- Day 1 ELOG
10:14 we set up the detector with the pulser in BB7 and started biasing the detector and setting up the DAQ. Water flow and temperature check, OK. 677/1 677/2 677/3
FEE temps OK. Screenshots included for LOCAL controls for aida07, Discriminator for aida07, ASIC control for aida01 ASIC # 1,2,3,4 and the pulser setting - 1 V @ 10 Hz rep. 677/4 677/5 677/6 677/7 677/8 677/9
ASIC thresholds for the fast comparator LEC/MEC set to 0x20 for all the ASICs in aida10 - connected to BB7. Act on all ASICs did not work with this so each threshold was set to 0x20 on each ASIC by hand.
The pulser is now connected to BB7 test + and via a T-connector to the scope, triggering on the pulser signal. We saw now signals --> lower the threshold of the fast comparator to 1 MeV - 0x64 on all ASICs in aida10. 677/10
No signal was observed, threshold was then set to 0x190 (400 keV)
13:00 We resumed after lunch. It seems that our thresholds were way too high for starters each channel was actually 100 keV in HEX. We then set the thresholds in aida10 to 0x32, 0x20, 0x20, 0x11 for ASIC 1,2,3,4, respectively. This was to achieve a 10 Hz hit rate in all of the channels! This was done successfully see 677/12 for the hit rate spectrum and also 677/13-16 for the thresholds.