Date: 07/04/2018
At 12:10 we started the DAQ for 5.0 MeV 7Li in 2+ charge state bombarding CH2 Target III
- Save name: RData_1/180407111531
- DT = 0%
- Trigger rate ~ 30 Hz
- Event mult = 77.5
At 12:31 we briefly stopped the beam to check the beam current, FC - 4 = 200 pA
At 13:30 we stopped data aquisition, # good events = 735088. See attached for example spectra of the Central S2 front and back strips, downstream S2 front strips, and the diode monitor.
At 13:32 the pressures read:
- TPU1 = 2.1e-6 mBar
- TPU2 = 9.0e-7 mBar
- TPD1 = 1.4e-6 mBar
- TPD2 = 1.7e-6 mBar
- CHUP = 1.1e-5 mBar
- CHDW = 1.3e-5 mBar
The detectors status:
- Central S2 bias = -129.9V, leak I = 17.90uA
- diode bias = -70.1V, leak I = 0.00uA
- Downstream bias = -130.0V, leak I = 2.59uA