Ion pump, RGA and additional gauge installed on the chamber.
Our gauge is the one mounted above the NEG feedthrough, Michael's gauge is mounted below the feedthrough. Ion pump too large to install on the top of the vessel, sufficient room on flange immediately next to this top flange.
Baking frame assembled around chamber, all required components fit within the baking volume. Insulation on baking tray and heaters set up and connected to pi controller.
Pumpdown begun at 16:30. Turbopump on at 16:40. Unable to reach the required pressure for the hot cathod gauge before leaving the lab ~18:10. Suggests possible leak, pressure and leak check tomorrow morning.
MACOR strain relief and plastic strain relief tested in edinburgh compared (see image). MACRO hole size is 2x bigger than the test piece, suggests mix up between radius and diameter for MACOR strain reliefs.