Since 6:40 the target density dramatically dropped to 10^9 since then it has been unstable and did not recover. Currently it is around 8e8.
Target density has been increased to the high -10, very low -11 region. We will keep this run going unless the density is increased further.
Beam energy = 3 MeV.
Horizontal beam position = 4.0 mm, vertical beam position = 0.0 mm.
Target density ~ 1e9 at/cm2 (no target, get lost quite quckly)
Beam intensity at inj ~ 1.7e7
Detectors are positioned IN. Left arm = 36.54, right arm = 64.60 mm
Histograms and stats zero'd, monitoring code restarted.
Beam in the ring ~ 6 minutes.
Pressure in YR09 E target ~ 4.36e-11 mbar.
Merger OK, Tape server OK
ADC data item statistics looks as before. OK
FEE temperatures look OK
System checks OK
Leakage current stable
target density has been fluctuating between E9 to E12. We can very clearly see the increase in elastic counts on our detector during high density periods.
Attachment 1 - rate plots at 1E12 at/cm2
Attachment 2 - rate plots at 1E9 at/cm2
Merger OK, Tape server OK
ADC data item statistics looks as before. OK
FEE temperatures look OK
System checks OK
Leakage current stable
After reaching a density of > 10^12 a bit before 11:00, the valve got closed. When a valve is closed, can be observed a dramatic change in the plot and one of the three green ligths of atps7vaccrz1 (0,2,4) is turned off. Nikos opened it, and now it seems stable again around 1e11.
Merger OK, Tape server OK
ADC data item statistics looks as before. OK
FEE temperatures look OK
System checks OK
Leakage current stable
Run stopped as target density is rubbish. Might as well get beam background |