New run 75 - beam on target with definite target overlap [coasting]
Cooler voltage setpoint 247.2 V.
FC20 read value 246.65 V.
Right arm at 64.60 mm
Left arm IN at 36.54 mm
FakeMotion script running
horizontal beam position 1.0 mm (new beam target overlap)
vertical beam position -5mm
Beam intensity 8.5e+7 particles.
Target density ~6e11 at/cm2
Target temperature is 36.6 K. Values of E1 is 820 Hz, 2.6A, 1.4e-1 mbar
Beam intensity 8.5e+7 particles.
Target density ~4e11 at/cm2
Target temperature is 36.6 K. Values of E1 is 820 Hz, 2.6A, 1.68e-1 mbar
DSSSD bias & leakage current OK - attachment 1
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 2
ADC data item stats OK - attachment 3
Pressure on E1 has risen to 1.74e-1 mbar. Target density ~4.5e11 at/cm2.
Turbo is decreased to 818-819 Hz. We will increase temperature sligtly to see if this helps.
Increase in noise on top left DSSD. Correlates with spike in the source seen on lassie. Moved servo motor out then in. Problem resolved.
System checks OK
Tempature has been increase in small steps to 38.4 K. E1 appears to have stabalised at 1.71e-1 mbar. Turbo speed 818-819 Hz.
Target density ~5.5e11 at/cm2. We will wait to see how it evolves over time.
Increase in noise on top left DSSD. Correlates with spike in the source seen on lassie. Moved servo motor out then in. Problem resolved.
All checks OK
Tempature has been increase in small steps to 38.4 K. E1 1.81e-1 mbar. Turbo speed 818-819 Hz.
System checks OK
Run stopped |