Start: 16:25
Stop: 17:25
Background in the same conditions as before (right after the Co measurement)
Listmode: Background_201905201614_035.dlt .... Background_201905201614_036.dlt
Root file: 201905201725_background.root
Dynodes: 8.5 kHz
Anodes: 1.8 kHz
Anod1: 120 Hz
Anod15: 173 Hz
Dynod1: 80 Hz
Dynod 15: 166 Hz
Pulser set to 10 Hz
Rate of Dynode 5, 15, 17 seem a little higher than the others. The same for Anode 11, 15, 17
Not clear why the Dynodes rate is so high compared with the anodes. There is not such a big
difference in rate of the individual detectors.
(Dynodes and Anodes rates are taken from the Python script written by Jorge, that correspond to the full card)
Later it become evident that probably we need to increase the threshold of detector 8 again (Dy08).
Before it was not like that, but now seems to be triggering in the noise.