Message ID: 363
Entry time: Fri Sep 30 03:35:12 2016
Author: |
TD |
Subject: |
Friday 30 September |
11.37 Attempt to use external 50MHz clock for Master MACB (w/ 50MHz front panel label)
NIM 50MHz -> NIM-TTL translator -> Master MACB (rear panel)
Master MACB mode 0 -> 5
Fails to ReSync, clock errors etc - see attachments 1-5
Change NIM 50MHz -> 25MHz (to improve signal quality) and attempt ReSync (no power FEE64 power cycle) - no
14.30 Master MACB mode -> 0
NIM 25MHz -> Master MACB correlation clock input (front panel)
BNC PB_4 frequency c. 26Hz
Trigger output -> SCA -> LeCroy 429A -> Master MACB accepted trigger input
./analyser2 v /TapeData/Sept2016/R5_0 | grep MBS
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 7203 data: 0x86807CAB module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7CAB ts: 0x00000017AC2C4582
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 7205 data: 0x8681575E module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:575E ts: 0x00000017AC2C4582
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 7207 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000017AC2C4582
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 15767 data: 0x86800FA8 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:0FA8 ts: 0x00000017AC669176
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 15769 data: 0x8681576D module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:576D ts: 0x00000017AC669176
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 15771 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000017AC669176
0x576D0FA8 - 0x575E7CAB = 0xE92FD = 955133 * 40ns = 38205320ns = 38.2ms => 26Hz
0x00000017AC669176 - 0x00000017AC2C4582 = 0x3a4bf4 = 3820532 * 10ns = 38205320ns QED
15.45 Master MACB mode 0 -> 5
NIM 50MHz -> Phillips 726 NIM-TTL-NIM -> Master MACB external clock (rear panel)
Phillips 726 provides better quality TTL signal with c. 3ns rise/falltimes and 3.5V amplitude into 50 Ohm
cf. NIM-TTL-NIM module used previously
See http://www.phillipsscientific.com/pdf/726ds.pdf
System-wide checks OK *except* nnaida19 fails ASIC timestamp check (no change)
Start test run R6_0 to disk but no AIDA issue correlation triggers are recorded
Can manually issue correlation triggers and resets via Correlation Status & Control tab
Observe statistics count 3x for each trigger and reset - see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/362
aidas1> ./analyser2 v /TapeData/Sept2016/R6_0 | grep MBS
Test #1 - manual correlation trigger
*** MBS information: block: 9626 ptr: 9991 data: 0x86807774 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7774 ts: 0x00000077517D2816
*** MBS information: block: 9626 ptr: 9993 data: 0x86817213 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:7213 ts: 0x00000077517D2816
*** MBS information: block: 9626 ptr: 9995 data: 0x86820003 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0003 ts: 0x00000077517D2816
Test #2 - manual correlation trigger x2 separated by ~10s
*** MBS information: block: 16751 ptr: 10787 data: 0x86807285 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7285 ts: 0x000000833335145A
*** MBS information: block: 16751 ptr: 10789 data: 0x86816A81 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:6A81 ts: 0x000000833335145A
*** MBS information: block: 16751 ptr: 10791 data: 0x86820006 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0006 ts: 0x000000833335145A
*** MBS information: block: 16929 ptr: 8209 data: 0x86807BC5 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7BC5 ts: 0x000000837F39395A
*** MBS information: block: 16929 ptr: 8211 data: 0x86817D82 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:7D82 ts: 0x000000837F39395A
*** MBS information: block: 16929 ptr: 8213 data: 0x86820006 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0006 ts: 0x000000837F39395A
0x67D827BC5 − 0x66A817285 = 0x13010940 = 318835008 × 20ns = 6376700160ns = 6.4s
0x837F39395A - 0x833335145A = 0x4C042500 = 1275340032 * 10ns = 12753400320ns = 12.8s => correlation clock
frequency = 25MHz *not* 50MHz
Test #3 - manual correlation reset, followed by correlation trigger ~2s later
*** MBS information: block: 17065 ptr: 15987 data: 0x86804D22 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:4D22 ts: 0x00000083B96F05A6
*** MBS information: block: 17065 ptr: 15989 data: 0x86810344 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:0344 ts: 0x00000083B96F05A6
*** MBS information: block: 17065 ptr: 15991 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000083B96F05A6
0x3444d22 = 54807842 * 40ns = 2192313680ns = 2.2s
Correlation trigger input OK, pulse width 500ns
External clock is 50MHz
MACB master mode 6
So ... correlation clock frequency is 25MHz and Correlation DAQ Accepted Trigger not working
18.30 Per PCS request
Master MACB clock output 25Mhz
reset output not observed at DAQ GO as expected |