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  ID Date Author Subject
  103   Fri Jun 7 12:35:14 2019 Jorge, AlvaroCorrelation time AIDA_DTAS for 60Co source
Files at mars /home/briken/190607AidaTasTest60Co
Attachment 1: AidaDTAS60CoTest.pdf
  102   Fri Jun 7 09:37:15 2019 The same teamCs for the AIDA synch test

Start: 17:41

Stop: 18:17

AIDA files: R19_1 (@17:57)

Dtas files: 201906071738_137Cs_AIDA_248.dlt

Comment: 137Cs (ID: XXXX) put in the centre of the DTAS on top of AIDA, with the help of the plastic ruler

  101   Fri Jun 7 08:47:17 2019 Jorge, Alvaro, Tom, Sunghan, AleCo source, test of AIDA/TAS syncronization

Start: 16:50

Stop: 17:28

Root: 201906071728_60Co_AIDA_in.root

Comment: 60Co source on top of AIDA (red box, key 3). It is positioned on a plastic ruler in the center of the DTAS.

File Number Aida: R18 (_0 should not be used, reset of the time stamp was done during this file). R18_1 started at 16:57, last file R18_4

File Number DTAS: 245,247

201906071650_60Co_AIDA_245.dlt,... 201906071650_60Co_AIDA_247.dlt

After checking the shifts in gain, it seems that for most of the detectors the dynode and anode signal moved in the same direction with the exception of detector 13 (dynode and anode do not move

equally, so probably there is a cable problem here, probably in the Dynode 13 or preamp problem)

Edit 13/06/19 Oscar Hall

The low energy channels of AIDA have been gain matched. Attached is the energy plot of the x and y side strops in AIDA.

Attachment 1: 201906071728_60Co_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_17-09-21.png
Attachment 3: gainMatchSi.png
  100   Fri Jun 7 02:50:40 2019 SN, AAtest of 24Na

Start: 10:49

Stopt: 11:04

Lmd: 201906071049_24Na_AIDA_242.dlt

Root: 201906071117_24Na_AIDA_in.root

Comment: After irradiation of approximately 7 days, we extracted one Alu plate. It shows 24Na activity and also probably some beta+ activity.

The sample was not irradiated in the last 10 hours or so. It is positioned roughly in the center of the detector side in front of AIDA, using the frame prepared in Valencia.

It is not in the geometrical centre of the DTAS

Rates: 4.5 kHz (Dynodes), 4.5 (Anodes)  (Background level was at approximately 1.6-1.7 in both Dynodes, Anodes)

We need to check the alignment properly with Cs, but it looks that after one week some of the detectors have moved.

Group 1,3,5,7  (all seem to move with respect to detector 1)

Group 2,4,6,8 (detector 6 moved)

Group 11,13,15,17 (11 and 1 seem aligned, detector 13 moved)

Group 12, 14,16, 18 (12 and 2 not aligned, they seem aligned)


Attachment 1: 201906071117_24Na_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_11-22-06.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_11-24-39.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_11-27-49.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_11-30-17.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_11-35-31.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2019-06-07_11-36-43.png
  99   Fri Jun 7 01:55:24 2019 CA, JA , ATmerger test
Setup: On 17th-May (11:18 - 11:38), AIDA was inside DTAS. Measurement of 60Co source.

AIDA: R6_{3..7}.gz
1,2G may 17 11:21 R6_3.gz
982M may 17 11:25 R6_4.gz
926M may 17 11:28 R6_5.gz
1,1G may 17 11:32 R6_6.gz
1,2G may 17 11:38 R6_7.gz
 20M may 17 11:39 R6_8.gz

DTAS: AidaMergerTest_2_0{23..29}.dlt
955M may 17 11:21 AidaMergerTest_2_023.dlt
955M may 17 11:24 AidaMergerTest_2_024.dlt
956M may 17 11:27 AidaMergerTest_2_025.dlt
956M may 17 11:31 AidaMergerTest_2_026.dlt
955M may 17 11:33 AidaMergerTest_2_027.dlt
956M may 17 11:36 AidaMergerTest_2_028.dlt
732M may 17 11:38 AidaMergerTest_2_029.dlt

Working dir: ~/Corrigan

Test 1: merge R6_5 with AidaMergerTest_2_025.dlt
  98   Thu Jun 6 09:36:52 2019 Alvaro, Jorge, Alenew config file
New config file: 20190606_Conf.xlsx

Changed with respect to the earlier file (20190605_Conf.xlsx):

-The threshold of the Reference detector was changed from 2800 to 3500.
-A new gated histogram was added: ECryA gated by F11PLR in the energy range of the implanted ions, named as

Issue in AIDA PL (see screenshot). A lot of small signals; top, samples, bottom output of EFIR (picture taken
when integration = 50 samples; value in configuration = 20)
Attachment 1: 20190606_Conf.xlsx
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2019-06-06_16-54-15.png
  97   Tue Jun 4 06:27:55 2019 A. Algora (++Jorge,++ Alvaro)background with no beam

Start: 14:25

Stop: 14:39 (partial, no beam, not erased), 14:58 (partial, no beam, not erased), 15:16  (partial, no beam, not erased),

Stop: 14:39 (next day, a new spectrum was added, AIDAGF11)

Root: 201906041439_background_AIDA_in.root, 201906041458_background_AIDA_in.root, 201906041516_background_AIDA_in.root


Comment: They enter to change the F3, F7 plastics. So the beam was stopped.

Beam from approximately 15:25, syncronization pulse was sent. Rate at F7 9.4 kHz

Attachment 1: 201906041439_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: 201906041458_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 3: 201906041516_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 4: 201906051343_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 5: 201906051439_background_AIDA_in.root
  96   Tue Jun 4 06:25:51 2019 A. AlgoraLead shielding was "upgraded"

With the help of Tom the additional lead pieces were put. So now the hole in the lead shielding matches the hole in the polyethylene shielding.

The hole is 11 cm x 11 cm approximately


  95   Mon Jun 3 12:59:31 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on, 102Sn coulex

Start: 21:00

Stop: 14:24 (next day)

Root: 201906041423_background_AIDA_in.root

Comments: Beam on, rate at F7 8.9 kHz, the beam was stopped before 14:00 to change the plastic detectors at F3, F7, they are burning them

Attachment 1: 201906041423_background_AIDA_in.root
  94   Mon Jun 3 12:56:06 2019 A. AlgoraNew configuration file

The E range of the AIDA plastic for the construction of the TAIDA plastic spectrum has been changed. Also the range of the TAC_AIDAPL_CryA has been changed.

The estimated range of AIDA was based on the file 201906011624_background_AIDA_in.root, which was with no beam. But I am not sure is the calibration of 

AIDAPL is fine.

Attachment 1: 20190603_Conf.xlsx
  93   Mon Jun 3 03:37:10 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on


Stop: 20:47

Root: 2019060312047_background_AIDA_in.root


102Sn beam, empty target run, Rate at F7 9 kHz

Attachment 1: 2019060312047_background_AIDA_in.root
  92   Mon Jun 3 01:45:31 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, no beam for a period

Start: 09:45

Stop (partial save): 09:55, 10:00, 10:14,10:29,10:37,10:46

Root: 201906030955_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, not erased), 201906031000_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, not erased),

201906031014_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased), 201906031029_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased),

201906031037_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased),201906031046_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased)

201906031135_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end)

At 10:43 or so, a Synch pulse was sent

Intensity of the beam has been increased. There is a clear increase of the background. Rates 3.2 kHz (dynodes), 3.3 (anodes).

9 kHz at F11 plastic, 9 kHz at F7

  91   Sun Jun 2 12:31:45 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on

Start: 20:32

Stop: 09;44

Root: 201906030944_background_AIDA_in.root

Comment: beam until 09;00

  90   Sun Jun 2 11:23:23 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on

Start: 19:24

Stop: 20:27

Root: 201906022028_background_AIDA_in.root

Lmd:201906021924_background_AIDA_beam_on_234.dlt ..201906021924_background_AIDA_beam_on_237.dlt

Comments:  For a short period lmd file will be collected as well, to have correlations in case it is needed. Rate at F7 4 kHz

Attachment 1: 201906022028_background_AIDA_in.root
  89   Sat Jun 1 14:31:24 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on

Start: 22:32

Stop: 19:18 (next day)

Comments: According to Tom, the number of ligth particles in AIDA is small


Attachment 1: 201906021918_background_AIDA_in.root
  88   Sat Jun 1 10:04:54 2019 A. Algorabackground with beam

Start: 18:05

Stop: 22:27

Comments: Rate at F7: 3,3 kHz, rate at F11 (according to the in-beam team approx. 2.4 kHz)

Root: 201906012227_background_AIDA_in.root

In the graph: F11PL R and L, below Aida pl, below TCryA

Attachment 1: 201906012227_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2019-06-01_22-29-51.png
  87   Sat Jun 1 08:25:47 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, without and with beam

Start: 16:26

Stop: 17:20 (until then no beam),

Root1: 201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:20), nor erased

Root2: 201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:29), nor erased

Root3:201906011741_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:41), nor erased

Root4: 201906011800_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end, saved 18:00), not erased

Comment: At the begining there was no beam, to see the difference. The lead bricks blocking the way to AIDA has been removed as well as the

polyethylene blocks. The lead wall after F11 plastic remains, and of course the lead shielding and the polyethylene shielding before the DTAS is not removed.

Only the blocks that were inside the holes were removed.

Beam arrived around 17:47, intensity at F7 is 3.3 kHz, at F11 of the order of 2.4 kHz, at Aida plastic of the order of 2 kHz after substracting. The beam is centered at 102Sn, but there are a lot of other staff comming through

the noise level.

The increase in the counting rate of the NaI is very small.

Rates with NO BEAM: Dynodes 1.6 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz

Rates with BEAM: Dynodes 1.7 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz

File with guaranted no beam saved at 17:20 (201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root)

Another one saved at 17:29 (201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root), no beam also, still waiting, similarly saved at 17:41

Attachment 7 shows the rates of TF11PL (black), TCryA (blue), and TAIDAPL (the other color ?). it shows the "noise" level of the AIDA PL, and the increase in the counting

rate of the crystals.


Attachment 1: 201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: 20190601_Conf.xlsx
Attachment 3: 201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 4: 201906011800_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2019-06-01_17-49-05.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2019-06-01_18-04-02.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2019-06-01_18-41-05.png
  86   Sat Jun 1 07:59:20 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, no beam

Start: approximate 15:54

Stop: 16:23

Root: 201906011624_background_AIDA_in.root

Comment: No beam. AIDA in place


Attachment 1: 201906011624_background_AIDA_in.root
  85   Fri May 31 14:29:34 2019 A. AlgoraBackground with beam

Start: 22:29

Stop: 15:44 (next day)

Root: 201906011544_background_AIDA_in.root


Attachment 1: 201906011544_background_AIDA_in.root
  84   Fri May 31 14:17:13 2019 A. AlgoraNew config file

A new config file provided by Jose and Alvaro is loaded

cp 20190531_Conf_JLTAT.xlsx 20190531_Conf_2.xlsx

Comments: I have modified it afterwards to have TAIDAPL, the threshold in E was too high. The TAC_F11R_CryA was also modified. It is shifted in time and cut as it was.

It remains cut.

Short root file is attached as example


*Update*: some of the histograms saved from DACQ online are duplicated (same name, but different cycles: ";1" and ";2"), and the second copy is empty. When you open the ROOT file and write the name of the histogram, the last copy ("cycle") is called, so the empty histogram is displayed.

$ root -l 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root
root [0]
Attaching file 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x238ac70
root [1] ESumA->Draw() //empty!

So, there are two options: delete the second copy of the histograms, or create a newer copy of the filled histograms. In order to perform the second option, please write this line,

$ root -l 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root
root [0]
Attaching file 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x238ac70
root [1]  for (auto&& keyAsObj : *(_file0->GetListOfKeys())){auto key = (TKey*) keyAsObj; if( 1 == key->GetCycle())_file0->Get(Form("%s;%d",key->GetName(),1))->Clone(Form("%s;%d",key->GetName(),3));  }

root [2] ESumA->Draw() //copy of ESumA;1!

The changes will not persist unless the file is opened with "update" mode and the changes are saved at the end.


Attachment 1: 20190531_Conf_2.xlsx
Attachment 2: 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root
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