14:50 Checks
Leakage current is 20.021 and HV status is Max Voltages ! Is it normal ? - attachments 1
It is quite warm at GSI today and this may be a temperature effect. Hopefully will go down latter in the day (Marc). Any way let's kep an eye it. The current threshold is set to 30uA.
18:15 Checks
Everything appears to be going smoothly
Grafana - DSSSD bias and leakage current - attachments 2 and 3
FEE64 temperatures - It appears okay, nothing strange , attachment 4
ADC data item stats - attachment 5
Per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 6
ucesb - attachment 7
Merger Link Data Rates - attachment 8
The temperature for aida07 gave us No response - attachment 9 , I had emailed Tom to fix.
18:20 it came back to work normally
20:00 Checks
Nothing new to report. All is well.
20:33 Aida02 showed as not reading - attachment 10
20:34 it resumed reading and returned to normal operation.
21:08 Aida02 was not reading - attachment 11 , had to emailed Tom to fix it .
The shift crew have restarted ucesb and AIDA is now showing OK - attachment 12
so Tom guess the problem really was at their end . They may still have a problem with the FRS DAQ.
ADC data item stats and Merger etc appear to be going smoothly - attachments 13 and 14
22:00 Checks
Still running smoothly.
DSSD bias and leakage current - ok
FEE64 temperatures - ok
Per FEE64 Rate spectra - ok
ADC data item stats - ok
Ucesb - ok
23:00 Checks
Nothing new to report. Everything is going well , and I have captured screenshots of each one
Leakage currents dropped a bit See attachment 15
23:50 Checks
All seems smooth. |