The energy is changed to 247.4 V.
Read back value is 246.849 V.
Right arm at 64.60 mm
Left arm IN at 36.54 mm
MBS working - hopefully
horizontal beam position 8.75 mm
vertical beam position -5mm
Beam intensity 3.0e+7 particles.
e-cooler export controls before/after energy change - attachments 1 & 2
New run is R65. Target temperature is 37.6 K.
Values of E1 is 820 Hz, 2.12A, 6.01e-2 mbar, 2.8e+11/cm2
Systen checks all OK
Target density stable at ~1.5e11 at/cm2
E1 = 6e-2 mbar, turbo is fine
13,38 CB reboots RHS CRYRING control computer (atppc017) - appears to be a now unavoidable system update/reboot
13.39 DSSSD bias & leakage current OK - attachment 3
FEE64 temps OK - attachment 4
ADC data item stats OK - attachment 5
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 6
Merger, TapeServer etc - attachments 7-8
data file R65_11
DSSSD bias & leakge current log - attachment 12
CARME DSSSD motion control - attachment 13
13.42 E1 turbo 820Hz 2.2A 5.2e-2mbar
Target 3.45e+11/cm2 T1 36.6K
Beam c. 3e+7
Stats OK. Temps OK.
Merger OK. Write to disk OK.