Start: 16:26
Stop: 17:20 (until then no beam),
Root1: 201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:20), nor erased
Root2: 201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:29), nor erased
Root3:201906011741_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:41), nor erased
Root4: 201906011800_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end, saved 18:00), not erased
Comment: At the begining there was no beam, to see the difference. The lead bricks blocking the way to AIDA has been removed as well as the
polyethylene blocks. The lead wall after F11 plastic remains, and of course the lead shielding and the polyethylene shielding before the DTAS is not removed.
Only the blocks that were inside the holes were removed.
Beam arrived around 17:47, intensity at F7 is 3.3 kHz, at F11 of the order of 2.4 kHz, at Aida plastic of the order of 2 kHz after substracting. The beam is centered at 102Sn, but there are a lot of other staff comming through
the noise level.
The increase in the counting rate of the NaI is very small.
Rates with NO BEAM: Dynodes 1.6 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz
Rates with BEAM: Dynodes 1.7 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz
File with guaranted no beam saved at 17:20 (201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root)
Another one saved at 17:29 (201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root), no beam also, still waiting, similarly saved at 17:41
Attachment 7 shows the rates of TF11PL (black), TCryA (blue), and TAIDAPL (the other color ?). it shows the "noise" level of the AIDA PL, and the increase in the counting
rate of the crystals.