Starting up AIDA on CentOS 7 to confirm things work (based on some CARME experience)
NFS settings:
/etc/exports copied over from old disk
line to old /MIDAS_130718 export removed (commented) to see if necessary to copy over
nfsv2 enabled in nfs.conf
NFS service enabled and started (systemctl enable nfs-server ; systemctl start nfs-server)
DHCP setting:
DHCP was disabled, enabled and started (systemctl enable dhcpd ; systemctl start dhcpd)
Raspberry Pis pick up IP and become responsive again
Firwall setting:
Interface p4p1 (AIDA switch #1) is changed to zone 'trusted' so that FEEs can connect to NFS
(panicked before unable to get RPC port)
See FEEs starting to boot!
Getting both / and /MIDAS successfully (note confirming that old /MIDAS_130718 is not needed)
FEEs 4 and 9 take longer to boot others (observed before, seems to be PSU slots 4/5 in first take a while to provide voltage)
FEE9 seems to panic after mounting root, waiting to see if it reboots itself (no serial)
... Nope but power cycle fixes it
All FEEs online and Reset/Setup completed... Temps OK
Note 1: CentOS 7 uses systemd, monitoring log is best done as
`journalctl -f` as root.
npg not in sudoers (should be done)
Note 2: System used as graphical terminal for Edinburgh double-alpha experiment until Feb. 11
AIDA operated in background and using port forwarding to access MIDAS/Web mostly
UI has weird workspace configuration by default needs changing to better cope with AIDA windows
Note 3:
Only 4 FEEs are producing serial data to the Pi_Monitor
Probably 2 of the USB hubs were knocked lose (from the USB extender cables) when the Fatima/HPGe cables were removed last year
S4 access is limited but will try to reconnect ASAP
Note 4:
AIDA setup unfortunately quite limited in functionality due to other running experiments:
WR is unavailable as VETAR VME crate was powered off
Not all FEEs are connected to pulser or grounded. Some cables were removed during testing last year.
Some ground cables removed and pulser inverter removed as needed at CARME and S4 access is now limited for WASA tests |