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Message ID: 20     Entry time: Sun Feb 25 15:59:38 2018
Author: Thomas Chillery, Lizeth Morales, Raffaele Buompane, David Rapagnani, Lucio Gialanella 
Subject: Measurement - 3.45MeV 7Li on CH2 Target III 

On 23/02/2018 at 13:49 we started the DAQ in list mode.

After starting the DAQ we sent the 3.45MeV 7Li beam onto the CH2 930ug/cm2 target III.

The trigger rate ~ 2kHz, event multiplicity = 6.1, dead time ~ 9%.

The DAQ save file is: /Remote_Objs/RData_1/180223135345

Checking the ADC rate histograms:

  • ADC 2 Channels 0->7 Rate ~ 1e3 (channels 0 and 5 still disabled)
  • ADC 2 Channel 8 dead
  • ADC 2 Channels 9->31 Rate ~ 1e4 - 1e5
  • ADC 4 Channels 0->15 Rate ~ 1e3
  • ADC 4 Channels 16 -> 29 and 31 Rate ~ 1e4 - 1e5
  • ADC 4 Channel 30 dead
  • ADC 6 Channel 31 Rate ~ 8e5

Picking an S2 backstrip at random we found a proton detection rate ~ 100Hz, no high rate beam scatters were seen, as expected from the thick target. We decided to run for several hours.

We performed occasional checks during the run:

Runtime (hh:mm:ss) ADC # / Ch # Area in region Ratio to pin diode (ADC 6)
01:01:00 2/20 183850 61.47
6/31 2991  
4/24 262051 87.61
01:30:37 2/20 269255 61.49
6/31 4380  
4/24 377251 82.94
02:03:22 2/20 362581 58.07
6/31 5987  
4/24 501628 77.40
02:30:34 2/20 437224 57.86
6/31 7277  
4/24 600118 76.35
03:19:02 2/20 561345 53.80
6/31 9584  
4/24 765584


Where the area regions used (in channels) for each ADC Channel are:

ADC 2 Ch 20: 0->552

ADC 6 Ch 31: 1302->1475

ADC 4 Ch 24: 20 ->549

The ratios use the number of counts since the previous check. The ratios are decreasing as expected, because this indicates that fewer protons are being detected during the irradiation time.

At 17:08 the DAQ was stopped at runtime 03:19:02

The DAQ monitor dead time ~ 5%. Event multiplicity ~ 6.0, # Good events = 23917715.

We checked the beam current before the chamber, FC-E0 ~ 190pA.


See attached "180223_S2FrontStrip_ADC2CH20.png" for sample front S2 strip spectrum

See attached "180223_S2BackStrip_ADC4CH24.png" for sample back S2 strip spectrum

See attached "180223_PinDiode_ADC6CH31.png" for sample pin diode spectrum

Attachment 1: 180223_S2FrontStrip_ADC2CH20.png  23 kB  Uploaded Tue Mar 6 15:27:49 2018  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: 180223_S2BackStrip_ADC4CH24.png  23 kB  Uploaded Tue Mar 6 15:27:55 2018  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: 180223_PinDiode_ADC6CH31.png  21 kB  Uploaded Tue Mar 6 15:28:00 2018  | Hide | Hide all
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