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  ID Date Author Subject
  487   Sun Nov 27 19:33:00 2016 Liu, PV, AEF11 degrader setting (night Nov27-Nov28)
Analysis of files for two more settings of F11 degrader to optimize implantation of 40Mg.

+ setting 1: from Nov 27th, 22:16
    Fixed degrader: 3 mm Pb + 1 mm Al, Variable degrader: 1.3 mm W + 2 mm Al
    AIDA run: R26_0 to R26_38
    BigRIPS run: 40Mg1037 (partial) to 40Mg1040
    see attachments: run1038_imp*png

+ setting 2: from Nov 28th, 1:38.
    Entered F11 during stripper foil change and removed 1mm Al fixed degrader (same as during Nov 26th - ~ run
    Fixed degrader: 3 mm Pb, Variable degrader: 1.3 mm W + 2 mm Al
    AIDA run: R26_39 to ...
    BigRIPS run: from 40Mg1041 to ...
    see attachments: run104x_imp*png (2 hours of data: run 1041 and 1042)

Setting 2 moved implantation depth one or two strips upstream (1.2 according to calculations). 40Mg seems to be
implanted about the third strip; a conclusion with LOW STATISTICS, but consistent with the trend of how the
implantation position depends on neutron number for the higher-count isotopes. 

Setting 2 seems to be our best option (at least without going into F11 and reconfiguring degraders). We will
continue accumulating data with it.

Attachments: the 1D plot shows the ion implant position (DSSD) gated for all ions and for Al and Mg gates in the
PID. The 2D plots show the PID with gates on implants in different DSSDs.

Range calculation for degrader's configuration:
Attachment 1: run1038_imp_profile.png
Attachment 2: run1038_imp_pid.png
Attachment 3: run104x_imp_profile.png
Attachment 4: run104x_imp_pid.png
  486   Sun Nov 27 16:29:51 2016 CG, AE, DKMonday 28 November
01.28 Beam stopped temporarily.
      ~750MB into R26_38.
      Bias and leakage currents ok, as are FEE temps (attachments 1-3).
      Removed 1mm fixed Al degrader from in front of PE wall.
         > Now have 3mm PB downstream of 2nd MUSIC + 1.3mm W and 2mm Al.

01.35 Beam returned.
      ~1/2 way through R26_39.

06.27 LN2 fill.
      Run R26 stopped successfully @ R26_97.

07.41 After a couple of failed attempts, R27 successfully started.

07.44 Resync pulse sent from BRIKEN as nothing is seen on sync monitor.

07.58 Bias and leakage currents ok (attachments 4+5).

09.00 Beam stopped for stripper foil change.
      1.4GB into R27_15.
      Will continue with R27.

9.13  Changed degraders and shields in F11
      Pb bricks between MUSIC 1 and MUSIC 2 were not changed, but we confirmed their positions and size of the
         Width of window is 7.5 cm, height of window is larger than the MUSIC windows, depth of Pb to beam is 10 cm
      New Pb bricks placed downstream of the variable degrader
         Width of window is ~12 cm, height of window is larger than the MUSIC windows, depth of Pb to beam is 20 cm
      3 mm Pb degrader was moved from the front of the PE wall to the front of the upstream Pb shield 
         (between MUSIC 1 and 2 as described above)

9.15 BigRIPS run 1049

AIDA runs R27_15 (end portion) and all of _16, and the start of R27_17 include beam-off time.

The start of R27_18 should coincide nearly with beam on.

10.00 System-wide checks OK *except* clock status errors from amongst nnaida5, 7, 8, 15 & 16 - bit 2 always set
      and ADC calibration fail for nnaida13

10.50 BigRIPS run 1050 begins

11.02 We checked the timestamping, and it looks like BRIKEN and AIDA are not synchronized.  So we will restart runs.

11.08 R28_00 at AIDA started

11.12 All syncs look good now.

11.16 BigRIPS data file 1051

12.08 Visual scalers - see attachment 6

12.12 SyncCheck OK - see attachment 7

12.22 BigRIPS data file 1052

14.19 Sync of AIDA shows two peaks with both BRIKEN and BigRIPS, so we stop the run.
      BigRIPS should be starting a new run soon, so we will wait for them to start the new run

14.31 New AIDA run R29_0; started directly after BigRIPS 1054 (14.29 start)

16.00 Offline analysis of R27_1 and R28_14 was done with MIDAS.  See their respective eLog entries
      The main difference between these runs is R27 has the 3 mm Pb closer to AIDA than R28
      The number of implants to AIDA seems about a factor 2 higher with the 3 mm Pb closer to AIDA
      During the next chance to enter F11, we should shift the 3 mm Pb closer to AIDA again, all other things being
equal (BRIKEN impact?!)

18.22 Stop the run (R29_47) in preparation for LN2 fill.

19.30 Ambient temperature +25.7 deg C, dp.p. +0.2 deg C, RH 18.4%
      DSSSD bias & leakage currents OK - see attachments 8 & 9

19.35 Beam is stopped to exchange strippers.  Main exp. team also enters the radiation area for ~20 min
      Remove the 3mm Pb degrader (it was on the upstream side of the Pb shield between MUSIC 1 and MUSIC 2)
      Add 8 mm Al to the front of the PE wall.  This should be an equivalent dE for 40Mg we calculated.

19.59 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R30)

20.05 SyncCheck OK

20.06 Beam back (R30_1)
      BigRIPS data file 1060
      Degrader ( 8mm Al ) fixed + ( 0.3mm W/1mm Al + 1.0mm W/1mm Al ) variable
Attachment 1: bias1.png
Attachment 2: bias2.png
Attachment 3: temps.png
Attachment 4: bias1.png
Attachment 5: bias2.png
Attachment 6: 1.png
Attachment 7: 39.png
Attachment 8: 10.png
Attachment 9: 11.png
Attachment 10: r27_1-307.png
Attachment 11: r27_1-2110.png
Attachment 12: r27_1-2120.png
  485   Sun Nov 27 12:53:04 2016 TDOffline analysis R24_3

S O R T    C O M P L E T E ..... Sun Nov 27 20:32:48 2016

 *** ENTRY finish

 *** data items:  261088000 ( 102453.05 Hz)
 *** ADC events:   37054863 (  14540.63 Hz)
 *** time warps:          0 (      0.00 Hz)
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:   5327829 old count:   5309834 dt:    306.37 s  LEC rate:  17389.94 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:   4754694 old count:   4738448 dt:    306.37 s  LEC rate:  15519.24 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:   3419847 old count:   3408339 dt:    306.37 s  LEC rate:  11162.32 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:   3012429 old count:   3002271 dt:    306.37 s  LEC rate:   9832.52 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:   1976094 old count:   1969554 dt:    306.37 s  LEC rate:   6449.94 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:   3682932 old count:   3670389 dt:    306.37 s  LEC rate:  12021.03 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:        37 old count:        37 dt:    306.37 s  HEC rate:      0.12 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:        49 old count:        48 dt:    306.37 s  HEC rate:      0.16 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:       174 old count:       172 dt:    306.37 s  HEC rate:      0.57 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:       228 old count:       226 dt:    306.37 s  HEC rate:      0.74 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:       210 old count:       209 dt:    306.37 s  HEC rate:      0.69 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:       125 old count:       125 dt:    306.37 s  HEC rate:      0.41 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

S O R T    S T O P P E D ..... Sun Nov 27 20:34:06 2016
Attachment 1: 20.png
Attachment 2: 21.png
Attachment 3: 22.png
Attachment 4: 24.png
  484   Sun Nov 27 12:30:41 2016 AE, PVEnergy loss in Degraders and Implantation for runs 1028 and 1033

Implantation profile in AIDA

    BigRIPS file 1028 (Attachment run1028.png):  Degrader setting: 3 mm Pb(fix) + 0.8 mm W(variable) + 2 mm Al(variable)

    BigRIPS file 1033 (Attachment run1033.png):  Degrader setting: 3 mm Pb(fix) + 0.8 mm W(variable) + 2 mm Al(variable) + 1 mm Al(fix)

    BigRIPS file 1012 is in Degrader setting: 3 mm Pb(fix) + 1.3 mm W(variable) + 2 mm Al(variable)

    Observation: Some Mg isotopes (38, 40) is implanted in last DSSD or out the DSSD stacks. We may need to add more degrader!


Equivalent thickness of W, Pb and Al degraders

   The measured implantation profiles agree with LISE estiamtes for the equivalent change in implantation depth for W, Pb and Al. These were estimated with LISE by comparing change of range in Si for 1mm   degrader of each material (see attachments). Note that W produces a larger change in range than Pb (higher density; according to LISE database).

     1 mm Al: 1.15 mm in Si

     1 mm W: 5.40 mm in Si

     1 mm Pb: 3.05 mm in Si

The current configuration (run Mg401033) gives:

    3 mm Pb + 0.8 mm W + 3 mm Al  = 16.9 mm Si

Probably our best alternative (unless we can go in and rearrange fixed degraders) is:

   3 mm Pb + 1.3 mm W + 3 mm Al = 19.6 mm Si: move implantation depth 2.7 mm upstream

Here is a spreadsheet where you can play with the numbers and create test your own solution to the puzzle:

 !!! We did change degrader for the 3mmPb+1.3mmW+3mmAl setting at 22.16 (from AIDA run 26_0); see elog entry

Attachment 1: run1028.png
Attachment 2: run1033.png
Attachment 3: 0mm.JPG
Attachment 4: 1mmPb.JPG
Attachment 5: 1mmW.JPG
Attachment 6: 1mmAl.JPG
  483   Sun Nov 27 06:35:47 2016 TD, DK, AESunday 27 November - part 2
14.15 BigRIPS run number is now 1029

15.22 BigRIPS run number is now 1030

15.36 DSSSD bias & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3

      DAQ continues (RIBF03R1/R20)

      Degrader 3mm Pb fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 0.5mm W/1mm Al) variable
      ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10

      BNC PB-4 settings 
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      freq 25Hz range
      t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us
      polarity -, int ref, delay MIN, tail pulse

15.43 System-wide checks OK *except* clock status errors from amongst nnaida5, 7, 8, 15 & 16 - bit 2 always set

15.46 Visual scalers - see attachment 4

16.04 Accelerator group wants to change the carbon stripper foil -- beam stop
      Run stop (R20_27 at the end)

16.10 Ambient temperature +25.2 deg C, d.p. +2.6 deg C, RH 23.8%

16.17 BigRIPS run 1031 is junk

16:17 Added 1 mm Al plate to the front of the 3 mm Pb degrader (on the upstream side of PE wall)
      Pb bricks stacked between MUSIC1 and MUSIC2.  
        Not enough time to measure it because of quick foil change
        Basically, about 10 cm thick, and it has a ~7 cm +/- 1 mm window in X, and no cut in Y (it is above and
below MUSIC window)

16:19 Start AIDA run R21.  BRIKEN run started.  BRIKEN Sync issued.

16.22 BigRIPS run 1032

16.26 SyncCheck - see attachment 5

17:01 AIDA merger stopped.  When attempting to stop the Run, the following error is issued:

STATE for nnaida1 returned with an error
error: SOAP http transport timed out after 20000 ms
error: SOAP http transport timed out after 20000 ms
    while executing
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within

Going through hardware checks, the check sync errors since baseline gets 23/24 failures  (nnaida6 is still my friend)
      Perform TimeStamp RESYNC -> all can pass the check

17:17 AIDA looks happy now.  R22 started.  

18.16 System-wide checks OK *except* clock status errors from amongst nnaida5, 7, 8, 15 & 16 - bit 2 always set
      and ADC calibration fails nnaida13

18.27 DAQ stops OK
      Soft reset following LN2 refill cycle

18.33 BigRIPS 1034

18.56 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R23)

      Degrader (3mm Pb + 1mm Al) fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 0.5mm W/1mm Al) variable
      ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10

      BNC PB-4 settings 
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      freq 25Hz range
      t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us

19.02 BRIKEN issue correlation scaler reset request
      SyncCheck OK - see attachment 6

      Visual scaler, 1.8.L & 1.8.W spectra, good events stats - see attachments 7-12

1.8.L pulser peak widths

Peak width =    66.76+/-  0.7221
Peak width =   178.72+/-  2.5140
Peak width =    75.37+/-  0.9037
Peak width =    76.21+/-  0.6630
Peak width =    70.19+/-  0.6772
Peak width =    66.65+/-  0.8516
Peak width =    91.90+/-  0.8132
Peak width =    69.90+/-  1.169
Peak width =    73.73+/-  0.6390
Peak width =    73.01+/-  0.7860
Peak width =    81.35+/-  0.7306
Peak width =    84.03+/-  0.8589

Peak width =    77.27+/-  1.2263
Peak width =    78.92+/-  1.2343
Peak width =    76.99+/-  1.1963
Peak width =    68.85+/-  1.7060
Peak width =    82.37+/-  1.2500
Peak width =    84.83+/-  1.3169
Peak width =    90.84+/-  1.4190
Peak width =    89.81+/-  1.3821
Peak width =   100.33+/-  1.6409
Peak width =    89.42+/-  1.4682
Peak width =    97.52+/-  1.5855
Peak width =    64.02+/-  1.0206

19.19 DAQ stops 
      LN2 refill transient?

19.28 soft reset
      DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R24)

      Degrader (3mm Pb + 1mm Al) fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 0.5mm W/1mm Al) variable
      ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10

      BNC PB-4 settings 
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      freq 25Hz range
      t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us

19.34 BigRIPS file 1035

19.50 R24_3 AIDA ADC & disc data synchronised - see attachments 13 & 14

21:11 BRIKEN DAQ was not working properly from the last ~half hour (unrelated to AIDA), and had to be restarted and we
also had to send a couple of synchronization pulses.

      R25_0: Started new run once BRIKEN was running and all DAQs synchronized

21.41 BigRIPS file 1037

22.14 Stop DAQ to change degrader

22.16 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1/R26)

      Degrader (3mm Pb + 1mm Al) fixed + (0.3mm W/1mm Al + 1.0mm W/1mm Al) variable
      ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10

      BNC PB-4 settings 
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      freq 25Hz range
      t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us

22.36 BRIKEN DAQ restarted
      re-sync issued
      AIDA data file R26_3
      BRIKEN data file 039

22.42 BigRIPS file 1038
      AIDA data file R26_4
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 56.png
Attachment 6: 18.png
Attachment 7: 1.png
Attachment 8: 2.png
Attachment 9: 3.png
Attachment 10: 4.png
Attachment 11: 5.png
Attachment 12: 7.png
Attachment 13: 10.png
Attachment 14: 11.png
  482   Sun Nov 27 05:30:51 2016 TDOffline analysis of R12
Offline analysis of R12 LEC -> MEC setting

S O R T    C O M P L E T E ..... Sun Nov 27 14:37:35 2016

 *** ENTRY finish

 *** data items:   40373208 ( 243177.77 Hz)
 *** ADC events:     443923 (   2673.86 Hz)
 *** time warps:          0 (      0.00 Hz)
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:      4218 old count:      4215 dt:   2956.04 s  LEC rate:      1.43 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:      3660 old count:      3657 dt:   2956.04 s  LEC rate:      1.24 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:      4044 old count:      4041 dt:   2956.04 s  LEC rate:      1.37 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:      2796 old count:      2792 dt:   2956.04 s  LEC rate:      0.95 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:      1724 old count:      1722 dt:   2956.04 s  LEC rate:      0.58 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:       996 old count:       994 dt:   2956.04 s  LEC rate:      0.34 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:   2956.04 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:   2956.04 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:   2956.04 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:   2956.04 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:   2956.04 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:   2956.04 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

S O R T    S T O P P E D ..... Sun Nov 27 14:38:07 2016 

Note LEC E_p versus E_n spectra changed from (10keV/channel)

          CALL inc2d( 2020, INT( 0.07 * idata( i ) + 0.5 ),
     +                      INT( 0.07 * idata( j ) + 0.5 ) )

to (3.5MeV/channel)

          CALL inc2d( 2020, INT( 0.01 * idata( i ) + 0.5 ),
     +                      INT( 0.01 * idata( j ) + 0.5 ) )

We conclude that the high energy heavy-ions of interest are largely above the
HEC 200MeV (nominal) threshold.
Attachment 1: 103.png
Attachment 2: 104.png
Attachment 3: 120.png
Attachment 4: 121.png
  480   Sun Nov 27 03:25:20 2016 TD[How to] AIDA discriminator thresholds
The function and setting of the AIDA discriminators is as follows:

                  LEC (20MeV FSR)    MEC (1GeV FSR)    HEC (20GeV FSR)    Function

slow comparator   10keV/unit         500keV/unit       n/a                controls LEC/MEC ADC readout

fast comparator   100keV/unit        5MeV/unit         100MeV/unit        controls LEC/MEC disc readout
                                                                          controls HEC ADC readout

For example, a slow comparator setting of 0xa corresponds to a threshold of 100keV (LEC)
or 5MeV (MEC), and the default HEC fast comparator setting of 0x2 corresponds to 200MeV. 
  479   Sun Nov 27 02:46:54 2016 DKOffline analysis of R18_2

Run R18_2: 3 mm Pb, 0.5 mm W (+1 mm Al) and 0.3 mm W (+1 mm Al)


 *** data items:  261088000 ( 105923.42 Hz)
 *** ADC events:   34184359 (  13868.60 Hz)
 *** time warps:          0 (      0.00 Hz)
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:   5644505 old count:   5634720 dt:    289.12 s  LEC rate:  19523.08 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:   5319467 old count:   5310562 dt:    289.12 s  LEC rate:  18398.85 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:   2800065 old count:   2795460 dt:    289.12 s  LEC rate:   9684.80 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:   2458077 old count:   2454093 dt:    289.12 s  LEC rate:   8501.94 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:   1903393 old count:   1900323 dt:    289.12 s  LEC rate:   6583.41 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:   3534753 old count:   3528835 dt:    289.12 s  LEC rate:  12225.92 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:        19 old count:        19 dt:    289.12 s  HEC rate:      0.07 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:        17 old count:        17 dt:    289.12 s  HEC rate:      0.06 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:        89 old count:        89 dt:    289.12 s  HEC rate:      0.31 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:       195 old count:       195 dt:    289.12 s  HEC rate:      0.67 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:       290 old count:       289 dt:    289.12 s  HEC rate:      1.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:       266 old count:       265 dt:    289.12 s  HEC rate:      0.92 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

S O R T    S T O P P E D ..... Sun Nov 27 11:42:52 2016

Attachment 1: 307-312.png
Attachment 2: 2120-2125.png
Attachment 3: 2110-2115.png
  478   Sat Nov 26 20:26:06 2016 Liu, AEAnalysis of implantation profile in AIDA

Here we show the PID plot and implantation depth in AIDA from BigRIPS file 40Mg1012 (1 hr of data from 20:30 in Nov 26th), merged with AIDA files R10_8 to R10_29

The more neutron-rich isotopes have a shorter range in AIDA, and seem to be implanted towards the first layers of the stack. For 40Mg - most exciting case(?) - there is only one count at DSSD1. But comparing to the position of 38Mg, we could deduce that the implantation depth is already good. need more data analyzed to decide if we need to remove a bit of degrader.

Degrader settings: 3mm Pb (at BRIKEN PE shielding), variable of 1mm W (+1mmAl) + 0.3mmW (+1 mm Al)

Attachment 1: DSSD of detected implant for cuts in the PID.

Attachment 2: PID from F8 to F11.

BigRIPS trees produced with macro at gamma16@a04:exp/users/alfredo/macro/MakePIDTree.C (or MakeAllTree.C, depending on version of merger)

Merging code in: ur16@ribfana03:analysis/users/liujj/BRIKEN_161125Parasitic/

Attachment 1: imp.jpg
Attachment 2: pid_corr.png
  477   Sat Nov 26 17:14:47 2016 TDVisual scaler inputs
Visual scaler inputs

1 F11
2 upstream PL top
3 upstream PL bottom
4 Si top
5 Si bottom
7 F11 x (upstream PL top + upstream PL bottom)
8 F11 x AIDA PL
  476   Sat Nov 26 15:32:38 2016 TD, AE, CG, DKSunday 27 November
00.33 DSSSD bias & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3

00.34 DAQ continues (RIBF03R1/R10)

      ASIC settings 2016Nov17-10.50.10
      BNC PB-4 pulser
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      frequency 25Hz range
      t_r 50ns, tau_d 50us
      polarity -, tail pulse, delay MIN, INT ref

      good events - see attachment 4
      N.B. 5x FEE64s > 100k data items/s - intrinsic/extrinsic noise has changed cf. 0x FEE64s previously

00.50 SyncCheck - see attachment 5
      Two peaks for RIBF-AIDA, one peak for BRIKEN-AIDA => RIBF issue?

      Merge statistics - see attachments 6-11

00.56 All system-wide checks OK - except clock status - see attachment 12 
      Note - clock status fails show bit 2 set

01.02 Visual scaler - see attachment 13

03.00 Beam stopped temporarily.
      File R10_142 @ ~ 1.5Gb.
      Beam returned ~03.06. Near end of file R10_147.

05.57 Bias and leakage currents ok (attachments 14+15).

06.25 R10 (@R10_211) stopped in anticipation of LN2 fill.

07.11 Successfully restarted DAQ after LN2 fill.
      Started run R11.

07.18 Beam stopped to change stripper foil.
      End of R11_1.
      DAQ also stopped as I typed this.

07.53 Beam returned.
08.01 R12 started on 1GeV setting to look at suspicious data in high LEC/low HEC ranges.
      Will run this for ~30mins.      
      (NB: Threshold of 0x20 was not changed so...)

(DK arrives on shift)

08.21 Data size of R12 very small, but maybe to be expected as the low gain usually contains ~10k counts which
      is now suppressed? 
      Offline analysis show no implants, even in the low gain portion.  Strange!
      Redo this test again later today if possible

08.50 Stop R12
      Change the medium energy back to low energy

08.55 Start R13 with low and high energy modes
      The data stops writing to disk for some reason

09.05 Switch the degrader condition: was degraders 2 & 3, now degraders 1 & 2
      Liu and Alfredo had found one 40Mg event (it seems we have about 1 such event per hour)
      However, it was only implanted into DSSD #1, so we want to implant 40Mg deeper (N=1 statistics, woohoo)
      So now, 0.5 mm W (+1 mm Al) and 0.3 mm W (+1 mm Al)

09.14 Run takes a moment to begin (data transfer links on FEE 3 and 4 dropped out briefly).  R14 now.

09.39 Data writing stopped. We re-sequence the merger (toggle data transfer on all FEE64s), and start run R15.

09.43 R15 stops writing to disc. All system checks still passed, but not writing.
      Restart merger but lose contact with nnaida14.
09.50 Power cycle FEEs.

10.20 Start run R16 -- garbage
      nnaida13 refuses to calibrate ADCs
      Maybe miscommunication with BRIKEN team?
      When we restart, they need to reload parameters, and then they cannot see our sync (or we are actually not
sending it?)

10.25 Start run R17
      Still the time stamp from AIDA is not visible on the sync check?
      One of the Check ASIC Control tests returned something other than OK
          (sorry, we did not copy it)
          But trying it again (w/o other changes), then it returned the default OK values.
      BRIKEN is not synced with BigRIPS?  They don't know if it gets syncs from AIDA or not
      All AIDA sync checks appear as normal, however

10.36 BRIKEN and AIDA seem to now be synchronized (we did nothing on the AIDA side)
      It is unclear if we are sync'd with BigRIPS.
      Stop this run to get aligned with BRIKEN

10.41 Start R18.  Checks on ASICs and SYNC come back good.
      Degrader settings (not changed): 3 mm Pb,; 0.5 mm W (+1 mm Al); 0.3 mm W (+1 mm Al)
      F11 plastic rate 8 cps
      BigRIPS run 1026; started 10:27

(CG leaves shift)

(TD arrives)

12.28: BigRIPS run number 1028

12.58 Checking the synchronization, and it is not correct.
      R18_28: BRIKEN issues a new synchronization signal

13.25 Merger stops

      Merger error messages for Q 23 (nnaida24) - see attachment 16
      nnaida24 reboots c. 13:31 - see attachment 17

      Request DAQ STOP, restart Merger
      DAQ stops OK
      Request DAQ RESET & SETUP
      R19 started for AIDA, but we never get the full data links (junk)

13.54 nnaida15 did not show data transfer -> merger restarted
      Now R20_0, DAQs look good, BRIKEN issued resync
      BigRIPS run 1028 still

14.00 SyncCheck see attachment 18
      good events statistics - see attachment 19 - rates lower than observed yesterday, not clear why

Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: synccheck.png
Attachment 6: 10.png
Attachment 7: 11.png
Attachment 8: 12.png
Attachment 9: 13.png
Attachment 10: 14.png
Attachment 11: 15.png
Attachment 12: 6.png
Attachment 13: 7.png
Attachment 14: bias1.png
Attachment 15: bias2.png
Attachment 16: 100.png
Attachment 17: 101.png
Attachment 18: 33.png
Attachment 19: 102.png
  475   Sat Nov 26 12:18:25 2016 AESaturday 26 November, Part III
19:30 Power cycled of AIDA reuired after Ge filling

20:04 Started new run: R10_0
BRIKEN run: 20161126_2005
BigRIPS run: 40Mg1011
ASIC settings: 2016Nov17-10.50.10

3mm Pb (in opening of PE shielding wall)
variable= 2 and 3 IN; 1.3mm W + 2 mm Al (positions confirmed when entering F11 to move Pb degrader downstream)

Pulser widths (ch 8 of ASIC 1 - see attachments):

P-N strips:
Integration of /tmp/nnaida1_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 63.64+/- 1.4850, Peak area = 4675.00+/- 70.59

Integration of /tmp/nnaida2_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 189.85+/- 2.4288, Peak area = 4585.00+/- 67.71

Integration of /tmp/nnaida5_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 70.83+/- 1.5868, Peak area = 5889.00+/- 80.70

Integration of /tmp/nnaida6_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 83.75+/- 0.7634, Peak area = 6194.00+/- 78.70

Integration of /tmp/nnaida9_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 73.87+/- 0.6702, Peak area = 6206.00+/- 78.78

Integration of /tmp/nnaida10_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 79.73+/- 0.9011, Peak area = 6215.00+/- 78.84

Integration of /tmp/nnaida13_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 96.67+/- 0.8988, Peak area = 6166.00+/- 78.52

Integration of /tmp/nnaida14_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 71.27+/- 1.3208, Peak area = 5701.50+/- 80.27

Integration of /tmp/nnaida17_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 265.98+/- 2.8845, Peak area = 5625.00+/- 75.00

Integration of /tmp/nnaida18_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 188.75+/- 2.3814, Peak area = 5920.00+/- 76.94

Integration of /tmp/nnaida21_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 80.82+/- 0.9310, Peak area = 5925.00+/- 80.03

Integration of /tmp/nnaida22_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 79.79+/- 1.1019, Peak area = 5748.50+/- 80.41

N-N strips

Integration of /tmp/nnaida3_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 77.05+/- 0.6356, Peak area = 7049.00+/- 83.96

Integration of /tmp/nnaida4_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 80.16+/- 0.6881, Peak area = 7048.00+/- 83.95

Integration of /tmp/nnaida7_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 81.78+/- 0.7073, Peak area = 7046.00+/- 83.94

Integration of /tmp/nnaida8_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 81.94+/- 0.8639, Peak area = 6921.00+/- 84.69

Integration of /tmp/nnaida11_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 84.16+/- 0.7746, Peak area = 6924.00+/- 84.66

Integration of /tmp/nnaida12_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 90.02+/- 0.7720, Peak area = 7059.00+/- 84.02

Integration of /tmp/nnaida15_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 90.08+/- 0.9683, Peak area = 6707.00+/- 84.93

Integration of /tmp/nnaida16_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 98.99+/- 0.9699, Peak area = 6807.50+/- 84.25

Integration of /tmp/nnaida19_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 138.33+/- 1.2900, Peak area = 6747.00+/- 82.14

Integration of /tmp/nnaida20_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 111.96+/- 1.3730, Peak area = 6848.00+/- 84.99

Integration of /tmp/nnaida23_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 106.07+/- 0.9108, Peak area = 6955.00+/- 83.40

Integration of /tmp/nnaida24_1.8.L.msf title
Peak width = 63.04+/- 0.5770, Peak area = 6978.50+/- 84.64
Attachment 1: R10_10_pn_L_spectra.png
Attachment 2: R10_nn_L_spectra.png
Attachment 3: R10_all_rates.png
Attachment 4: R10_all_hitrate.png
Attachment 5: R10_pn_wform.png
Attachment 6: R10_nn_wform.png
  474   Sat Nov 26 09:17:42 2016 AE, TD, DKOffline analysis of R9_24
R9_24 3mm Pb + 0.3mm W (+1mm Al) + 1.0mm W (+1mm Al)


 *** data items:  261088000 (  99232.91 Hz)
 *** ADC events:   41690396 (  15845.46 Hz)
 *** time warps:          0 (      0.00 Hz)
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:   5823816 old count:   5806214 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:  16939.06 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:   5673289 old count:   5657311 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:  16501.24 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:   2708029 old count:   2701714 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:   7876.53 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:   2583742 old count:   2576481 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:   7515.03 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:   1480052 old count:   1475781 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:   4304.85 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:   3956442 old count:   3945032 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:  11507.64 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:       128 old count:       128 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.37 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:       115 old count:       115 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.33 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:        91 old count:        90 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.26 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:        41 old count:        40 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.12 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:        13 old count:        13 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.04 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:        12 old count:        12 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.03 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

S O R T    S T O P P E D ..... Sat Nov 26 17:34:41 2016

Attachment 1: rates_r9_24.png
Attachment 2: ee_r9_24.png
Attachment 3: xy_r9_24.png
  473   Sat Nov 26 07:45:48 2016 TD, DK, AEOffline analysis of R7_45
R7_45 3mm Pb + 0.5mm W (+1mm Al) only (at start of run) changing to 1.5mm W (+2mm Al)

S O R T    C O M P L E T E ..... Sat Nov 26 16:46:31 2016

 *** ENTRY finish

 *** data items:  261088000 (  98973.71 Hz)
 *** ADC events:   41690396 (  15804.07 Hz)
 *** time warps:          0 (      0.00 Hz)
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:   5823816 old count:   5806214 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:  16939.06 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:   5673289 old count:   5657311 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:  16501.24 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:   2708029 old count:   2701714 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:   7876.53 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:   2583742 old count:   2576481 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:   7515.03 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:   1480052 old count:   1475781 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:   4304.85 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:   3956442 old count:   3945032 dt:    343.81 s  LEC rate:  11507.64 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:       128 old count:       128 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.37 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:       115 old count:       115 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.33 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:        91 old count:        90 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.26 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:        41 old count:        40 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.12 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:        13 old count:        13 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.04 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:        12 old count:        12 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.03 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

S O R T    S T O P P E D ..... Sat Nov 26 16:47:58 2016

The MIDASsort routine implantdecay.f creates "D spectra of LEC (20MeV FSR) and HEC (20GeV FSR)
E_p versus E_n  events with dispersions of 10keV/channel and 10MeV/channel respectively.   
Attachment 1: 103.png
Attachment 2: 110.png
Attachment 3: 111.png
  472   Sat Nov 26 07:26:51 2016 TD[How to] Desktop application launchers for Httpd for Data Acquisition & Merge/TapeServer, Merger & TapeServer
   Type: Application in Terminal
   Name: Httpd for Data Acquisition
Command: /MIDAS@aidas/TclHttpd/Linux64/TclHttpd-server -port 8015
Comment: TapeServer

   Type: Application in Terminal
   Name: Httpd for Merge/TapeServer
Command: /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Linux64/TclHttpd-server -port 8115

   Type: Application in Terminal
   Name: Merger
Command: /MIDAS/Merger/AIDA/Startup
Comment: Merger

   Type: Application in Terminal
   Name: TapeServer
Command: /MIDAS/TapeServer/startup/AidaTapeServer
Comment: TapeServer

aidas1> ls -l /
total 230
dr-xr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Nov 23 03:44 bin
dr-xr-xr-x.   5 root root      1024 Feb 17  2015 boot
drwxr-xr-x.  10 root root      4096 Mar 23  2016 cgroup
drwxr-xr-x.  11 root root      4096 Jun 13 17:38 data10
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Apr 28  2015 data20
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Apr 28  2015 data30
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Apr 28  2015 data40
drwxr-xr-x.  21 root root      4560 Nov 26 05:22 dev
drwxr-xr-x. 140 root root     12288 Nov 26 05:25 etc
drwxr-xr-x.   5 root root      4096 Nov  1 17:41 home
drwxr-xr-x.   4 root root      4096 Jan  8  2014 homes
dr-xr-xr-x.  13 root root      4096 Jul 20 03:16 lib
dr-xr-xr-x.  11 root root     12288 Nov 23 03:44 lib64
drwx------.   2 root root     16384 Jan  7  2014 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x.   5 root root      4096 Nov 26 05:22 media
lrwxrwxrwx.   1 root root        12 Apr 22  2014 MIDAS -> /MIDAS@aidas
drwxrwxr-x.  29 npg  npgstaff  4096 Jun  9 11:32 MIDAS@aidas
drwxr-xr-x.  22 root root      4096 Dec 12  2015 MIDAS@aidas.121215
drwxr-xr-x.  29 root root      4096 Jun  8 02:35 MIDAS@aidas.240215
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root         0 Nov 26 05:22 misc
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Jul 21  2011 mnt
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root         0 Nov 26 05:22 net
drwxrwxrwx.   1 root root      4096 Nov 12 11:44 ntfs
drwxr-xr-x.   4 root root      4096 Feb 27  2014 opt
dr-xr-xr-x. 501 root root         0 Nov 26 05:20 proc
dr-xr-x---.  29 root root      4096 Nov 26 06:33 root
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root     12288 Nov 22 03:51 sbin
dr-xr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Feb 27  2014 scratch
drwxr-xr-x.   7 root root         0 Nov 26 05:20 selinux
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Jul 21  2011 srv
drwxr-xr-x   13 root root         0 Nov 26 05:20 sys
lrwxrwxrwx.   1 root root        16 May 24  2016 TapeData -> /data10/TapeData
drwxrwxrwt.  80 root root     86016 Nov 26 16:27 tmp
drwxr-xr-x.  13 root root      4096 Jan  7  2014 usr
drwxr-xr-x.  23 root root      4096 Jan  7  2014 var
dr-xr-xr-x.   2 root root      4096 Feb 27  2014 WWW
  471   Sat Nov 26 07:11:34 2016 TD, DK, AESaturday 26 November, Part II

16.11 The cyclotron and BigRIPS condition are now restored and we have good beam

     Count rate at F11 plastic is ~8 cps

     At F8, they are focued on 41Al (D5 Brho = 7.5235 Tm)

     At F11, they are focused on 40Mg (D8 Brho = 6.3208 Tm)

     Presently around Run R9_19

     3mm Pb is on the exit window of the first MUSIC at F11

     All variable degraders were out (that is not what we intended to have...see next note below)


16.35 The variable degraders were not in the positions we thought.  Now we make it as follows:

     Variable degraders 1.0 mm W (+1 mm Al) and 0.3 mm W (+1 mm Al)

     R9_24 just began


18:00 Beam stopped for stripper foil change

          Moved Pb degrader downstream, from window of MUSIC1 detector to hole of polyethylene shield in front of BRIKEN.


18:12 Stopped AIDA DAQ at run R9_43 (Ge filling will start soon)




  470   Sat Nov 26 06:57:36 2016 DK, TDOffline analysis of R7_37
R7_37 3mm Pb + from 0 to 1.8mm W (+ up to 3mm Al, 1mm per W layer - 0.3mm W, 0.5mm W & 1.0 W))

S O R T    C O M P L E T E ..... Sat Nov 26 15:53:38 2016

 *** ENTRY finish

 *** data items:  261088000 ( 109032.27 Hz)
 *** ADC events:   35610281 (  14871.12 Hz)
 *** time warps:          0 (      0.00 Hz)
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:   5687384 old count:   5685468 dt:    296.31 s  LEC rate:  19194.17 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:   5434012 old count:   5432199 dt:    296.31 s  LEC rate:  18339.08 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:   2817667 old count:   2816768 dt:    296.31 s  LEC rate:   9509.26 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:   2408578 old count:   2407807 dt:    296.31 s  LEC rate:   8128.63 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:   1752915 old count:   1752351 dt:    296.31 s  LEC rate:   5915.86 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:   3659110 old count:   3657789 dt:    296.31 s  LEC rate:  12349.01 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:        47 old count:        47 dt:    296.31 s  HEC rate:      0.16 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:        33 old count:        33 dt:    296.31 s  HEC rate:      0.11 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:        47 old count:        47 dt:    296.31 s  HEC rate:      0.16 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:        70 old count:        70 dt:    296.31 s  HEC rate:      0.24 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:        83 old count:        83 dt:    296.31 s  HEC rate:      0.28 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:        55 old count:        55 dt:    296.31 s  HEC rate:      0.19 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

S O R T    S T O P P E D ..... Sat Nov 26 15:
Attachment 1: 100.png
Attachment 2: 101.png
Attachment 3: 102.png
Attachment 4: K3MVQY.tmp
  469   Fri Nov 25 22:28:13 2016 TD[How to] Start MIDASsort
aidas1> setenv MIDASBASE /MIDAS@aidas.240215
aidas1> setenv PATH $MIDASBASE/bin_Linux64:$PATH
aidas1> MIDAS64-session
  468   Fri Nov 25 15:56:36 2016 CG, DKSaturday 26 November
00.55 Bias and leakage currents ok (attachments 1+2).
      Temps ok (attachment 3).

01.40 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1 - Run R1) 

      Pulser walkthrough

      BNC PB_4 amplituides 90,000 - 10,000 @ 10,000 step
      x5 attenuator IN
      frequency 250Hz range
      t_r 50ns tau_d 50us
      polarity -, tail pulse, delay MIN

01.55 Ambient temperature +24.8 deg C, d.p. -2.2 deg C, RH 16.6%

02.05 DAQ starts (RIBF03R1 - Run R2)
      Pulser walkthrough - same settings as above.

      BNC PB_4 amplitudes 14,000 - 2,000 @ 2,000 step

02.48 Run R3 started.
      Pulser off. Background run.

      15cm Pb wall removed

      6mm Pb degrader installed between MUSIC 1 & 2
      variable degrader 1mm, 0.5mm & 0.3mm W + 1mm Al attached to each W sheet.

04.14 Noticed R3 stopped

05.40 Difficulty starting DAQ
        'want first SYNC' from merger
        lost contact with nnaida19 - restarting merger
        TclHttpd server on nnrpi1 crashed - restarted remotely
        unable to power cycle - need to check fuses when next obtain access
        whilst waiting boot aidas1

        F11 rate c. 450Hz
        AIDA veto plastic c. 3200Hz

07.30 R7 started with beam.

07.38 Beam stopped.
     R7 continues.

08.12 Beam returned to F11.
      File R7_9

08.50 Beam stopped.
      Start of R7_17.
      Using implantdecay.f saw no HEC events in any DSSD. Removed 2mm of Pb degrader.
      We re-insert all the variable Al degraders (for now) for safety.  We can remove them again when the beam
comes back, as necessary.
      Secondary beam current expected to remain at ~50cps.
      Now no beam for ~1hr.

10.15 Beam comes back
      There was a minor delay to get the beam back from some accelerator issue (SRQ issue I am told)
      F11 plastic rate is about 10 cps, still I can see nothing in AIDA low gain
      Main exp. team confirms several 40Mg events within minutes, and makes jokes about old Nature paper with 10 days of
data to do that. 

10.25 Trying to find AIDA's implants, using MIDAS Sort in online mode
      Removed the variable degraders, one-by-one.  Still nothing? (this is now circa file R7_36)
      Is there a possibility that the "low gain" setting of the ASIC is too high energy for something like 40Mg?
      We try to check the implant rate with the AIDA veto plastic
      During this time, we moved degraders in and out, several times, watching the oscilloscope and visual scalers by
video link in F11

10.39  We check some scalers of the dE before AIDA (including F11 x plastic behind AIDA)
      We can see a reasonable effect as expected for these detector count rates
      The count rate never exceeds about 50 to 60 cps at maximum for dE
      I don't trust MIDAS Sort in online mode
          it is known to show factor 10 or less of the real rate, previously)
      Check the data file R7_37 -> may show 1 to 2 Hz
      We should decrease the low gain (heavy ion) threshold or dynamic range for the ASICs?
          But DK is not an expert of that, and doesn't want to cause AIDA to cease functionality...

11.03  Checking runs later than R7_37 (i.e. _38 to _42)
      Never see anything.  R7_37 must have been taken with some amount of degraders in
      We surmise that the ions are mostly punching through AIDA, owing to low Z.
11.05  We put in the 0.5 W + 1 mm Al degrader back, to see if we can get back the condition of _37...
      R7_44 after a short delay should have this condition.
      There can be 1 cps or something, though with small statistics it is hard to say...
         It seems to be definitely non-zero though, compared to some runs like _38 to _42

11.10  Add the 1.0 W + 1mm Al (with the 0.5 W and 1 mm Al) degrader
      R7_45 begins ~400 MB before this time.
      We can see some kinds of definite hit events **with low stats** (1 to 2 Hz in several detectors in some data blocks)

It seems to be, if all degraders are out, that the beam punches through AIDA, and dE is below the thresholds
      Of course, the count rate at F11 is only 10 cps, so we cannot conclude much with strong confidence...

11.17 Remove all variable degraders again (near halfway point of R7_46)
      We need a decent LISE++ file to get a clue of where these ions are stopping...!

11.42 Beam is stopped because one of the cyclotron RF systems is down.
      This occurs around the middle of file R7_50

12.40 Still waiting for beam.  I try a more definitive analysis of R7_45

Partial disk analysis of file R7_45:

First part of data look like this:
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:         4 old count:         2 dt:      1.06 s  HEC rate:      1.89 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:         1 old count:         0 dt:      1.06 s  HEC rate:      0.94 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:      1.06 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:      1.06 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:         0 old count:         0 dt:      1.06 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:        10 old count:        10 dt:      1.06 s  HEC rate:      0.00 Hz

Notice that we get 10 total counts in DSSD#6, and practically 0 in any other layer (2 in DSSD#1)

Now, as the analysis progresses, we do not increase the counts in DSSD#6, but we start to see events in other layers
 *** DSSSD # 1 count:       128 old count:       128 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.37 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 2 count:       115 old count:       115 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.33 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 3 count:        91 old count:        90 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.26 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 4 count:        41 old count:        40 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.12 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 5 count:        13 old count:        13 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.04 Hz
 *** DSSSD # 6 count:        12 old count:        12 dt:    343.81 s  HEC rate:      0.03 Hz

 *** ENTRY finish ends

Notice how only 12 counts in DSSD#6 (two new counts) but 128 counts in DSSD#1 (126 new counts).

We can conclude that with 3 mm Pb (fixed), and 0.5 mm W and 1.0 mm Al, some of the beam is stopping in DSSD #6, and mostly
punches through.
Then, when 1.0 mm W and 1.0 mm Al are added, we shift the implantation to the beginning of AIDA (or some in the air
before AIDA).
So, we should try the 1 mm W (+1 mm Al) and 0.3 mm W (+1 mm Al) once the beam returns.

13.34  Stop run 7.  
     Change the medium/low energy selection on ASIC control from 0x0 to 0x1 (from low to medium energy mode)
     (Already, the high energy setting is 0x2 and we cannot decrease it)
     Start run 8.  It looks okay, though of course now data rate becomes much smaller.

13.36 Beam is now on again.  F11 rate has decreased 1 order of magnitude (now it is 0 to 2 Hz)

14.00 As expected, data rate becomes quite low, as the low energy mode has typically many events (10kHz or so)
     But now we don't see anything in the high energy mode as before
     3 mm Pb remains in, and variable degraders are all out (mistake...we meant for some to be in)
     Strange!  But the beam at F11 does not seem to be the same rate as before the cyclotron issues...
     Realized that someone was checking the beam at an earlier focal plane and that F11 has no beam...
     (Post-dated note: forgot to hit "Start ASIC Readout" ---  duh oops.

14.12 Stop run 8.  Change the medium energy mode back to low energy mode of all ASICs.  Restart as run 9.
     But the merger data links don't alternate colors when I reload the merger screen.  Is it bad?
     Data rate is still very low, but that doesn't make much sense.
     Okay, now I start ASIC Readout!  Woohoo!
     But it seems some magnetic dipole of BigRIPS must have an improper setting, explaining the 1 cps rate at F11...

15.33 Bias and leakage currents OK (attachments 9 & 10).
      FEE64 temperatures OK (attachment 11).

15.40 SRIM 2013

      145MeV/u (5800MeV) 40Mg + 3mm Pb 
      sigma 0.55 deg
      ang X (str) 0.90 deg
      assume Pb - DSSSD distance c. 2m => 2000 x tan(0.55 deg) ~ 17mm rms
      consider reducing Pb - DSSSD distance 
Attachment 1: bias1.png
Attachment 2: bias2.png
Attachment 3: temps.png
Attachment 4: 100.png
Attachment 5: 101.png
Attachment 6: 103.png
Attachment 7: 104.png
Attachment 8: temps.png
Attachment 9: 200.png
Attachment 10: 201.png
Attachment 11: 202.png
  467   Fri Nov 25 07:33:44 2016 TDFriday 25 November
16.35 DSSSD bias & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      note - the significant increase observed yesterday appears to be plateau'ing
      FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3

17.10 Rate, HitRate, 1.8.L & 1.8.W spectra - see attachments 4-9
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 11.png
Attachment 5: 12.png
Attachment 6: 13.png
Attachment 7: 14.png
Attachment 8: 17.png
Attachment 9: 18.png
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown