.09.37
FADC disabled
BNC PB-4 pulser
Amplitude 90,000
Frequency 25Hz range (probably ~1-few Hz)
Attachments 11-12 Detector biases & leakage currents -OK
16.37 Attachment 13 - SyncCheck plots
16.50 FR adds ~40kBq 60Co source on top of the AIDA snout immediately above the DSSSDs
DAQ continues
aidas1> ~/td/GREAT/analyser2 AIDA66_17
*** GREAT format 3.2.0 analyser - TD - May 2014
*** SYNC100: block: 1 ptr: 5567 data: 0x82400595 module: 2 information type: 4 information field:
0x00000595 ts: 0x000000595DD400A0 OLD: ts: 0x07158F300DD4009D tag: 3 type: 0
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 15627 ptr: 14341 data: 0x97620008 module: 23 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00020008 ts: 0x005B300000A0 OLD: ts: 0x005B40000050 tag: 2 type: 6
*** ERROR: READ I/O error: 5002
blocks: 32000
ADC data format: 161285942 ( 973887.8 Hz)
Other data format: 99834058 ( 602824.8 Hz)
Sample trace data format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Other data format type: PAUSE: 118 ( 0.7 Hz)
RESUME: 118 ( 0.7 Hz)
SYNC100: 63176 ( 381.5 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 98983953 ( 597691.6 Hz)
MBS info: 786693 ( 4750.3 Hz)
Other info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
ADC data range bit set: 26988 ( 163.0 Hz)
Timewarps: ADC: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
PAUSE: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
RESUME: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
SYNC100: 1 ( 0.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 1 ( 0.0 Hz)
MBS info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Sample trace: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Timestamp elapsed time: 165.610 s
FEE module #: 1 elapsed dead time 0.378 s
FEE module #: 2 elapsed dead time 0.464 s
FEE module #: 3 elapsed dead time 0.002 s
FEE module #: 4 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 5 elapsed dead time 4.701 s
FEE module #: 6 elapsed dead time 0.228 s
FEE module #: 7 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 8 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 9 elapsed dead time 0.304 s
FEE module #: 10 elapsed dead time 0.154 s
FEE module #: 11 elapsed dead time 0.901 s
FEE module #: 12 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 13 elapsed dead time 0.203 s
FEE module #: 14 elapsed dead time 0.164 s
FEE module #: 15 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 16 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 17 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 18 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 19 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 20 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 21 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 22 elapsed dead time 0.346 s
FEE module #: 23 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 24 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 25 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 26 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 27 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 28 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 29 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 30 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 31 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 32 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
*** Program elapsed time: 123.023s ( 260.113 blocks/s, 16.257 Mb/s)
23.00 Found DAQ stalled - zero AIDA SYNCs from all FEE64s, and data trsabfer halted
Disk files indicate stall at c. 18.58 (AIDA66_58)
See attachments 14-19
All FEE64s pass all system-wide tests
Installed new versions of check.tcl/check.tml - see attachment 20
Collect All SYNC Error Counters for Baseline selected
23.15 Standard DAQ stop/go sequence restarts DAQ
No changes from AIDA66
[td@localhost 1E47-5D81]$ ~/GREAT/analyser2 AIDA67_7
*** GREAT format 3.2.0 analyser - TD - May 2014
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 1 ptr: 6123 data: 0x8B4028BF module: 11 information type: 4 information
field: 0x000028BF ts: 0x0000028BF38C00A0 OLD: ts: 0x0DAF8F30038C0093 tag: 2 type: 6
*** ERROR: READ I/O error: 5002
blocks: 32000
ADC data format: 162789406 ( 931310.8 Hz)
Other data format: 98330594 ( 562544.8 Hz)
Sample trace data format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Other data format type: PAUSE: 81 ( 0.5 Hz)
RESUME: 81 ( 0.5 Hz)
SYNC100: 66680 ( 381.5 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 97373010 ( 557066.5 Hz)
MBS info: 890742 ( 5095.9 Hz)
Other info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
ADC data range bit set: 40512 ( 231.8 Hz)
Timewarps: ADC: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
PAUSE: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
RESUME: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
SYNC100: 1 ( 0.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
MBS info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Sample trace: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Timestamp elapsed time: 174.796 s
FEE module #: 1 elapsed dead time 0.162 s
FEE module #: 2 elapsed dead time 0.232 s
FEE module #: 3 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 4 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 5 elapsed dead time 0.213 s
FEE module #: 6 elapsed dead time 0.273 s
FEE module #: 7 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 8 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 9 elapsed dead time 0.433 s
FEE module #: 10 elapsed dead time 0.123 s
FEE module #: 11 elapsed dead time 0.417 s
FEE module #: 12 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 13 elapsed dead time 0.127 s
FEE module #: 14 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 15 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 16 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 17 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 18 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 19 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 20 elapsed dead time 0.095 s
FEE module #: 21 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 22 elapsed dead time 0.030 s
FEE module #: 23 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 24 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 25 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 26 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 27 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 28 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 29 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 30 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 31 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 32 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
*** Program elapsed time: 338.012s ( 94.671 blocks/s, 5.917 Mb/s)
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6003 data: 0xC63781A0 module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1591
channel: 55 adc: 33184 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6005 data: 0xC2837F23 module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 643
channel: 3 adc: 32547 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6007 data: 0xC27E7DF9 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 638
channel: 62 adc: 32249 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6009 data: 0xC1BA7D10 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 442
channel: 58 adc: 32016 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6011 data: 0xC37A7DE7 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 890
channel: 58 adc: 32231 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6013 data: 0xC62C8141 module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1580
channel: 44 adc: 33089 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6015 data: 0x81641120 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00041120 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6017 data: 0x81640806 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040806 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6019 data: 0x8B622000 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00022000 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6021 data: 0x81621000 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00021000 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6023 data: 0x86640912 module: 6 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040912 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6025 data: 0x81640008 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040008 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6027 data: 0x86644009 module: 6 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00044009 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6029 data: 0x81622880 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00022880 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6031 data: 0x8B622000 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00022000 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6033 data: 0x81620510 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00020510 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6035 data: 0xC17774D5 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375
channel: 55 adc: 29909 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6037 data: 0xC31480E9 module: 12 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 788
channel: 20 adc: 33001 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6039 data: 0xC1BD7ED2 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 445
channel: 61 adc: 32466 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6041 data: 0xC3957E68 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 917
channel: 21 adc: 32360 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6043 data: 0xC25E7E3C module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 606
channel: 30 adc: 32316 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6045 data: 0xC2777F9B module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 631
channel: 55 adc: 32667 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6047 data: 0xC3627F99 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 866
channel: 34 adc: 32665 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6049 data: 0xC0C08485 module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192
channel: 0 adc: 33925 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6051 data: 0xC3B77E63 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951
channel: 55 adc: 32355 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6053 data: 0xC28A7F9E module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 650
channel: 10 adc: 32670 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6055 data: 0xC2B77ED9 module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 695
channel: 55 adc: 32473 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6057 data: 0xC2657E47 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 613
channel: 37 adc: 32327 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6059 data: 0xC5417EB7 module: 21 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1345
channel: 1 adc: 32439 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6061 data: 0xC5777ECD module: 21 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1399
channel: 55 adc: 32461 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6063 data: 0xC3777D25 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887
channel: 55 adc: 32037 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6065 data: 0xC2417E9B module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 577
channel: 1 adc: 32411 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6067 data: 0xC63782CB module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1591
channel: 55 adc: 33483 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6069 data: 0xC24A7F3D module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 586
channel: 10 adc: 32573 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6071 data: 0xC2DC8028 module: 11 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 732
channel: 28 adc: 32808 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6073 data: 0xC281801A module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 641
channel: 1 adc: 32794 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6075 data: 0xC1BA7E55 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 442
channel: 58 adc: 32341 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6077 data: 0xC1817EBA module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 385
channel: 1 adc: 32442 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6079 data: 0xC4B67EFE module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1206
channel: 54 adc: 32510 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6081 data: 0xC3BA7DF5 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 954
channel: 58 adc: 32245 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6083 data: 0xC0BD7E2A module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 189
channel: 61 adc: 32298 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6085 data: 0xC37A7D4F module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 890
channel: 58 adc: 32079 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6087 data: 0xC2837F32 module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 643
channel: 3 adc: 32562 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6089 data: 0xC17779E8 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375
channel: 55 adc: 31208 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6091 data: 0xC0407D64 module: 1 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 64
channel: 0 adc: 32100 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6093 data: 0xC27E7EBB module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 638
channel: 62 adc: 32443 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6095 data: 0xC1BD7EA1 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 445
channel: 61 adc: 32417 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6097 data: 0x8B648040 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00048040 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6099 data: 0x8B632000 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00032000 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6101 data: 0x8B640014 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040014 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6103 data: 0x8B622000 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00022000 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6105 data: 0x85640100 module: 5 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040100 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6107 data: 0xC2048185 module: 8 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 516
channel: 4 adc: 33157 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6109 data: 0xC3817CB5 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 897
channel: 1 adc: 31925 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6111 data: 0xC0B76DE1 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183
channel: 55 adc: 28129 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6113 data: 0xC5347FB5 module: 20 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1332
channel: 52 adc: 32693 ts: 0x************
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6115 data: 0xC2B87EFA module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 696
channel: 56 adc: 32506 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6117 data: 0x82640010 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040010 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6119 data: 0x82640008 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040008 ts: 0x************
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6121 data: 0x82640003 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040003 ts: 0x************
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 1 ptr: 6123 data: 0x8B4028BF module: 11 information type: 4 information
field: 0x000028BF ts: 0x0000028BF38C00A0 OLD:
ts: 0x0DAF8F30038C0093 tag: 2 type: 6
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 1 ptr: 6123 data: 0x8B4028BF module: 11 information type: 4 information
field: 0x000028BF ts: 0x028BF38C00A0
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6125 data: 0xC30B80FA module: 12 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 779
channel: 11 adc: 33018 ts: 0x028BF38C00BD
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6127 data: 0xC0817E77 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 129
channel: 1 adc: 32375 ts: 0x028BF38C00C2
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6129 data: 0xC277758A module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 631
channel: 55 adc: 30090 ts: 0x028BF38C00CA
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6131 data: 0x8B648000 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00048000 ts: 0x028BF38C01D1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6133 data: 0x8B640040 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040040 ts: 0x028BF38C01D2
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6135 data: 0x8B640004 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040004 ts: 0x028BF38C01D5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6137 data: 0x8B640010 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040010 ts: 0x028BF38C01D9
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6139 data: 0xC3B77874 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951
channel: 55 adc: 30836 ts: 0x028BF38C020A
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6141 data: 0xC0C0848E module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192
channel: 0 adc: 33934 ts: 0x028BF38C0281
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6143 data: 0xC63C8026 module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1596
channel: 60 adc: 32806 ts: 0x028BF38C02DC
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6145 data: 0x81641102 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00041102 ts: 0x028BF38C0395
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6147 data: 0x81640020 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040020 ts: 0x028BF38C0396
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6149 data: 0x8B620001 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00020001 ts: 0x028BF38C0397
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6151 data: 0xC2B77CE0 module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 695
channel: 55 adc: 31968 ts: 0x028BF38C03E1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6153 data: 0x8E640200 module: 14 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040200 ts: 0x028BF38C03E5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6155 data: 0x82640010 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040010 ts: 0x028BF38C046F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6157 data: 0x82640009 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040009 ts: 0x028BF38C0470
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6159 data: 0x82640002 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040002 ts: 0x028BF38C0473
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6161 data: 0xC3777F1E module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887
channel: 55 adc: 32542 ts: 0x028BF38C05F3
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6163 data: 0xC0BA7F03 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 186
channel: 58 adc: 32515 ts: 0x028BF38C063A
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6165 data: 0xC63781EA module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1591
channel: 55 adc: 33258 ts: 0x028BF38C06C4
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6167 data: 0xC25E7EC0 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 606
channel: 30 adc: 32448 ts: 0x028BF38C070A
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6169 data: 0xC310814C module: 12 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 784
channel: 16 adc: 33100 ts: 0x028BF38C07C5
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6171 data: 0xC2817FBE module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 641
channel: 1 adc: 32702 ts: 0x028BF38C07C9
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6173 data: 0x82640010 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040010 ts: 0x028BF38C0851
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6175 data: 0x82640008 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040008 ts: 0x028BF38C0854
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6177 data: 0xC1817E3E module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 385
channel: 1 adc: 32318 ts: 0x028BF38C095D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6179 data: 0x86631000 module: 6 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00031000 ts: 0x028BF38C0998
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6181 data: 0xC5807DFE module: 22 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1408
channel: 0 adc: 32254 ts: 0x028BF38C09BC
*** MBS information: block: 1 ptr: 6183 data: 0x8680FCC8 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:FCC8 ts: 0x028BF38C09F7
*** MBS information: block: 1 ptr: 6185 data: 0x8681680D module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:680D ts: 0x028BF38C09F7
*** MBS information: block: 1 ptr: 6187 data: 0x86820007 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0007 ts: 0x028BF38C09F7
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6189 data: 0xC0BD7F10 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 189
channel: 61 adc: 32528 ts: 0x028BF38C0A22
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6191 data: 0xC1777A9E module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375
channel: 55 adc: 31390 ts: 0x028BF38C0B47
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6193 data: 0xC3928023 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 914
channel: 18 adc: 32803 ts: 0x028BF38C0CFA
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6195 data: 0xC3427F14 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 834
channel: 2 adc: 32532 ts: 0x028BF38C0CFB
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6197 data: 0x85640100 module: 5 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040100 ts: 0x028BF38C0D7B
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6199 data: 0x85640028 module: 5 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040028 ts: 0x028BF38C0D7C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6201 data: 0x85640020 module: 5 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040020 ts: 0x028BF38C0D7F
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6203 data: 0xC5817E5C module: 22 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1409
channel: 1 adc: 32348 ts: 0x028BF38C0DA4
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6205 data: 0xC3817F2D module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 897
channel: 1 adc: 32557 ts: 0x028BF38C0DC2
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6207 data: 0xC0B76C9E module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183
channel: 55 adc: 27806 ts: 0x028BF38C0E0A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6209 data: 0x82648000 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00048000 ts: 0x028BF38C0F44
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6211 data: 0x82640010 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040010 ts: 0x028BF38C0F45
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6213 data: 0x82630008 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00030008 ts: 0x028BF38C0F46
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6215 data: 0x82640008 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040008 ts: 0x028BF38C0F46
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6217 data: 0xC0817E94 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 129
channel: 1 adc: 32404 ts: 0x028BF38C0F9A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6219 data: 0x82640010 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040010 ts: 0x028BF38C1018
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6221 data: 0xC61980E8 module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1561
channel: 25 adc: 33000 ts: 0x028BF38C1024
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6223 data: 0xC6248081 module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1572
channel: 36 adc: 32897 ts: 0x028BF38C1024
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6225 data: 0xC5398017 module: 20 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1337
channel: 57 adc: 32791 ts: 0x028BF38C103B
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6227 data: 0xC4727E47 module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1138
channel: 50 adc: 32327 ts: 0x028BF38C1089
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6229 data: 0xC20080B8 module: 8 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 512
channel: 0 adc: 32952 ts: 0x028BF38C10C1
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6231 data: 0xC0C08465 module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192
channel: 0 adc: 33893 ts: 0x028BF38C1159
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6233 data: 0xC2657E31 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 613
channel: 37 adc: 32305 ts: 0x028BF38C12C2
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6235 data: 0x82648010 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00048010 ts: 0x028BF38C12DF
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6237 data: 0x82640008 module: 2 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040008 ts: 0x028BF38C12E3
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6239 data: 0xC36C801D module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 876
channel: 44 adc: 32797 ts: 0x028BF38C14CB
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6241 data: 0x81641000 module: 1 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00041000 ts: 0x028BF38C153A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6243 data: 0x8B632000 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00032000 ts: 0x028BF38C153A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6245 data: 0x8B640040 module: 11 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00040040 ts: 0x028BF38C153A
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6247 data: 0xC5F7816D module: 23 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1527
channel: 55 adc: 33133 ts: 0x028BF38C154C
*** ADC data: block: 1 ptr: 6249 data: 0xC3BB7E35 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 955
channel: 59 adc: 32309 ts: 0x028BF38C1592
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 1 ptr: 6251 data: 0x97630080 module: 23 information type: 6 information
field: 0x00030080 ts: 0x028BF38C164D |