0.00 checks - all looks ok
Voltage/currents - attachment 1
Rates attachment 2 + 3
Temps - attachment 4
Merger - attachment 5
ucesb - attachment 6
Grafana - attachment 7
1.30 -aida1 in merger Links, aida02 in rate spectra, has stopped - resetting DAQ.
Datafile R7_961 being written when stopped
1.40 - seems ok
1.50 checks - seems ok
Voltage/currents - attachment 8
Rates attachment 9 + 10
Temps - attachment 11
Merger - attachment 12
ucesb - attachment 13
Grafana - attachment 14
3.30 -aida1 in merger Links, aida02 in rate spectra, has stopped again - resetting DAQ.
Datafile R7_1010 being written when stopped
3.38 - seems ok
3.40 checks - all looks ok
Voltage/currents - attachment 15
Rates attachment 16 + 17
Temps - attachment 18
Merger - attachment 19
ucesb - attachment 20
Grafana - attachment 21
Zeroed spectra - attachments 22-28
5.39 -aida1 in merger Links, aida02 in rate spectra, has stopped again - resetting DAQ.
Datafile R7_1062 being written when stopped
AIDA out of the main data
Could not get it to restart folowing the notes on the elog - SOAP errors as shown in attachment 29. called Tom who''s logged in
6.10 - seems to be working again. Not sure what happened. Tom thinks multiple restarts fixed it
Started data file R8
AIDA back in the main data
FRS shifters report a problem with the AIDA white rabbit time stamp - attachment 30
The following are timestamp values from each of the FEEs taken in sequence
If time does not increase in a reasonable manner run the system wide checks
aida01 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED 8F46CF7B , WR/10=> 2627A17C18714BF, Readout Time => 2627A17C2A74000
aida02 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED A0A1B623 , WR/10=> 2627A17C3435F03, Readout Time => 2627A17C4410000
aida03 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED AFDACE68 , WR/10=> 2627A17C4C914A4, Readout Time => 2627A17C5D3C000
aida04 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED C0516FC2 , WR/10=> 2627A17C66E8B2D, Readout Time => 2627A17C7AC4000
aida05 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED D3B93DAB , WR/10=> 2627A17C85F52F7, Readout Time => 2627A17C9AEC000
aida06 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED E8C9B243 , WR/10=> 2627A17CA7A91D3, Readout Time => 2627A17CB704000
aida07 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4ED FFE475FD , WR/10=> 2627A17CCCA0BCC, Readout Time => 2627A17CDD94000
aida08 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 103232A6 , WR/10=> 2627A17CE6B6B77, Readout Time => 2627A17CF7BC000
aida09 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 20A1F612 , WR/10=> 2627A17D0103235, Readout Time => 2627A17D112C000
aida10 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 307D8FE7 , WR/10=> 2627A17D1A627FD, Readout Time => 2627A17D2958000
aida11 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 4402829D , WR/10=> 2627A17D399D9DC, Readout Time => 2627A17D4570000
aida12 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 6288B04D , WR/10=> 2627A17D6A744D4, Readout Time => 2627A17D7D94000
aida13 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 751E1306 , WR/10=> 2627A17D88301E7, Readout Time => 2627A17D9C34000
aida14 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 894E8806 , WR/10=> 2627A17DA87DA67, Readout Time => 2627A17DBFF4000
aida15 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE 9EEEB997 , WR/10=> 2627A17DCB178F5, Readout Time => 2627A17DDC18000
aida16 : White Rabbit=> 17D8C4EE AF0BC923 , WR/10=> 2627A17DE4DFA83, Readout Time => 2627A17DF5C8000
Tom thinks everything appears ok with AIDA
Have converted WR timestamp to data/time - see attachment 40
At the ~second timescale AIDA WR timestamp looks OK, i.e. no gross errors. Will need to check correlations with other detector sub-systems to confirm WR on the ~us time timescale..
However, ~10us offset reported by DESPEC online crew is correct (AIDA timestamps data at a later point in the signal processing cycle than other detector sub-systems). Have suggested online crew contact Nic or Calum to check what the AIDA WR timediff spectra should look like.
7.00 checks - all looks ok
Voltage/currents - attachment 31
Rates attachment 32 + 33
Temps - attachment 36
Merger - attachment 37
ucesb - attachment 39
Grafana - attachment 38
Handed over to Tom