Encore un matin, un matin pour ..... a shift !!!ramping up again ! S4 temperature not really going down either: 25C
0:40 AIDA04 is down. I informed the DAQ shift crew and attempting to restart AIDA04.
After rebooting AIDA04 all seemed going until I reached the merger check. No data was being merged.
I realise then that AIDA01 data transfer was not active. I did not spot it when I enabled the data transfer for all.
I stopped the daq and rebooted AIDA01 following all the instructions in the ELOG and this worked.
We are now back in business with AIDA back in main DAQ at 01:40
01:45 full checks:
Bias: AIDA-Graphana - Attachment 1
Leakage current ramping up again ! S4 temperaturenot really going down either: 25C
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 2
ADC data item stats - attachment 3
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 4
Merger etc - attachment 5
ucesb - attachment 6
03:00 full checks
No change to be highlighted. All pretty much the same as during previous full checks.
05:00 full checks
Expt still running very smoothly.
Bias: AIDA-Graphana - Attachment 7-8
Leakage current going down slightly
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 9
ADC data item stats - attachment 10
ramping up again ! S4 temperaturenot really going down either: 25C
per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 11
Merger etc - attachment 12
ucesb - attachment 13
07:15 all running smoothly.
07:20 Spoke too fast AIDA DAQ is down. DAQ shift crew informed.
07:40: AIDA10 was rebooted successfully and AIDA is now back in the main DAQ.