Proposed FEE numbering and wiring plan for upcoming experiment S100 (2x Wide DSSSDs)
Image designed in, source attached
FEE numbering is as S450, minimises cable movement from S505/Narrow AIDA
But means merger is not working with 1 DSSD (until all FEEs installed)
Wiring of adapter boards as from noise tests and what should work for DSSD bias
LK3 on middle bottom adapter to ground DSSD
LK1 on one n+n adapter to ground n+n side bias
p+n has -ve voltage (w.r.t. ground) bias applied via lower adapter boards
ground loop grounds all adapter boards, except 2 p+n adapter boards which are grounded by the bias lemo shield instead
MACB layout also included, with expected NIM logic signals for the aida scalers:
1: Pulser/Sync clock (send to all subsystems, "trigger 3")0
3/4: Time Machine
5/6: SC41L/R
All other FEEs have their scaler available
(Scaler should be in left LEMO on MACB, right is output (AIDA->NIM/unused), bottom 4 are triggers from AIDA (unused)
Test circuit will not be used in experiment due to noise, but can be temporarily set up for pulser walkthrough
Revision 2 correct as of 27 March 2023 |