ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Thu Nov 12 18:28:41 2015 |
CG, TD | 12 Nov 2015 - new Kapton cable tests at DL |
This morning PC-S changed firmware and DAQ software to that of the RIKEN setup
Firmware version /MIDAS/AIDA/FEE_Riken_Apr14_26.bin
DAQ software has been changed from AidaExecV8 to AidaExecV7
nnaida12 is not playing ball -> ASIC4 has stopped outputting any data and ASICs2+3 are missing multiple channels. Not running hot
Suspicions over the power cable as the source of the problem (previous nnaida12 developed noisy ASICs) and tests found this not to be an issue. Neither are the MACB HDMIs as they were swapped for new ones last night.
Then changed the adapted PCB to see if that was a possible cause. No change -> FEE or mezzanine problem?
With old kaptons attached, peak widths in nnaida11 are ~180-190ch with shaping time 2us. Increasing this to 6us brings FWHM to ~170ch, and increasing further to 8us reduces the FWHM to ~140ch.
FAO PC-S -> After lunch, upon clearing the spectra, nnaida12 stopped responding (terminal screenshot below - attachment 19). Brought system to halt. Power cycling resolved the isssue.
A series of tests over the afternoon found peak widths to vary only by ~10-20% when the second length (detector end) of kapton was removed. Removing the connecter PCB showed no improvement over this.
However, removing the Cu tape put on as shielding, reduces the FWHM by a factor of 3.
see nnaida11_wav_newCable.png (attachment 17) for before waveforms -> the Cu tape is clearly doing something we are unaware of.
Attachment 18 shows improvement in just removing the Cu tape.
Re-adding connector PCB, increased widths by ~5-10% and re-adding second length of kapton increased widths by x3-4.
Second length of kapton was tested on its own and was found to have roughly the same widths as the first length, no issues with this cable -> increase in FWHM just due to increased capacitance (possibly...)
Connected a 45cm kapton to each FEE, 3 with the ground connection broken, and the grounded one connected to nnaida13 (attachment 23).
Varied shaping time and found 0.5us to consistently provide lowest FWHM (summary graphs to follow).
With just one length (+connector PCB) of kapton connected to adapter PCBs, waveforms all look very good, too good to explain the higher than expected FWHM.
Upon connecting 90cm of kaptons, noise creeps in to waveforms. Also observed reoccurring periodic transients in some waveforms (attachment 20).
Rise time with new kaptons connected (45cm) noticeably faster that with the old cables -> new show rise time of ~140ns, old cables has rise time ~3us.
To do tomorrow:
connect detector to FEEs using 4 45cm kaptons, assess affect on FWHM. |
Attachment 1: Noise_spike_13.png
Attachment 2: nnaida11_stats.png
Attachment 3: nnaida11_spec_noLoad.png
Attachment 4: nnaida12_stats.png
Attachment 5: nnaida12_spec_noLoad.png
Attachment 6: nnaida11_wav_noLoad.png
Attachment 7: nnaida12_wav_noLoad.png
Attachment 8: nnaida13_stats.png
Attachment 9: nnaida13_spec_noLoad.png
Attachment 10: nnaida13_wav_noLoad.png
Attachment 11: nnaida14_stats.png
Attachment 12: nnaida14_spec_noLoad.png
Attachment 13: nnaida14_wav_noLoad.png
Attachment 14: nnaida11_wav_oldCables.png
Attachment 15: nnaida13_spec_oldCables.png
Attachment 16: nnaida13_wav_oldCables.png
Attachment 17: nnaida11_wav_newCable.png
Attachment 18: nnaida11_wav_halfNewKapton_1us.png
Attachment 19: nnaida12_stallOnHistClear.png
Attachment 20: nnaida11_wav_bare45cmCable.png
Attachment 21: nnaida11_wav_bare45cmKaptonPlusConnecterPBC.png
Attachment 22: nnaida11_wav_full90cmPlusConnectorNoShielding.png
Attachment 23: nnaida11_wav_all4_45cmUnshielded.png
Wed Nov 11 17:36:19 2015 |
CG, TD | 11 Nov 2015 - new Kapton cable tests at DL |
Upon starting system with nothing connected beyond adapter PCBs, observed pulser peak FWHM of ~12-15ch in nnaida13+14 and ~15-18ch in nnaida11+12
All newly shielded new kapton cables passed continuity tests between drain wire and Cu tape.
Throughout all tests, grounded cable has been connected to nnaida13. All other nnaida have ground isolated cables.
Initially, upon biasing, leakage current reached 50uA at ~2V HV and tripped.
After much searching, found one of the drain wires from the kaptons to be touching the core of the HV cable.
Tidied all drain wires and made sure none were touching anything they shouldn't.
Bias ramped up successfully to +200V with leakage current of 5.630uA @ room temp ~25.5oC.
Very noisy waveforms to begin with, notes Cu tape on kaptons was in contact with the Al housing for the detector.
Isolated kaptons from Al housing with black tape and the waveforms became much less noisy, but still not as calm as expected.
Connecting Cu covered kaptons with croc clips made this problem worse. However, grounding adapter PCBs together improved the waveform noise.
FWHM with new cables ~200-300ch, much worse than previous cables.
Reconnected system with old kaptons and they now see FWHM of ~200-300ch, as opposed to ~100ch observed earlier in the year.
What has changed?
Waveforms are smoother with old kaptons, but still not as flat as previously observed.
Had some issues with waveforms not being output by FEE cards and ASIC4 of nnaida12 has failed to Check/Load and is not outputting any data.
Standard ASIC parameters throughout, with shaping time of 0.5us. |
Attachment 1: nnaida11_spec.png
Attachment 2: nnaida11_spec_zoom.png
Attachment 3: nnaida11_stats_oldKaptons.png
Attachment 4: nnaida11_wav.png
Attachment 5: nnaida12_spec.png
Attachment 6: nnaida12_ASIC4_loadFail
Attachment 7: nnaida12_ASIC4_loadFail2
Attachment 8: nnaida12_spec_zoom.png
Attachment 9: nnaida12_stats_oldKaptons.png
Attachment 10: nnaida12_wav.png
Attachment 11: nnaida13_spec.png
Attachment 12: nnaida13_spec_zoom.png
Attachment 13: nnaida13_stats_oldKaptons.png
Attachment 14: nnaida14_integrate.png
Attachment 15: nnaida14_spec.png
Attachment 16: nnaida14_spec_zoom.png
Attachment 17: nnaida14_stats_oldKaptons.png
Attachment 18: nnaida14_wav.png
Thu Nov 5 16:28:05 2015 |
CG, TD | 5 Nov 2015 - New kapton cable tests @ DL |
New Kapton PCB design (2x 0.45m + inter-connecting PCB, no ground plane layers) under test with small system in T9.
3 cables modified to remove ground connection.
When just connected to system and BB18 2998-20, with no additional grounding or shielding of the cables
and bias of +200V (leakage current +6.2uA, ambient temp +27 deg C) to nnaida14, we observed average pulser peak widths
of ~250ch FWHM
Waveforms were just noise.
Added heavy duty copper braid between adapter PCBs, the small metal box for the detector and Cu tape and drain wire to the kapton connected to nnaida14.
This reduced the peak widths to ~160ch FWHM
Adding grounding between the adapter PCBs and the NIM bin chasis increased the peak widths.
Waveforms for nnaida11-13 remained unchanged, but expected (albeit noisy) traces could be seen for nnaida14).
------> Patrick: with ASIC1 waveforms for all nnaida turned on, we found they would occasionally stall for some. e.g. of 4 being observed, upon update, only 1 or 2 actually would. Stop-Go did not resolve this. Load/check ASIC resolved issue.
nnaida14 developed double peaking of pulser peak.
Note waveforms exhibit significantly faster risetime than previous Kapton PCB variants => lower C, as expected |
Attachment 1: nnaida11_spec_noCuTape.png
Attachment 2: nnaida11_wav_noCuTape.png
Attachment 3: nnaida12_bad.png
Attachment 4: nnaida12_spec_nocuTape.png
Attachment 5: nnaida12_specZoom_noCuTape.png
Attachment 6: nnaida12_wav_noCuTape.png
Attachment 7: nnaida13_wav_noCuTape.png
Attachment 8: nnaida14_spec_all.png
Attachment 9: nnaida14_specZoom_all.png
Attachment 10: nnaida14_wav_all.png
Attachment 11: nnaid14_spec_all.png
Fri Jul 17 17:28:35 2015 |
AE | [Data Analysis] Correlation Scaler 100Kr data (go4_30**.root) |
Plots of corr-scaler vs event number in Root files for 100Kr(?) setting: go4_40XX.root.
Same script, and plot description, as in the ELOG entry for go4_30XX.root files: https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/112
These are accumulated events for each run (to map event# -> run number):
Number of entries in PID tree= 2606359 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4001.root
(accumulated= 2606359)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2609120 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4002.root
(accumulated= 5215479)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2607343 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4003.root
(accumulated= 7822822)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2603241 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4004.root
(accumulated= 10426063)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2602664 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4005.root
(accumulated= 13028727)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2597915 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4006.root
(accumulated= 15626642)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2606679 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4007.root
(accumulated= 18233321)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2604197 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4008.root
(accumulated= 20837518)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2604402 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4009.root
(accumulated= 23441920)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2604980 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4010.root
(accumulated= 26046900)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2608074 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4011.root
(accumulated= 2608074)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2609093 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4012.root
(accumulated= 5217167)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2608080 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4013.root
(accumulated= 7825247)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2605479 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4014.root
(accumulated= 10430726)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2598820 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4015.root
(accumulated= 13029546)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2603066 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4016.root
(accumulated= 15632612)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2605692 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4017.root
(accumulated= 18238304)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2611812 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4018.root
(accumulated= 20850116)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2607623 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4019.root
(accumulated= 23457739)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2607970 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4020.root
(accumulated= 26065709)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2609207 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4021.root
(accumulated= 2609207)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2602567 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4022.root
(accumulated= 5211774)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2613624 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4023.root
(accumulated= 7825398)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2612418 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4024.root
(accumulated= 10437816)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2615720 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4025.root
(accumulated= 13053536)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2615051 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4026.root
(accumulated= 15668587)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2610490 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4027.root
(accumulated= 18279077)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2608960 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4028.root
(accumulated= 20888037)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2599656 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4029.root
(accumulated= 23487693)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2611283 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4030.root
(accumulated= 26098976)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2597833 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4031.root
(accumulated= 2597833)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2574550 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4032.root
(accumulated= 5172383)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2592651 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4033.root
(accumulated= 7765034)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2598995 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4034.root
(accumulated= 10364029)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2605854 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4035.root
(accumulated= 12969883)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2603045 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4036.root
(accumulated= 15572928)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2596530 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4037.root
(accumulated= 18169458)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2582396 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4038.root
(accumulated= 20751854)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2573176 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4039.root
(accumulated= 23325030)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2579368 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4040.root
(accumulated= 25904398)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2576076 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4041.root
(accumulated= 2576076)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2571398 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4042.root
(accumulated= 5147474)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2561229 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4043.root
(accumulated= 7708703)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2555236 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4044.root
(accumulated= 10263939)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2550104 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4045.root
(accumulated= 12814043)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2617418 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4046.root
(accumulated= 15431461)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2625206 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4047.root
(accumulated= 18056667)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2619409 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4048.root
(accumulated= 20676076)
Number of entries in PID tree= 1540255 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_4049.root
(accumulated= 22216331) |
Attachment 1: scaler_r4001_4010.png
Attachment 2: scaler_r4011_4020.png
Attachment 3: scaler_r4021_4030.png
Attachment 4: scaler_r4031_4040.png
Attachment 5: scaler_r4041_4049.png
Fri Jul 17 16:00:38 2015 |
CG | Run summary for Apr-May 2015 |
A table summarising the run information within the lab book and ELog for Apr-May. |
Attachment 1: RIKEN_may2015_runSummary.xlsx
Thu Jul 16 15:10:34 2015 |
Patrick Coleman-Smith | [DAQ and VHDL] Changes to the Discriminator Information data item |
I have attached a document describing the new format of the Discriminator Information data item used in Version 8 |
Attachment 1: Changes_to_the_Discriminator_Info_word_for_Version_8_of_the_AIDA_and_LYCCA_DAQ_and_firmware.pdf
Tue Jul 14 18:06:54 2015 |
AE, CG | [Data Analysis] Correlation Scaler timestamp in PID data (go4_30**.root) |
The attached plots show the time-stamp data in the EURICA files with PID information (EventInfo.timestamp). The
timestamp value should correspond to the correlation scaler included as info_code==8 in AIDA.
The plots show time-stamp vs entry number in the TTree of the Root file, with the events in groups of about 10
*.root files counted consecutively. To map entry-number to data file use informatino of number of entries per
file in the lines bellow (output of analysis script). NOTE: label for plots in right colume is wrong, trigger
type=3 (pulser) in stead of 2.
The final three plots (pulser_dts_go4_3022*.png) show the time difference between two sequential data points of a
given trigger type (fBit==2 or 3). The value that would correspond to the external scaler (fBit==3) has a peak at
about delta(ts)= 1.7 sec, but also a lot of events with a distribution centered around a smaller value of
delta(ts)~ 10 msec! One can also see the deadtime at about 300 usec at a smaller scale. The units for the
time-stamp are 1-ns.
A plot of a similar distribution for the data in AIDA shows that the peak of the correlation scaler has, in this
case, a very narrow distribution, with a frequency of ~43.5e6 x 40 ns (would agree with Go4 data from EURICA).
When scanning the files the analysis script (attached) skips a given number of entries (~100) to speed up the
Number of entries in PID tree= 2592193 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3002.root
(accumulated= 2592193)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2570084 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3003.root
(accumulated= 5162277)
Number of entries in PID tree= 676355 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3004.root
(accumulated= 5838632)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2582203 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3005.root
(accumulated= 8420835)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2602541 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3006.root
(accumulated= 11023376)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2602681 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3007.root
(accumulated= 13626057)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2605726 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3008.root
(accumulated= 16231783)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2606264 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3009.root
(accumulated= 18838047)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2603841 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3010.root
(accumulated= 21441888)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2599770 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3011.root
(accumulated= 24041658)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2601002 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3012.root
(accumulated= 2601002)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2598946 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3013.root
(accumulated= 5199948)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2596582 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3014.root
(accumulated= 7796530)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2596506 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3015.root
(accumulated= 10393036)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2588772 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3016.root
(accumulated= 12981808)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2583160 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3017.root
(accumulated= 15564968)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2589905 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3018.root
(accumulated= 18154873)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2581979 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3019.root
(accumulated= 20736852)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2582410 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3020.root
(accumulated= 23319262)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2582181 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3021.root
(accumulated= 25901443)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2580798 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3022.root
(accumulated= 2580798)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2580669 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3023.root
(accumulated= 5161467)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2583346 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3024.root
(accumulated= 7744813)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2645673 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3025.root
(accumulated= 10390486)
Number of entries in PID tree= 1984963 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3026.root
(accumulated= 12375449)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2629453 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3027.root
(accumulated= 15004902)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2636095 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3028.root
(accumulated= 17640997)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2639067 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3029.root
(accumulated= 20280064)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2643485 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3030.root
(accumulated= 22923549)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2644457 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3031.root
(accumulated= 25568006)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2643522 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3032.root
(accumulated= 2643522)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2641053 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3033.root
(accumulated= 5284575)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2637280 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3034.root
(accumulated= 7921855)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2627822 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3035.root
(accumulated= 10549677)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2637326 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3036.root
(accumulated= 13187003)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2635601 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3037.root
(accumulated= 15822604)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2606912 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3038.root
(accumulated= 18429516)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2635101 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3039.root
(accumulated= 21064617)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2634932 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3040.root
(accumulated= 23699549)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2633415 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3041.root
(accumulated= 26332964)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2633892 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3042.root
(accumulated= 2633892)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2640264 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3043.root
(accumulated= 5274156)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2612700 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3044.root
(accumulated= 7886856)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2632762 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3045.root
(accumulated= 10519618)
Number of entries in PID tree= 1962430 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3046.root
(accumulated= 12482048)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2611491 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3047.root
(accumulated= 15093539)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2649244 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3048.root
(accumulated= 17742783)
Number of entries in PID tree= 2679210 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3049.root
(accumulated= 20421993)
Number of entries in PID tree= 518667 for file /Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/May2015/PID_data/go4_3050.root
(accumulated= 20940660) |
Attachment 1: scaler_r3002_3011.png
Attachment 2: scaler_r3012_3021.png
Attachment 3: scaler_r3022_3031.png
Attachment 4: scaler_r3032_3041.png
Attachment 5: scaler_r3042_3050.png
Attachment 6: PlotRIBF.C
#include <bitset>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
//#include "Common.h"
//using namespace std;
//variables sorted in decreasing oredr of size: from TTree.html
* struct struct_entry_midas{
unsigned long tm_stp_lsb;
unsigned long info_field;
// unsigned short sample_data[4];
unsigned short adc_data;
unsigned short sample_lenght;
unsigned char type;
unsigned char mod_id;
unsigned char ch_id;
unsigned char adc_range;
unsigned char info_code;
//void Plot(string runNum, int Nskip=1, long long Nmax=-1, double ts_0= 0, double ts_1= 20e12, double t_ext_0= 0, double t_ext_1= 10e10, double offset_z=20e12, double t_ext_0_z=0, double t_ext_1_z=10e10){
void Plot(int run0, int Nrun, int Nskip=1, long long Nmax=-1, double kentry_max=1000, double ts_0=0, double ts_1= 500000, int Nskip2= 100){
struct dssd_hits{
Long64_t t;
Long64_t t_ext;
int x;
int y;
int z;
int ex;
int ey;
int flag;
struct calib_data_struct{
double time_aida;
double time_disc;
double time_external;
double adc_energy;
int adc_data;
int dssd;
int strip;
unsigned char adc_range;
unsigned char side;
unsigned char module;
unsigned char channel;
unsigned char data_type;
unsigned char info_code;
bool corr_flag; //if we have a good calculation of offset EXT->AIDA
bool disc_flag; //if we have good DISC value for ADC hit
struct unpack_data_struct{
unsigned long tm_stp;
unsigned long corr_scaler;
unsigned long tm_stp_lsb; //least significant bits timestamp
unsigned long info_field;
unsigned int adc_data;
unsigned int sample_length;
unsigned char data_type;
unsigned char fee64_id;
unsigned char ch_id;
unsigned char adc_range;
unsigned char info_code;
bool sync_flag;
TFile* input_file1;
TFile* input_file2;
TFile* input_file3;
TTree * tree1;
TTree * tree2;
TTree * tree3;
// unpack_data_struct unpack_data;
// calib_data_struct calib_data;
// dssd_hits event_data;
Long64_t delta_long64;
double delta_double;
Long64_t offset_long64;
//offset_long64= offset_z;
// TFile* input_file;
// TTree * input_tree;
//TH1I * hTs;
//TH2I * hFeeAdc;
//TH2I * hFeeCh;
//TH1I * hAdc[24];
//TH2I * hTsAdc[24];
// TH1I * Hdt_ext;
// TCanvas * c0;
// c0= new TCanvas("c0","c0"); c0->Divide(4,4); //deltaunp
// for(int i=0;i<16;i++){
// char my_title[256];
// char my_name[256];
// sprintf(my_name,"hDeltaUnp%d",i);
// sprintf(my_title,"#Delta time-stamp !FEE%d;t_{CORR. SCALER} - t_{AIDA}",i+1);
// hDeltaUnp[i]= new TH1I(my_name, my_title, 2048, t_ext_0, t_ext_1);
// }
ULong64_t my_tm_stp;
UInt_t my_bit;
Float_t my_Z;
ULong64_t a_tm_stp[1];
UInt_t a_bit[1];
Float_t a_Z[10];
string runName;
string path="/Disk/ds-sopa-personal/aestrade/rootfiles/AIDA/May2015/";
char pid_file[1024];
//number of data points in TTree
long long n_entries;
long long n_max;
long long n_entries_sum=0;
long long delta_ts;
double t3[10001];
double x3[10001];
double t2[10001];
double x2[10001];
int n3=0;
int n2=0;
// int Nskip2=100; //take 1/100 points for any trigger type
TH2I * hT3= new TH2I("hT3","time-stamp for trigger=2;entry num. [1/1e3];time-stamp [1/1e6]",1000,0,kentry_max,1000,ts_0,ts_1);
TH2I * hT2= new TH2I("hT2","time-stamp for any trigger;entry num. [1/1e3];time-stamp [1/1e6]",1000,0,kentry_max,1000,ts_0,ts_1);
const Int_t kMaxEventInfo = 1;
const Int_t kMaxBigRIPSRaw = 10;
Int_t EventInfo_;
Int_t BigRIPSRaw_;
ULong64_t EventInfo_timestamp[kMaxEventInfo]; //[EventInfo_]
UInt_t EventInfo_fBit[kMaxEventInfo]; //[EventInfo_]
Float_t BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11[kMaxBigRIPSRaw]; //[BigRIPSRaw_]
TBranch *b_EventInfo_; //!
TBranch *b_BigRIPSRaw_; //!
TBranch *b_EventInfo_timestamp; //!
TBranch *b_EventInfo_fBit; //!
TBranch *b_BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11; //!
cout << endl << endl;
for(int k=0;k<Nrun;k++){
input_file1 = new TFile(pid_file,"read");
tree1= (TTree*) input_file1->Get("tree");
// tree1->Print();
tree1->SetMakeClass(1); // important!
tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo", &EventInfo_, &b_EventInfo_);
tree1->SetBranchAddress("BigRIPSRaw", &BigRIPSRaw_, &b_BigRIPSRaw_);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.timestamp",&my_tm_stp,0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("BigRIPSRaw.Zed_F11",&my_Z,0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.fBit",&my_bit,0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.timestamp",a_tm_stp,0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.fBit",a_bit,0);
tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.timestamp", EventInfo_timestamp, &b_EventInfo_timestamp);
tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.fBit", EventInfo_fBit, &b_EventInfo_fBit);
tree1->SetBranchAddress("BigRIPSRaw.Zed_F11", BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11, &b_BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.timestamp", EventInfo_timestamp, 0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.fBit", EventInfo_fBit, 0);
//tree1->SetBranchAddress("BigRIPSRaw.Zed_F11", BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11, 0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.timestamp", EventInfo_timestamp, 0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("EventInfo.fBit", EventInfo_fBit, 0);
// tree1->SetBranchAddress("BigRIPSRaw.Zed_F11", BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11, 0);
// tree1->SetBranchStatus("BigRIPSRaw.Zed_F11",1);
// tree1->SetBranchStatus("EventInfo.fBit",1);
n_entries = tree1->GetEntries();
// n_entries_sum+= n_entries;
cout << "Number of entries in PID tree= " << n_entries << " for file "<< pid_file<< " (accumulated= "<<n_entries_sum+n_entries<<")"<<endl;
// int module;
if(Nmax>0 && Nmax<n_entries) n_max= Nmax;
else n_max= n_entries;
int i2=0;
// cout << "\nBIT : TS : Z"<<endl;
for(long long i=0; i< n_max; i=i+Nskip){
// cout << "loaded..."<<endl;
hT2->Fill((i+n_entries_sum)/1e3, EventInfo_timestamp[0]/1e6);
if(n2<10000 && (i2%Nskip2) ==0){
t2[n2]= EventInfo_timestamp[0]/1e6;
hT3->Fill((i+n_entries_sum)/1e3, EventInfo_timestamp[0]/1e6);
t3[n3]= EventInfo_timestamp[0]/1e6;
else if(EventInfo_fBit[0]!=2){
cout<< "i: "<<i<<" \t"<< EventInfo_timestamp[0]<<" \t"; //[EventInfo_]
cout<< EventInfo_fBit[0]<<" \t"; //[EventInfo_]
cout<< BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11[0]<<endl; //[BigRIPSRaw_]
if(i < 33){
cout<< "i: "<<i<<" \t"<< EventInfo_timestamp[0]<<" \t"; //[EventInfo_]
cout<< EventInfo_fBit[0]<<" \t"; //[EventInfo_]
cout<< BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11[0]<<endl; //[BigRIPSRaw_]
if(EventInfo_fBit[0] != 2){
cout<< "i: "<<i<<" \t"<< EventInfo_timestamp[0]<<" \t"; //[EventInfo_]
cout<< EventInfo_fBit[0]<<" \t"; //[EventInfo_]
cout<< BigRIPSRaw_Zed_F11[0]<<endl; //[BigRIPSRaw_]
... 32 more lines ...
Attachment 7: pulser_dts_go4_3022.png
Attachment 8: pulser_dts_go4_3022_Z0.png
Attachment 9: pulser_dts_go4_3022_Z1.png
Attachment 10: pulser_dts_aida_r51_3_Z1.png
Wed Jul 1 16:42:39 2015 |
Patrick Coleman-Smith | Testing Version 8 |
I have installed Version 8 of the AidaExec program and FEE_GF_Feb15_6.bin for the VHDL on the system in T9.
On the whole the new firmware operates successfully.
I am now pursuing a few niggles.
I have disconnected the detector in order to have a deterministic set of data through the system.
If the system is required for other tests please let me know and the V7 setup can be restored quite quickly.
Fri May 22 11:58:02 2015 |
TD | 22 May 2015 |
MSL type BB18 serial 2998-22
CAEN N1419B floating HV bias +150V I_L +4.255uA
(bias network locally grounded at AIDA adaptor PCB connected to p+n junction strips)
ASIC settings attachments 1-4
BNC PB-5 Pulser
Amplitude 0.50V
Attenuator x1
Polarity - (output split to Cooknell SA2 to provide + polarity signals)
Decay time 1ms
Frequency 50Hz
Unable to replace PCL Kapton PCBs with FCT Kapton PCBs.
FCT Kapton PCBs exhibited either a high resistance short
(15v/50uA) or expecte diode response as voltage increased
from zero until ~20-30V when leakage curent abruptly increased
to CAN N1419B OVC limit (curremtly 50uA). Return FCT Kapton PCBs
to Edinburgh for continuity/short tests in the automated tester
in the electronics workshop.
MSL type BB18 serial 2998-20
CAEN N1419B floating HV bias +200V I_L +5.705uA |
Attachment 1: 2.png
Attachment 2: 3.png
Attachment 3: 4.png
Attachment 4: 5.png
Attachment 5: 6.png
Attachment 6: 7.png
Fri May 22 11:26:43 2015 |
TD | Internal Server Error - attempting to save settings to /MIDAS/DB/EXPERIMENTS/AIDA/2015May22-11.19.38 |
Got the error Server Internal Error
while trying to obtain /AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml.
can't read "env(MIDASBASE)": no such variable while executing "file join $env(MIDASBASE) XilinxLinux ppc_4xx rfs $fee64 tmp SaveState.log" (procedure "do_Save" line 17) invoked from within "do_Save" ("SAVE" arm line 1) invoked from within "switch -glob [lindex $w 0] { RESET {set started 0} CLEAR {EmptyLog} ELOG {PrintLog} ..." (procedure "do_click" line 21) invoked from within "do_click" invoked from within "if {$started != 0} { variable JS "" variable LogFlag if {$LogFlag == 1} {InsertLog "Last Updated: [clock format [clock seconds] -forma..." (file "SaveRestore.tcl" line 8) invoked from within "source SaveRestore.tcl" (in namespace eval "::AIDA_SaveRestore" script line 6) invoked from within "namespace eval AIDA_SaveRestore { global env source [file join $env(MIDASBASE) TclHttpd tcl Common common.tcl] source [file join ..." invoked from within "subst \n\n\[Doc_Dynamic\]\n\n<html>\n<head>\n\n<title>Module\ Settings\ Save/Restore</title>\n\n\[global\ env\;\ source\ \[file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE..." ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel #0 [list subst $script]" (procedure "SubstFile" line 12) invoked from within "SubstFile /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml {}" ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel 1 [list SubstFile $path $interp]" (procedure "Subst_File" line 7) invoked from within "Subst_File $template $interp" invoked from within "TemplateInstantiate $sock $path {} $suffix {} $Template(templateInterp)" (procedure "Doc_application/x-tcl-template" line 9) invoked from within "$cmd $path $suffix $sock" (procedure "Doc_Handle" line 20) invoked from within "Doc_Handle $prefix $path $suffix $sock" (procedure "DocDomain" line 44) invoked from within "DocDomain / /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html sock8 AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval $Url(command,$prefix) [list $sock $suffix]"
Tcl Call Trace
6: DocSubstSystemFile sock8 error 500 can't\ read\ "\;env(MIDASBASE)"\;:\ no\ such\ variable\n\ \ \ \ while\ executing\n"\;file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE)\ XilinxLinux\ ppc_4xx\ rfs\ \$fee64\ tmp\ SaveState.log"\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;do_Save"\;\ line\ 17)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;do_Save"\;\n\ \ \ \ ("\;SAVE"\;\ arm\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;switch\ -glob\ \[lindex\ \$w\ 0\]\ \{\n\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ RESET\ \ \ \ \{set\ started\ 0\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CLEAR\ \ \ \ \{EmptyLog\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ELOG\ \ \ \ \ \{PrintLog\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ..."\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;do_click"\;\ line\ 21)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;do_click"\;\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;if\ \{\$started\ !=\ 0\}\ \{\n\n\ \ \ \ \ variable\ JS\ "\;"\;\n\ \ \ \ \ variable\ LogFlag\n\n\ \ \ \ if\ \{\$LogFlag\ ==\ 1\}\ \{InsertLog\ "\;Last\ Updated:\ \[clock\ format\ \[clock\ seconds\]\ -forma..."\;\n\ \ \ \ (file\ "\;SaveRestore.tcl"\;\ line\ 8)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;source\ SaveRestore.tcl"\;\n\ \ \ \ (in\ namespace\ eval\ "\;::AIDA_SaveRestore"\;\ script\ line\ 6)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;namespace\ eval\ AIDA_SaveRestore\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ global\ env\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ source\ \[file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE)\ TclHttpd\ tcl\ Common\ common.tcl\]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ source\ \[file\ join\ ..."\;\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;subst\ \\n\\n\\\[Doc_Dynamic\\\]\\n\\n<\;html>\;\\n<\;head>\;\\n\\n<\;title>\;Module\\\ Settings\\\ Save/Restore<\;/title>\;\\n\\n\\\[global\\\ env\\\;\\\ source\\\ \\\[file\\\ join\\\ \\\$env(MIDASBASE..."\;\n\ \ \ \ ("\;uplevel"\;\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;uplevel\ #0\ \[list\ subst\ \$script\]"\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;SubstFile"\;\ line\ 12)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;SubstFile\ /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml\ \{\}"\;\n\ \ \ \ ("\;uplevel"\;\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;uplevel\ 1\ \[list\ SubstFile\ \$path\ \$interp\]"\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;Subst_File"\;\ line\ 7)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;Subst_File\ \$template\ \$interp"\;\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;TemplateInstantiate\ \$sock\ \$path\ \{\}\ \$suffix\ \{\}\ \$Template(templateInterp)"\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;Doc_application/x-tcl-template"\;\ line\ 9)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;\$cmd\ \$path\ \$suffix\ \$sock"\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;Doc_Handle"\;\ line\ 20)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;Doc_Handle\ \$prefix\ \$path\ \$suffix\ \$sock"\;\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ "\;DocDomain"\;\ line\ 44)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;DocDomain\ /\ /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html\ sock8\ AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml"\;\n\ \ \ \ ("\;eval"\;\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"\;eval\ \$Url(command,\$prefix)\ \[list\ \$sock\ \$suffix\]"\;
5: Doc_Error sock8 can't\ read\ \"env(MIDASBASE)\":\ no\ such\ variable\n\ \ \ \ while\ executing\n\"file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE)\ XilinxLinux\ ppc_4xx\ rfs\ \$fee64\ tmp\ SaveState.log\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"do_Save\"\ line\ 17)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"do_Save\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"SAVE\"\ arm\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"switch\ -glob\ \[lindex\ \$w\ 0\]\ \{\n\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ RESET\ \ \ \ \{set\ started\ 0\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CLEAR\ \ \ \ \{EmptyLog\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ELOG\ \ \ \ \ \{PrintLog\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ...\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"do_click\"\ line\ 21)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"do_click\"\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"if\ \{\$started\ !=\ 0\}\ \{\n\n\ \ \ \ \ variable\ JS\ \"\"\n\ \ \ \ \ variable\ LogFlag\n\n\ \ \ \ if\ \{\$LogFlag\ ==\ 1\}\ \{InsertLog\ \"Last\ Updated:\ \[clock\ format\ \[clock\ seconds\]\ -forma...\"\n\ \ \ \ (file\ \"SaveRestore.tcl\"\ line\ 8)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"source\ SaveRestore.tcl\"\n\ \ \ \ (in\ namespace\ eval\ \"::AIDA_SaveRestore\"\ script\ line\ 6)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"namespace\ eval\ AIDA_SaveRestore\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ global\ env\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ source\ \[file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE)\ TclHttpd\ tcl\ Common\ common.tcl\]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ source\ \[file\ join\ ...\"\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"subst\ \\n\\n\\\[Doc_Dynamic\\\]\\n\\n<html>\\n<head>\\n\\n<title>Module\\\ Settings\\\ Save/Restore</title>\\n\\n\\\[global\\\ env\\\;\\\ source\\\ \\\[file\\\ join\\\ \\\$env(MIDASBASE...\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"uplevel\"\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"uplevel\ #0\ \[list\ subst\ \$script\]\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"SubstFile\"\ line\ 12)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"SubstFile\ /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml\ \{\}\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"uplevel\"\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"uplevel\ 1\ \[list\ SubstFile\ \$path\ \$interp\]\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"Subst_File\"\ line\ 7)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"Subst_File\ \$template\ \$interp\"\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"TemplateInstantiate\ \$sock\ \$path\ \{\}\ \$suffix\ \{\}\ \$Template(templateInterp)\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"Doc_application/x-tcl-template\"\ line\ 9)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"\$cmd\ \$path\ \$suffix\ \$sock\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"Doc_Handle\"\ line\ 20)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"Doc_Handle\ \$prefix\ \$path\ \$suffix\ \$sock\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"DocDomain\"\ line\ 44)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"DocDomain\ /\ /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html\ sock8\ AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"eval\"\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"eval\ \$Url(command,\$prefix)\ \[list\ \$sock\ \$suffix\]\"
4: Url_Unwind sock8 can't\ read\ \"env(MIDASBASE)\":\ no\ such\ variable\n\ \ \ \ while\ executing\n\"file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE)\ XilinxLinux\ ppc_4xx\ rfs\ \$fee64\ tmp\ SaveState.log\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"do_Save\"\ line\ 17)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"do_Save\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"SAVE\"\ arm\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"switch\ -glob\ \[lindex\ \$w\ 0\]\ \{\n\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ RESET\ \ \ \ \{set\ started\ 0\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CLEAR\ \ \ \ \{EmptyLog\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ELOG\ \ \ \ \ \{PrintLog\}\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ...\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"do_click\"\ line\ 21)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"do_click\"\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"if\ \{\$started\ !=\ 0\}\ \{\n\n\ \ \ \ \ variable\ JS\ \"\"\n\ \ \ \ \ variable\ LogFlag\n\n\ \ \ \ if\ \{\$LogFlag\ ==\ 1\}\ \{InsertLog\ \"Last\ Updated:\ \[clock\ format\ \[clock\ seconds\]\ -forma...\"\n\ \ \ \ (file\ \"SaveRestore.tcl\"\ line\ 8)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"source\ SaveRestore.tcl\"\n\ \ \ \ (in\ namespace\ eval\ \"::AIDA_SaveRestore\"\ script\ line\ 6)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"namespace\ eval\ AIDA_SaveRestore\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ global\ env\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ source\ \[file\ join\ \$env(MIDASBASE)\ TclHttpd\ tcl\ Common\ common.tcl\]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ source\ \[file\ join\ ...\"\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"subst\ \\n\\n\\\[Doc_Dynamic\\\]\\n\\n<html>\\n<head>\\n\\n<title>Module\\\ Settings\\\ Save/Restore</title>\\n\\n\\\[global\\\ env\\\;\\\ source\\\ \\\[file\\\ join\\\ \\\$env(MIDASBASE...\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"uplevel\"\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"uplevel\ #0\ \[list\ subst\ \$script\]\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"SubstFile\"\ line\ 12)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"SubstFile\ /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml\ \{\}\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"uplevel\"\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"uplevel\ 1\ \[list\ SubstFile\ \$path\ \$interp\]\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"Subst_File\"\ line\ 7)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"Subst_File\ \$template\ \$interp\"\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"TemplateInstantiate\ \$sock\ \$path\ \{\}\ \$suffix\ \{\}\ \$Template(templateInterp)\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"Doc_application/x-tcl-template\"\ line\ 9)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"\$cmd\ \$path\ \$suffix\ \$sock\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"Doc_Handle\"\ line\ 20)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"Doc_Handle\ \$prefix\ \$path\ \$suffix\ \$sock\"\n\ \ \ \ (procedure\ \"DocDomain\"\ line\ 44)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"DocDomain\ /\ /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html\ sock8\ AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml\"\n\ \ \ \ (\"eval\"\ body\ line\ 1)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n\"eval\ \$Url(command,\$prefix)\ \[list\ \$sock\ \$suffix\]\" NONE
3: Url_DeferredDispatch / AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml sock8 buffer {}
2: HttpdReadPost sock8 buffer 16384 {Url_DeferredDispatch / AIDA/SaveRestore/SaveRestore.tml}
1: HttpdReadPostGlobal sock8 Httpdsock8(query) 16384 { |
Fri May 22 11:14:21 2015 |
TD | AIDA T9 test bed - nnaida11 DAQ stall |
AIDA T9 test bed
nnaida11 DAQ stall (0 AIDA SYNCs) at DAQ GO. Merger not in use. Fixed by STOP/GO cycle.
Attachment 1 - FEE64 firmware revision |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Sat May 9 23:40:49 2015 |
TD | Network cabling & Raspberry Pi configuration |
Hi Tom,
Please could you photo the power supply cabling and the MACBs.
Hope i'm not too late,
Patrick |
Sat May 9 11:47:40 2015 |
TD | Network cabling & Raspberry Pi configuration |
Attachment 1: IMG_2907.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2908.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2909.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_2910.JPG
Sat May 9 11:28:32 2015 |
TD | AIDA DSSSD dis-assembly |
AIDA DSSSD #1-3 stack disassembled without problem. DSSSDs returned to boxes
in the BF3 AIDA storage area.
Attachments 1 & 2 show DSSSD #1 (3131-11) - spot the difference! |
Attachment 1: IMG_2922.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2929.JPG
Sat May 9 03:50:56 2015 |
TD & CG | Saturday 9 May 2015 |
Gzip'd tar file of /MIDAS/DB - attachment 1
Scan of AIDA logbook - attachment 2
AIDA FEE64 power OFF
JUlabo FL11006 chiller OFF
USB ac mains control OFF
Mains power disconnected from ac mains network to AIDA.
2x RJ45 network cables from NetGear Gbit switches to AIDA
server aidas1 disconnected and rolled up.
AIDA withdrawn from in-beam position within EURICA.
AIDA stand, Julabo FL11006 chiller and ac mains transformer
moved downstream from EURICA.
AIDA snout removed and DSSSD stack dis-assembled. |
Attachment 1: MIDAS_DB_090515.tar.gz
Attachment 2: aida_may2015-0001.compressed.rotated.pdf
Fri May 8 01:05:18 2015 |
JA, TD, AE & CG | Friday 8 May 2015 |
08.50 FEE64 temperatures (attachment 1)
09.03 R70 ends OK
Beamtime ends
background/residual activity
12.12 R71 ends
Pulser walkthough, amplitude 90,000-10,000 @ 10,000 step, freq 25Hz
12.33 R72 ends
External clock was removed by mistake - DAQ stopped
Pulser data for amplitudes 90,000-50,000 only
Ignore R73, R74
12.59 R75
Conclusion of pulser walkthrough for amplitudes 40,000-10,000 |
Attachment 1: 150.png
Thu May 7 01:32:39 2015 |
JA, TD, AE, CG & JLT | Thursday 7 May 2015 |
09.25 R69 continues
100Kr setting, degrader 4mm + 0.4mm (variable) Al
DSSSD #1 off due to detector failure ( https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/101 ) |
Tue May 5 16:40:23 2015 |
JA, TD, AE, CG & JLT | Wednesday 6 May 2015 |
00.00 Degrader changed to 4mm + some of variable (need to confirm)
Extra 1mm removed.
00.30 R63
95Br BigRIPS setting -> 94Se
Degrader ?
FEE64 nnaida1-16 stat spectra (attachment 1)
00.50 Beam tuning for 100Kr started
Degrader changed to 4mm fixed + 0.6mm + 0.2mm variable
=> total 4.8mm
09.40 Found detector bias DSSSD #1 tripped
Detector trips at +20uA at ~ +10V
10.45 R63 stopped
10.45 Bias(V) I_L(uA) set 50uA trip current
10 45.105
20 trips at ~15V
2 4.450
4 ~7.4 rising to ~9.4 over ~2 mins
6 20.4 and rising
Not open circuit. Not Ohmic. Radiation damage?
Time between successive 32000 block data files changes from ~5-6 mins to ~3-4 mins
07.57-08.00. SEASTAR Elog records F/C drops in at 08.20. Nishimura-san reports MAKI
DAQ stopped/stalled c.08.00. Abrupt failure?
11.15 R64
DSSSD #1 off
nnaida6, 10, 11 & 16 slow comparator -> 0xff, medium/low energy selection -> 0x1
12.10 R64 stopped
beam off
12.25 R65
14.09 R65 ends
New ZDS setting (change in B-rho)
F11 rate ~4kHz
~15.00 Degrader changed -> 4mm + 1.3mm (variable) Al
16.01 R66 ends
17.00 Checked CAEN N1419 ch #1 with/without bias cable and disconnecetd from DSSSD #1 - zero current
at bias => problem forward of adaptor PCB
17.28 R68
100Kr setting
While tuning ZDS, observe few, if any, implants in DSSSD #2 & #3
18.30 Degrader changed to 4mm fixed + 0.4mm variable
19.16 R68 ends
Degrader -> 4mm + 0.4mm (variable) Al |
Attachment 1: 140.png
Mon May 4 18:09:42 2015 |
JA, TD, AE, CG & JLT | Tuesday 5 May 2015 |
02.09 R61 starts
nnaida1, 2, 6, 10, 13 & 14 fast discs disabled
10.10 R61 ends
background + pulser run |
Mon May 4 12:10:35 2015 |
AE | online monitor and data transfer |
Online monitor program for AIDA is in /homes/npg/AIDAonline
The program is now running in Desktop#4 of aidas1, with mode to forward data to BRIKEN PC enabled (if more than one instance forwarding data are running, the code could get stalled).
The current code identifies implant and decays candidates by conditions on hit multiplicity, energy of n-side vs p-side, and cluster size. These are noted with the implant-flag and decay_flag variables, which are transmitted in the data buffer to the BRIKEN PC. If the flags are greater than one these are candidated for implants or decays at different DSSDs (valid codes, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13; for now the program looks for implants in DSSD #2 and #3, and decays in all 3 DSSDs).
A few sample histograms from analyzing run R53_20 are attached
+++++++++++++++ HOW TO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
To start it type AIDA-online.exe from that directory:
aidas1> ./AIDA-online.exe
AIDA be like: in da F11!!
declaring my class objects
I'm here
and here...
... source ...
... unpacker ...
... calibrator ...
... analysis ...
initializing things
- DataSource: attaching online to shared memory area with ID= 0.
dataSpy Shared buffer area 0 (/SHM_110205) located at 0xca9f9000
dataSpy Current age 26182952 index 40
+ DataSource attached online **************
Setting Transfer Block Size 65536
Setting Transfer Mode 3
TCP transfer library version 4.0T
2: TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
2: TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
2: TCP socket created OK - now connecting to port 10310
2: Connected to port 10310
+ DataSource.cpp:: initialized data trasfer protocols **************
Calibrator.cpp:: LoadParameters() reached end of parameter file. Loaded new value for 202 parameters.
InitAnalysis(): initialize histograms for evend clustering
db Analysis.cpp: Initialized histograms and canvas for this step
almost in looop
before looop
Once it's runnig, one can reach a menu by typing 'space' (or any keyboard hit) in the terminal, and the following menu appears (note: select 1 to update histograms and dsiplay data at begining of run):
online monitor is paused;
press 0 <Enter> to stop, 1 <Enter> to update hitograms, 2 <Enter> to clear histograms;
You chose restart
monitor restarted, press <Space> to pause;
Analysis::UpdateHistograms()... updating
online monitor is paused;
press 0 <Enter> to stop, 1 <Enter> to update hitograms, 2 <Enter> to clear histograms;
You chose clear
monitor restarted, press <Space> to pause;
Analysis::ResetHistograms(): all histograms have been reset...
Attachment 1: R53_implant_E.png
Attachment 2: R53_implant_XY.png
Attachment 3: R53_decat_E.png