ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Mon Feb 22 16:47:28 2016 |
PJCS | Version 8 in nnaida2 outputting and merging two streams | nnaida2 , the bare test FEE64 in T9, is successfully running with two streams connected to nndhcp177 ( a Linux64 computer )
Merge running on nndhcp177 is receiving the streams and merging them.
nnaida2 has a slow pulser , 100Hz , connected to one waveform input.
Apparently waveforms are being merged with ASIC data. ( stream 0 and 1 from nnaida2 )
Next step is to add a Tape server to nndhcp177 and verify the recorded events.

Mon Feb 22 15:19:52 2016 |
PJCS | T9 System changed to version 8 | I have changed the T9 system to be using Version 8.
Tests using the detector and pulser seem to be ok.
Transmission to the Merge and Merging operating ok
Shaping time 8uS and threshold 64.
The Leading Edge Discriminator has changed in Version 8 and is a true implementation of a Leading Edge Discriminator. With hysteresis which requires the input signal to go below the threshold before allowing another trigger.
The Delay setting on the LED web page is removed.
The LED web page is aware of the version being used ( shown at the top of the page ) as the Threshold for the LED is an ADC value ( 0 to 16383 ) rather than a difference from the current baseline.
For a positive waveform where the baseline is expected to be about 8192 a value of 9000 will potentially give a trigger.
For a negative waveform where the baseline is expected to be about 8192 a value of 7000 will potentially give a trigger.
Example window attached.
I would value feedback.
Attachment 1: LED_window.png
Fri Feb 19 10:23:31 2016 |
TD | 19 February 2016 | MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 serial 2998-22
Bias +200V, I_L +=6.070uA, ambient temperature +20.2 deg C
DSSSD - AIDA adaptor PCB cabling
4 off LH Coupler (Kapton PCB, 5cm), 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cable (45cm), RH coupler(Kapton PCB, 10cm)
+ 3M 1245 1.4mil copper foil screen ribbon cables + RH coupler only (i.e. not LH coupler)
+ drain wires -> gold-plated Lemo-00 test input connectors
nnaida 11 & 12 AIDA adaptor PCB rev B
nnaida 13 & 14 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C (LK1 fitted)
ground links LK3 & LK7 fitted to nnaida11-14 AIDA adaptor PCBs
Heavy duty copper cable connects copper front end frames of FEE modules
Nitto 5011N conductive gasket between FEE module and front end frames
Standard ASIC settings
nnaida 11 & 12 - negative input
nnaida 13 & 14 - positive input
Pulser BNC PB-5
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate 100Hz
Delay 250ns
Ampl 5.00000V
Polarity +
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
Clamp ON
- polarity via Cooknell SA1 Summing Amplifier
207Bi source, approx centred on DSSSD, approx 3cm from DSSSD
Compare measurements to previous electronic noise tests 27 January 2016
Shaping time(us)
0.5 1 2 4 8
87 80 75 60 54
88 81 76 62 58
87 83 78 62 57
84 74 69 56 56
81 78 72 59 56
86 79 74 60 56
85 73 65 56 57
85 77 72 59 57
83 77 73 60 56
85 81 77 62 58
85 71 65 55 55
80 76 72 59 56
85 78 73 59 57
87 76 71 58 55
93 85 78 62 55
91 86 81 64 55
85.8 78.4 73.1 59.6 56.1 mean
3.2 4.2 4.5 2.5 1.2 std dev
0.5 1 2 4 8
87 77 69 58 55
83 78 75 61 58
80 84 77 63 56
86 73 64 54 54
85 77 69 58 55
86 77 71 59 55
85 72 64 55 55
84 74 66 56 55
82 74 67 57 55
80 78 73 61 55
80 70 63 55 55
82 72 65 56 53
82 73 69 58 56
90 74 64 55 55
95 84 74 59 53
86 82 74 59 55
84.6 76.2 69.0 57.8 55.0
4.0 4.3 4.6 2.5 1.2
0.5 1 2 4 8
51 51 51 46 47
49 53 52 47 48
53 60 61 50 49
50 46 45 42 46
48 50 50 45 48
57 54 54 47 49
49 47 46 44 48
49 50 50 46 49
50 51 52 46 48
50 54 54 47 49
49 45 44 43 48
47 50 50 45 47
49 52 52 47 49
48 45 42 42 47
54 55 55 47 45
47 54 53 47 46
50.0 51.1 50.7 45.7 47.7
2.7 4.0 4.7 2.1 1.3
0.5 1 2 4 8
81 79 75 60 53
79 77 73 57 52
79 78 73 61 54
85 81 76 61 54
79 71 70 56 51
82 79 74 60 54
83 78 73 59 54
79 74 70 56 52
82 78 73 59 54
76 75 70 54 52
82 75 72 58 54
81 76 71 58 54
78 75 70 58 53
96 87 81 62 54
108 103 94 69 55
95 90 85 68 54
84.1 79.8 75.0 59.8 53.4
8.5 7.8 6.5 4.0 1.1
* outlier ignored
** ground links LK3 & LK7 fitted to nnaida11-14 AIDA adaptor PCBs
electronic noise
p+n *and* n+n strips ~ 55 ch FWHM ~ 0.7 * 55 ~ 39keV FWHM
=> slow comparator (5x sigma) ~ 5 * 39 / 2.355 ~ 82keV
n+n strips ~64 ch FWHM ~ 0.7 * 64 ~ 45keV FWHM
=> slow comparator threshold (5x sigma) ~ 5 * 45 / 2.355 ~ 96keV
p+n strips ~ 54 ch FWHM ~ 0.7 * 54 ~ 38keV FWHM
=> slow comparator threshold (5x sigma) ~ 5 * 38 / 2.355 ~ 81keV
Pulser BNC PB-5
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate 100Hz
Delay 250ns
Ampl 10.00000V
Polarity +
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
Clamp ON
- polarity via Cooknell SA1 Summing Amplifier
207Bi source, approx centred on DSSSD, approx 3cm from DSSSD
File R35
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 6 (dec)
start: 13.26 stop: 13.50
spectra saved to disk 14.52 BST (sic)
Pulser amplitude 10.0000V-1.00000V @ 1.00000V step |
Thu Feb 18 13:23:03 2016 |
TD | Report: high: MERGE error messages | During R30 ( see ) obtain the following merger error messages
(rate ~ 10 per minute) with merger rate ~100-200k data items/s
Merge: Timestamp (611b2080877)[Q 2, Stream 2] is older than previous (611c207f4ef) [Q 2, Stream 2]
Merge: Attempting resynchronisation to timestamp 611c207f4f0 or greater
Merge: Last sync pulse time: 611c20400a0
Merge: Last timestamp seen: 611c207f4ef
Merge: Restarting at timestamp 611c72800a0
Merge: Timestamp (611f6f0101f)[Q 2, Stream 2] is older than previous (61206effe27) [Q 2, Stream 2]
Merge: Attempting resynchronisation to timestamp 61206effe28 or greater
Merge: Last sync pulse time: 61206ec00a0
Merge: Last timestamp seen: 61206effe27
Merge: Restarting at timestamp 612088000a0
Merge: Timestamp (61213ac1e1f)[Q 2, Stream 2] is older than previous (61223abffa7) [Q 2, Stream 2]
Merge: Attempting resynchronisation to timestamp 61223abffa8 or greater
Merge: Last sync pulse time: 61223a800a0
Merge: Last timestamp seen: 61223abffa7
Merge: Restarting at timestamp 6122ab400a0
611c72800a0-611c207f4ef = 5200BB1 = 85986225 * 1e-8 = 0.86s
612088000a0-61206effe27 = 1900279 = 0.26s
6122ab400a0-61223abffa7 = 70800F9 = 1.2s
Resynchronisation appears to require significant periods of time (~s) - why?
I assume this implies significant dead time (data loss) too? |
Thu Feb 18 10:23:48 2016 |
TD | Thursday 18 February | MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 serial 2998-22
Bias +200V, I_L +=6.200uA, ambient temperature +20.1 deg C
DSSSD - AIDA adaptor PCB cabling
4 off LH Coupler (Kapton PCB, 5cm), 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cable (45cm), RH coupler(Kapton PCB, 10cm)
+ 3M 1245 1.4mil copper foil screen ribbon cables + RH coupler only (i.e. not LH coupler)
+ drain wires -> gold-plated Lemo-00 test input connectors
nnaida 11 & 12 AIDA adaptor PCB rev B
nnaida 13 & 14 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C (LK1 fitted)
ground links LK3 & LK7 fitted to nnaida11-14 AIDA adaptor PCBs
Heavy duty copper cable connects copper front end frames of FEE modules
Nitto 5011N conductive gasket between FEE module and front end frames
Standard ASIC settings
nnaida 11 & 12 - negative input
nnaida 13 & 14 - positive input
Pulser BNC PB-5
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate 100Hz
Delay 250ns
Ampl 5.00000V
Polarity +
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
Clamp ON
- polarity via Cooknell SA1 Summing Amplifier
207Bi source, approx centred on DSSSD, approx 3cm from DSSSD
File R30
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 6 (dec)
start: 10.21 stop: 15.09
spectra saved to disk 16.10 BST (sic)
Pulser OFF
see attachments 1-4 (stat & rate hit patterns)
File R33
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 5 (dec)
start: 16.03 stop: 17.44
spectra saved to disk 18.45 BST (sic)
Pulser OFF
Connect DSSSD-AIDA adaptor PCB screened cabling drain wires to adaptor PCB
mounting holes and secure with M3 socket bolts. With introduction of conductive
gasket should be equivalent to previous grounding via crocodile clips and gold-plated
Lemo-00 test input connectors.
18.19 Bias +200V, I_L +=6.760uA, ambient temperature +20.2 deg C
File R34
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 8 (dec)
start: 18.34 stop: 10.19 19.2.16
spectra saved to disk 11.20 BST (sic)
Pulser OFF
see attachments 5-8
Attachments 9 & 10
DSSSD energy (~10keV/ch) versus DSSSD strip #
Note some eveidence for non-linearity at low amplitude for p+n strips (128-255) cf. n+n strips
Projection of above showing energy spectrum for one strip. Can observe 478 and 975keV K-lines
and prominent Landau peak near threshold. Threshold estimated at ~80-100keV (slow comparator 0x8).
m(p+n strips) = m(n+n strips) = 1, E(p+n strip)-E(n+n strip) = +/- 100keV
Enegy spectra ADC offset correct, no relative gain adjustment
Attachments 11, 12
Energy (p+n strip) versus E(n+n strip)
~10keV/channel, m(p+n strips) = m(n+n strips) = 1, with & without equal energy gate
Attachments 13, 14 & 15
Raw hit pattern, m(n+n strips) and m(p+n strips)
Attachment 16 - gzip'd tar file of sorted R34 spectra (see attachments 17 & 18)
Attachment 17 - FORTRAN user subroutine
Attachment 18 - ADC offset variables used by FORTRAN user subroutine
Attachment 19 - ADC offsets |
Attachment 1: 46.png
Attachment 2: 47.png
Attachment 3: 48.png
Attachment 4: 49.png
Attachment 5: 50.png
Attachment 6: 51.png
Attachment 7: 52.png
Attachment 8: 53.png
Attachment 9: 70.png
Attachment 10: 71.png
Attachment 11: 72.png
Attachment 12: 73.png
Attachment 13: 74.png
Attachment 14: 75.png
Attachment 15: 76.png
Attachment 16: R34.tar.gz
Attachment 17: sort3.f
2000 s 16384
3000..3001 s 16384
3010..3015 s 16384
4000..4003 s 4096 4096
4010..4013 s 256 256
C External functions
INTEGER and, int, rshift
C REAL dtime
REAL float, rand
C Parameter variables
PARAMETER (max = 2048)
C Local variables
INTEGER asic, channel, ch, adc_data, range
INTEGER ch_old( 2 ), count2
INTEGER events, events_old, items, items_old
INTEGER i, j, k, l, m, m_p, m_n
INTEGER*2 i2(2), i2_2(4)
INTEGER i4, i4_2(2), ierr, iflag, ireturn
INTEGER module, mbs_data, information_index, information
INTEGER channel_ident
INTEGER id, ts1, ts2, ts3, ts28, ts48
INTEGER i_old(2), adc_data_old
INTEGER ts1_old(2), ts2_old(2), ts3_old(2)
INTEGER dt, dt1, dt2, dt3, iy, w(0:31)
INTEGER time_warp, invalid_id, noadcs, tag, type
INTEGER data( 0:4095 ), count, total
integer*8 i8, ts, ts_old, e_time, e_time_old
INTEGER m_1_p_hec, e_1_p_hec
INTEGER m_1_n_hec, e_1_n_hec
INTEGER m_2_p_hec, e_2_p_hec
INTEGER m_2_n_hec, e_2_n_hec
INTEGER m_3_p_hec, e_3_p_hec
INTEGER m_3_n_hec, e_3_n_hec
INTEGER mp, mn
REAL c(0:7), e, gain(0:max-1), offset(0:max-1), ediff
REAL rate, time(2), mean
REAL t1, t2, t2_old, secnds, delta_t
LOGICAL hit( 0:4095 ), first
C Namelists
NAMELIST /variables/ gain, offset, c, w
C Common variables
INTEGER*2 gdata(0:max-1)
COMMON /fdata/ gdata
C Common variables
INTEGER*2 gid(0:max-1)
COMMON /fid/ gid
C Common variables
COMMON /fmult/ mult
EQUIVALENCE ( i8, i4_2(1) )
EQUIVALENCE ( i4, i2(1) )
WRITE ( 6, * ) ' *** AIDA @ RIKEN - May 2015'
WRITE ( 6, * ) ' *** Entry init commences'
C Initialise counters
events = 0
events_old = 0
time_warp = 0
invalid_id = 0
C Initialise event data
DO i = 0, 2047
data( i ) = 0
hit( i ) = .FALSE.
first = .true.
ts_old = 0
e_time_old = 0
count = 0
total = 0
DO i = 0, 127
gain( i ) = 1.0
offset( i ) = 0.0
DO i = 0, 31
w( i ) = 0
DO i = 0, 7
c( i ) = 1.0
C Initialise time
t1 = SECNDS(0.0)
C Read program variables via NAMELIST I/O
OPEN( 1, FILE = '/homes/npg/td/GREAT/variables.dat',
+ IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr.NE.0 ) THEN
WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** OPEN I/O error:', ierr
READ( 1, NML = variables, IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr.NE.0 ) THEN
WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** READ I/O error:', ierr
CLOSE( 1, IOSTAT = ierr )
IF ( ierr.NE.0 ) THEN
WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** CLOSE I/O error:', ierr
C Display program variables
DO i = 0, 127, 8
WRITE( 6, 9001 ) i, i+7, ( gain( j ), j = i, i+7 )
DO i = 0, 127, 8
WRITE( 6, 9002 ) i, i+7, ( offset( j ), j = i, i+7 )
DO i = 0, 7, 8
WRITE( 6, 9003 ) i, i+7, ( c(j), j = 1, 8 )
DO i = 0, 31, 8
WRITE( 6, 9004 ) i, i+7, ( w(j), j = i, i+7 )
WRITE ( 6, * ) ' *** Entry init ends'
ENTRY sortin
items = items + 1
IF ( MOD( items, 100000000 ).EQ.0 ) THEN
t2 = SECNDS( t1 )
delta_t = t2 - t2_old
rate = FLOAT( items - items_old ) / delta_t
WRITE( 6, * ) ' *** item:', items, ' (', rate,' items/s)'
items_old = items
t2_old = t2
C Event data
C For Linux/x64 & Windows/x86 least significant 16-bit word i2(1)
C For Solaris/SPARC least significant 16-bit word i2(2)
C GREAT 3.2.1 format
C Other information
C gid[0]=-1
C gdata[0]=module number
C gdata[1]=information type (2=Pause, 3=Resume, 4=SYNC100, 6=FEE64 disc etc)
C gdata[2]=information field (bits 16-19)
C gdata[3]=information field (bits 0-15)
C gdata[4]=time stamp (bits 16-27)
C gdata[5]=time stamp (bits 0-15)
C ADC data format
C gid[0]=channel ident (FEE64 module bits 6-11, channel bits 0-5)
C gdata[0]=fail/veto bits (AIDA: fail=0, veto=0 LEC/MEC, veto=1 HEC)
C gdata[1]=?
C gdata[2]=ADC data
C gdata[3]=time stamp (bits 16-27)
C gdata[4]=time stamp (bits 0-15)
IF ( gid(0).EQ.-1 ) THEN
i2(2) = 0
i2(1) = gdata(0)
module = AND( i4, Z'0000003f' )
i2(1) = gdata(1)
type = AND( i4, Z'0000000f' )
i2(2) = gdata(2)
i2(1) = gdata(3)
information = AND( i4, Z'000fffff' )
i2(2) = gdata(4)
i2(1) = gdata(5)
ts28 = AND( i4, Z'0fffffff' )
IF ( type.EQ.2 ) THEN
C PAUSE timestamp
ts48 = information
i8 = 0
IF ( ts28.LT.Z'00000A0' ) THEN
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48 + 1
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48
ts = LSHIFT( i8, 28 )
i8 = 0
i4_2(1) = ts28
ts = ts + i8
ELSEIF( type.EQ.3 ) THEN
C RESUME timestamp
ts48 = information
i8 = 0
IF ( ts28.LT.Z'00000A0' ) THEN
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48 + 1
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48
ts = LSHIFT( i8, 28 )
i8 = 0
i4_2(1) = ts28
ts = ts + i8
ELSEIF( type.EQ.4 ) THEN
C SYNC100 timestamp
ts48 = information
i8 = 0
IF ( ts28.LT.Z'00000A0' ) THEN
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48 + 1
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48
ts = LSHIFT( i8, 28 )
i8 = 0
i4_2(1) = ts28
ts = ts + i8
ELSEIF( type.EQ.6 ) THEN
C FEE64 discriminator
i8 = 0
IF ( ts28.LT.Z'00000A0' ) THEN
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48 + 1
i4_2( 1 ) = ts48
ts = LSHIFT( i8, 28 )
i8 = 0
i4_2(1) = ts28
ts = ts + i8
... 231 more lines ...
Attachment 18: variables.dat
offset( 640) = -324.70
offset( 641) = 116.44
offset( 642) = -52.89
offset( 643) = 239.19
offset( 644) = -179.34
offset( 645) = -214.60
offset( 646) = -273.25
offset( 647) = -54.15
offset( 648) = -139.30
offset( 649) = -221.44
offset( 650) = -105.96
offset( 651) = -222.43
offset( 652) = -228.69
offset( 653) = -99.25
offset( 654) = -47.56
offset( 655) = 7.01
offset( 656) = -255.89
offset( 657) = 22.87
offset( 658) = -10.75
offset( 659) = -88.16
offset( 660) = -85.10
offset( 661) = -102.78
offset( 662) = -43.66
offset( 663) = 35.57
offset( 664) = -228.39
offset( 665) = -79.48
offset( 666) = -327.16
offset( 667) = -48.04
offset( 668) = -257.81
offset( 669) = -54.20
offset( 670) = -371.83
offset( 671) = -156.57
offset( 672) = 137.47
offset( 673) = -47.14
offset( 674) = 7.28
offset( 675) = -21.52
offset( 676) = 213.28
offset( 677) = 141.05
offset( 678) = 28.54
offset( 679) = -162.82
offset( 680) = 61.59
offset( 681) = 25.10
offset( 682) = -94.58
offset( 683) = 48.66
offset( 684) = -312.58
offset( 685) = 170.48
offset( 686) = 147.02
offset( 687) = 65.78
offset( 688) = -432.26
offset( 689) = -69.82
offset( 690) = -252.62
offset( 691) = -112.68
offset( 692) = -54.47
offset( 693) = -429.95
offset( 694) = -514.05
offset( 695) = -229.44
offset( 696) = -51.46
offset( 697) = -107.57
offset( 698) = 31.16
offset( 699) = 11.12
offset( 700) = -385.58
offset( 701) = 11.55
offset( 702) = -59.90
offset( 703) = -99.48
offset( 704) = -238.17
offset( 705) = -43.76
offset( 706) = -71.45
offset( 707) = -133.58
offset( 708) = -63.52
offset( 709) = -69.86
offset( 710) = -96.33
offset( 711) = -90.84
offset( 712) = -264.85
offset( 713) = -100.49
offset( 714) = -153.65
offset( 715) = -117.52
offset( 716) = -20.95
offset( 717) = -405.66
offset( 718) = 10.60
offset( 719) = -218.37
offset( 720) = 122.33
offset( 721) = -151.30
offset( 722) = 88.38
offset( 723) = 90.67
offset( 724) = -270.47
offset( 725) = 120.20
offset( 726) = 54.96
offset( 727) = 5.10
offset( 728) = -126.70
offset( 729) = 181.00
offset( 730) = -189.61
offset( 731) = -105.97
offset( 732) = 54.01
offset( 733) = -225.33
offset( 734) = -149.47
offset( 735) = -325.66
offset( 736) = -154.79
offset( 737) = -78.13
offset( 738) = -191.67
offset( 739) = 73.14
offset( 740) = 34.49
offset( 741) = 181.23
offset( 742) = -70.59
offset( 743) = 3.56
offset( 744) = -85.35
offset( 745) = 30.44
offset( 746) = 58.50
offset( 747) = -78.20
offset( 748) = -48.01
offset( 749) = -269.68
offset( 750) = 149.15
offset( 751) = -54.89
offset( 752) = -102.64
offset( 753) = 1358.05
offset( 754) = -122.29
offset( 755) = 70.63
offset( 756) = -191.32
offset( 757) = 254.05
offset( 758) = -70.61
offset( 759) = 51.46
offset( 760) = -42.33
offset( 761) = 197.80
offset( 762) = 142.39
offset( 763) = 42.66
offset( 764) = 19.83
offset( 765) = 81.06
offset( 766) = 326.60
offset( 767) = 70.02
offset( 768) = -76.55
offset( 769) = -19.40
offset( 770) = 16.08
offset( 771) = 53.37
offset( 772) = 296.26
offset( 773) = -98.32
offset( 774) = -77.13
offset( 775) = -35.25
offset( 776) = -183.71
offset( 777) = 116.35
offset( 778) = -188.57
offset( 779) = 123.91
offset( 780) = 52.92
offset( 781) = -28.89
offset( 782) = 184.69
offset( 783) = -314.93
offset( 784) = 143.72
offset( 785) = 46.23
offset( 786) = 76.84
offset( 787) = -95.28
offset( 788) = 0.0
offset( 789) = 20.36
offset( 790) = -178.84
offset( 791) = 0.0
offset( 792) = 96.07
offset( 793) = 0.0
offset( 794) = -157.88
offset( 795) = 110.26
offset( 796) = -108.33
offset( 797) = 0.0
offset( 798) = 198.40
offset( 799) = 0.0
offset( 800) = -103.44
offset( 801) = 179.85
offset( 802) = 224.49
offset( 803) = 0.81
offset( 804) = 20.70
offset( 805) = -176.96
offset( 806) = 4.35
offset( 807) = 299.93
offset( 808) = -11.93
offset( 809) = 134.80
offset( 810) = 156.26
offset( 811) = -188.12
offset( 812) = -83.05
offset( 813) = -22.65
offset( 814) = 12.16
offset( 815) = 115.49
offset( 816) = -104.78
offset( 817) = -61.85
offset( 818) = 129.69
offset( 819) = -49.29
offset( 820) = 199.74
offset( 821) = 84.74
offset( 822) = 0.0
offset( 823) = 0.0
offset( 824) = 0.0
offset( 825) = -33.53
offset( 826) = -123.13
offset( 827) = -33.29
offset( 828) = -41.23
offset( 829) = 87.57
offset( 830) = 50.69
offset( 831) = -249.95
offset( 832) = -180.57
offset( 833) = -35.49
offset( 834) = -210.77
offset( 835) = 168.13
offset( 836) = 23.98
offset( 837) = -62.85
offset( 838) = -82.37
offset( 839) = -97.96
offset( 840) = -95.57
offset( 841) = 82.51
offset( 842) = 52.44
offset( 843) = -62.12
offset( 844) = -41.95
offset( 845) = -105.85
offset( 846) = -49.04
offset( 847) = 80.05
offset( 848) = 70.55
offset( 849) = -193.35
offset( 850) = 116.37
offset( 851) = 9.83
offset( 852) = -114.95
offset( 853) = 85.75
offset( 854) = -60.54
offset( 855) = 109.57
offset( 856) = -7.82
offset( 857) = -95.34
offset( 858) = 160.58
offset( 859) = -19.28
offset( 860) = -181.96
offset( 861) = 105.15
offset( 862) = -114.20
offset( 863) = 176.30
offset( 864) = -158.44
offset( 865) = 184.03
offset( 866) = -244.72
offset( 867) = -133.62
offset( 868) = -52.67
offset( 869) = -77.29
offset( 870) = 201.87
offset( 871) = -299.22
offset( 872) = 311.58
offset( 873) = 55.84
offset( 874) = 102.71
offset( 875) = -50.05
offset( 876) = -51.62
offset( 877) = -1.92
offset( 878) = -123.53
offset( 879) = -32.31
offset( 880) = -115.73
offset( 881) = 318.57
offset( 882) = 172.55
offset( 883) = 121.38
offset( 884) = -18.12
offset( 885) = 67.45
offset( 886) = 35.56
offset( 887) = -112.04
offset( 888) = -121.88
offset( 889) = 145.22
offset( 890) = -29.75
offset( 891) = 87.74
offset( 892) = 144.21
offset( 893) = -190.33
offset( 894) = 76.40
offset( 895) = 194.07
Attachment 19: offsets.dat
640 -324.70 0.19 0.609 10 1.0.L
641 116.44 0.23 0.606 10 1.1.L
642 -52.89 0.18 0.692 10 1.2.L
643 239.19 0.18 0.762 10 1.3.L
644 -179.34 0.18 0.777 10 1.4.L
645 -214.60 0.18 0.865 10 1.5.L
646 -273.25 0.18 0.704 10 1.6.L
647 -54.15 0.18 0.724 10 1.7.L
648 -139.30 0.15 0.799 10 1.8.L
649 -221.44 0.15 0.473 10 1.9.L
650 -105.96 0.16 0.825 10 1.10.L
651 -222.43 0.17 0.728 10 1.11.L
652 -228.69 0.15 0.858 10 1.12.L
653 -99.25 0.16 0.854 10 1.13.L
654 -47.56 0.16 0.770 10 1.14.L
655 7.01 0.15 0.586 10 1.15.L
656 -255.89 0.16 0.783 10 2.0.L
657 22.87 0.16 0.830 10 2.1.L
658 -10.75 0.15 0.754 10 2.2.L
659 -88.16 0.15 0.764 10 2.3.L
660 -85.10 0.15 0.729 10 2.4.L
661 -102.78 0.15 0.766 10 2.5.L
662 -43.66 0.14 0.552 10 2.6.L
663 35.57 0.15 0.821 10 2.7.L
664 -228.39 0.15 0.756 10 2.8.L
665 -79.48 0.15 0.694 10 2.9.L
666 -327.16 0.15 0.783 10 2.10.L
667 -48.04 0.15 0.779 10 2.11.L
668 -257.81 0.15 0.734 10 2.12.L
669 -54.20 0.15 0.861 10 2.13.L
670 -371.83 0.14 0.672 10 2.14.L
671 -156.57 0.15 0.722 10 2.15.L
672 137.47 0.16 0.712 10 3.0.L
673 -47.14 0.15 0.606 10 3.1.L
674 7.28 0.15 0.778 10 3.2.L
675 -21.52 0.15 0.851 10 3.3.L
676 213.28 0.15 0.827 10 3.4.L
677 141.05 0.14 0.705 10 3.5.L
678 28.54 0.15 0.850 10 3.6.L
679 -162.82 0.15 0.964 10 3.7.L
680 61.59 0.15 0.807 10 3.8.L
681 25.10 0.15 0.836 10 3.9.L
682 -94.58 0.15 0.631 10 3.10.L
683 48.66 0.15 0.749 10 3.11.L
684 -312.58 0.14 0.556 10 3.12.L
685 170.48 0.15 0.895 10 3.13.L
686 147.02 0.15 0.791 10 3.14.L
687 65.78 0.14 0.714 10 3.15.L
688 -432.26 0.14 0.834 10 4.0.L
689 -69.82 0.14 0.813 10 4.1.L
690 -252.62 0.15 0.710 10 4.2.L
691 -112.68 0.14 0.750 10 4.3.L
692 -54.47 0.14 0.716 10 4.4.L
693 -429.95 0.15 0.683 10 4.5.L
694 -514.05 0.16 0.674 10 4.6.L
695 -229.44 0.30 0.270 10 4.7.L
696 -51.46 0.16 0.878 10 4.8.L
697 -107.57 0.16 0.774 10 4.9.L
698 31.16 0.18 0.546 10 4.10.L
699 11.12 0.15 0.720 10 4.11.L
700 -385.58 0.16 0.740 10 4.12.L
701 11.55 0.17 0.664 10 4.13.L
702 -59.90 0.14 0.905 10 4.14.L
703 -99.48 0.16 0.680 10 4.15.L
704 -238.17 0.18 0.590 10 1.0.L
705 -43.76 0.22 0.335 10 1.1.L
706 -71.45 0.16 0.408 10 1.2.L
707 -133.58 0.17 0.676 10 1.3.L
708 -63.52 0.17 0.473 10 1.4.L
709 -69.86 0.16 0.701 10 1.5.L
710 -96.33 0.16 0.604 10 1.6.L
711 -90.84 0.16 0.683 10 1.7.L
712 -264.85 0.15 0.638 10 1.8.L
713 -100.49 0.16 0.514 10 1.9.L
714 -153.65 0.16 0.690 10 1.10.L
715 -117.52 0.16 0.638 10 1.11.L
716 -20.95 0.14 0.457 10 1.12.L
717 -405.66 0.2 0.833 10 1.13.L
718 10.60 0.16 0.663 10 1.14.L
719 -218.37 0.15 0.704 10 1.15.L
720 122.33 0.15 0.645 10 2.0.L
721 -151.30 0.16 0.604 10 2.1.L
722 88.38 0.16 0.668 10 2.2.L
723 90.67 0.15 0.674 10 2.3.L
724 -270.47 0.15 0.648 10 2.4.L
725 120.20 0.14 0.643 10 2.5.L
726 54.96 0.15 0.619 10 2.6.L
727 5.10 0.15 0.569 10 2.7.L
728 -126.70 0.15 0.742 10 2.8.L
729 181.00 0.15 0.620 10 2.9.L
730 -189.61 0.15 0.591 10 2.10.L
731 -105.97 0.15 0.745 10 2.11.L
732 54.01 0.15 0.669 10 2.12.L
733 -225.33 0.15 0.551 10 2.13.L
734 -149.47 0.14 0.653 10 2.14.L
735 -325.66 0.15 0.514 10 2.15.L
736 -154.79 0.15 0.800 10 3.0.L
737 -78.13 0.15 0.650 10 3.1.L
738 -191.67 0.15 0.676 10 3.2.L
739 73.14 0.15 0.777 10 3.3.L
740 34.49 0.15 0.703 10 3.4.L
741 181.23 0.15 0.606 10 3.5.L
742 -70.59 0.15 0.727 10 3.6.L
743 3.56 0.15 0.771 10 3.7.L
744 -85.35 0.15 0.751 10 3.8.L
745 30.44 0.15 0.755 10 3.9.L
746 58.50 0.15 0.747 10 3.10.L
747 -78.20 0.15 0.802 10 3.11.L
748 -48.01 0.15 0.676 10 3.12.L
749 -269.68 0.15 0.743 10 3.13.L
750 149.15 0.15 0.618 10 3.14.L
751 -54.89 0.15 0.635 10 3.15.L
752 -102.64 0.15 0.701 10 4.0.L
753 1358.05 0.2 0.577 10 4.1.L
754 -122.29 0.14 0.660 10 4.2.L
755 70.63 0.15 0.659 10 4.3.L
756 -191.32 0.14 0.563 10 4.4.L
757 254.05 0.14 0.551 10 4.5.L
758 -70.61 0.15 0.626 10 4.6.L
759 51.46 0.31 0.467 10 4.7.L
760 -42.33 0.15 0.698 10 4.8.L
761 197.80 0.15 0.638 10 4.9.L
762 142.39 0.16 0.435 10 4.10.L
763 42.66 0.15 0.678 10 4.11.L
764 19.83 0.15 0.596 10 4.12.L
765 81.06 0.16 0.571 10 4.13.L
766 326.60 0.15 0.704 10 4.14.L
767 70.02 0.15 0.613 10 4.15.L
768 -76.55 0.15 -0.635 10 1.0.L
769 -19.40 0.19 -0.231 10 1.1.L
770 16.08 0.14 -0.118 10 1.2.L
771 53.37 0.15 -0.526 10 1.3.L
772 296.26 0.14 -0.129 10 1.4.L
773 -98.32 0.14 -0.109 10 1.5.L
774 -77.13 0.15 -0.383 10 1.6.L
775 -35.25 0.15 -0.175 10 1.7.L
776 -183.71 0.2 -0.217 10 1.8.L
777 116.35 0.14 -0.252 10 1.9.L
778 -188.57 0.14 -0.111 10 1.10.L
779 123.91 0.15 -0.212 10 1.11.L
780 52.92 0.13 -0.147 10 1.12.L
781 -28.89 0.14 -0.364 10 1.13.L
782 184.69 0.15 -0.084 10 1.14.L
783 -314.93 0.2 -0.138 10 1.15.L
784 143.72 0.14 -0.682 10 2.0.L
785 46.23 0.14 -0.524 10 2.1.L
786 76.84 0.14 -0.526 10 2.2.L
787 -95.28 0.13 -0.197 10 2.3.L
788 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 2.4.L > 10 peaks or no data
789 20.36 0.14 -0.310 10 2.5.L
790 -178.84 0.2 -0.329 10 2.6.L
791 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 2.7.L > 10 peaks or no data
792 96.07 0.14 -0.207 10 2.8.L
793 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 2.9.L > 10 peaks or no data
794 -157.88 0.13 -0.523 10 2.10.L
795 110.26 0.13 -0.564 10 2.11.L
796 -108.33 0.13 -0.428 10 2.12.L
797 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 2.13.L > 10 peaks or no data
798 198.40 0.13 -0.242 10 2.14.L
799 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 2.15.L > 10 peaks or no data
800 -103.44 0.14 -0.207 10 3.0.L
801 179.85 0.13 -0.381 10 3.1.L
802 224.49 0.14 -0.236 10 3.2.L
803 0.81 0.14 -0.156 10 3.3.L
804 20.70 0.13 -0.200 10 3.4.L
805 -176.96 0.2 -0.325 10 3.5.L
806 4.35 0.14 -0.572 10 3.6.L
807 299.93 0.13 -0.085 10 3.7.L
808 -11.93 0.14 -0.209 10 3.8.L
809 134.80 0.14 -0.426 10 3.9.L
810 156.26 0.14 -0.176 10 3.10.L
811 -188.12 0.2 -0.315 10 3.11.L
812 -83.05 0.14 -0.329 10 3.12.L
813 -22.65 0.14 -0.237 10 3.13.L
814 12.16 0.14 -0.381 10 3.14.L
815 115.49 0.13 -0.425 10 3.15.L
816 -104.78 0.13 -0.226 10 4.0.L
817 -61.85 0.14 -0.414 10 4.1.L
818 129.69 0.13 -0.495 10 4.2.L
819 -49.29 0.13 -0.095 10 4.3.L
820 199.74 0.14 -0.307 10 4.4.L
821 84.74 0.13 -0.326 10 4.5.L
822 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 4.6.L > 10 peaks or no data
823 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 4.7.L > 10 peaks or no data
824 -9999.99 0.00 0.000 48 4.8.L > 10 peaks or no data
825 -33.53 0.14 -0.201 10 4.9.L
826 -123.13 0.30 -0.580 10 4.10.L
827 -33.29 0.14 -0.194 10 4.11.L
828 -41.23 0.14 -0.093 10 4.12.L
829 87.57 0.15 -0.280 10 4.13.L
830 50.69 0.14 -0.136 10 4.14.L
831 -249.95 0.2 -0.535 10 4.15.L
832 -180.57 0.2 -0.246 10 1.0.L
833 -35.49 0.25 -0.244 10 1.1.L
834 -210.77 0.2 -0.368 10 1.2.L
835 168.13 0.18 -0.255 10 1.3.L
836 23.98 0.18 -0.271 10 1.4.L
837 -62.85 0.16 -0.104 10 1.5.L
838 -82.37 0.17 -0.378 10 1.6.L
839 -97.96 0.18 -0.157 10 1.7.L
840 -95.57 0.16 -0.434 10 1.8.L
841 82.51 0.15 -0.217 10 1.9.L
842 52.44 0.16 -0.394 10 1.10.L
843 -62.12 0.16 -0.339 10 1.11.L
844 -41.95 0.15 -0.134 10 1.12.L
845 -105.85 0.16 -0.725 10 1.13.L
846 -49.04 0.15 -0.128 10 1.14.L
847 80.05 0.15 -0.658 10 1.15.L
848 70.55 0.15 -0.162 10 2.0.L
849 -193.35 0.15 -0.246 10 2.1.L
850 116.37 0.15 -0.141 10 2.2.L
851 9.83 0.16 -0.519 10 2.3.L
852 -114.95 0.14 -0.117 10 2.4.L
853 85.75 0.15 -0.175 10 2.5.L
854 -60.54 0.15 -0.105 10 2.6.L
855 109.57 0.14 -0.099 10 2.7.L
856 -7.82 0.15 -0.350 10 2.8.L
857 -95.34 0.14 -0.132 10 2.9.L
858 160.58 0.15 -2.173 10 2.10.L
859 -19.28 0.15 -0.229 10 2.11.L
860 -181.96 0.15 -0.273 10 2.12.L
861 105.15 0.15 -2.411 10 2.13.L
862 -114.20 0.15 -0.272 10 2.14.L
863 176.30 0.15 -2.590 10 2.15.L
864 -158.44 0.16 -6.132 10 3.0.L
865 184.03 0.16 -0.594 9 3.1.L OK
866 -244.72 0.15 -6.082 10 3.2.L
867 -133.62 0.15 -4.628 10 3.3.L
868 -52.67 0.16 -4.055 10 3.4.L
869 -77.29 0.15 -2.700 10 3.5.L
870 201.87 0.15 -2.161 10 3.6.L
871 -299.22 0.2 -4.578 10 3.7.L
872 311.58 0.2 -2.326 10 3.8.L
873 55.84 0.15 -1.383 10 3.9.L
874 102.71 0.15 -0.751 10 3.10.L
875 -50.05 0.15 -2.356 10 3.11.L
876 -51.62 0.15 -1.386 10 3.12.L
877 -1.92 0.15 -1.034 10 3.13.L
878 -123.53 0.16 -0.607 10 3.14.L
879 -32.31 0.15 -2.369 10 3.15.L
880 -115.73 0.14 -0.674 10 4.0.L
881 318.57 0.14 -1.076 10 4.1.L
882 172.55 0.14 -0.153 10 4.2.L
883 121.38 0.13 -0.259 10 4.3.L
884 -18.12 0.14 -0.415 10 4.4.L
885 67.45 0.14 -0.413 10 4.5.L
886 35.56 0.15 -0.384 10 4.6.L
887 -112.04 0.20 -0.354 10 4.7.L
888 -121.88 0.14 -0.091 10 4.8.L
889 145.22 0.15 -0.170 10 4.9.L
890 -29.75 0.15 -0.135 10 4.10.L
891 87.74 0.14 -0.249 10 4.11.L
892 144.21 0.14 -0.436 10 4.12.L
893 -190.33 0.15 -0.112 10 4.13.L
894 76.40 0.13 -0.574 10 4.14.L
895 194.07 0.14 -0.060 10 4.15.L
Wed Feb 17 11:54:50 2016 |
CG, TD | 17 February 2016 | File R17 -> pulser walkthrough.
- Started ~10.00
- Pulser peak amplitude taken from 9.0V to 1.0 V in 1.0V steps
- Shaping time 8us, slow disc threshold 0x8
- File stopped 10.32. Spectra (.msf) saved 10.34
File R18 -> pulser walkthrough.
- Started 10.41.
- Stepped the pulser amp by 0.1V - too small.
- Not useful
- Stopped 10.50
File R19 - pulser walkthrough.
- Started 10.51
- empty
File R20 - empty
File R21 -> pulser Walkthrough
- started 11.18
- 1.0 - 0.2V in 0.2V steps.
- Stopped 11.50. Saved histograms 11.51.
File R22 -> source spectrum.
- slow comp threshold @ 0x7
- forgot to turn off pulser. => no good.
file R23 -> source spectrum.
- slow comp threshold @ 0x7
- started 16.09
18.05 DAQ found stalled, nnaida11 non-responsive
FORCE reset nnaida11 OK
but SETUP and FORCE setup failed with timeouts
Power-cycled all FEE modules to restart
eventual restart following workstation restart
file R29
start 18.50 stop: 09.55 18.2.16
spectra saved to disk 10.55 BST (sic)
see attachments 1-6
09.56 bias +200V I_L +6.105uA ambient temperature 20.1 deg C |
Attachment 1: 40.png
Attachment 2: 41.png
Attachment 3: 42.png
Attachment 4: 43.png
Attachment 5: 44.png
Attachment 6: 45.png
Tue Feb 16 17:32:21 2016 |
CG, TD | 16 February 2016 | MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 serial 2998-22
Bias +200V, I_L +=6.150uA, ambient temperature +20.1 deg C
DSSSD - AIDA adaptor PCB cabling
4 off LH Coupler (Kapton PCB, 5cm), 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cable (45cm), RH coupler(Kapton PCB, 10cm)
+ 3M 1245 1.4mil copper foil screen ribbon cables + RH coupler only (i.e. not LH coupler)
+ drain wires -> gold-plated Lemo-00 test input connectors
nnaida 11 & 12 AIDA adaptor PCB rev B
nnaida 13 & 14 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C (LK1 fitted)
ground links LK3 & LK7 fitted to nnaida11-14 AIDA adaptor PCBs
Heavy duty copper cable connects copper front end frames of FEE modules
Nitto 5011N conductive gasket between FEE module and front end frames
Standard ASIC settings
nnaida 11 & 12 - negative input
nnaida 13 & 14 - positive input
Pulser BNC PB-5
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate 100Hz
Delay 250ns
Ampl 5.00000V
Polarity +
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
Clamp ON
- polarity via Cooknell SA1 Summing Amplifier
207Bi source, approx centred on DSSSD, approx 3cm from DSSSD
File R16
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 8 (dec)
start: 16.2.16 13.15 stop: 09.30 17.2.16
spectra saved to disk 10.30 BST (sic)
Pulser OFF
09.35 Bias +200V, I_L +=5.940uA, ambient temperature +20.0 deg C |
Wed Feb 10 10:56:02 2016 |
CG, TD | 9-10 February 2016 | MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 serial 2998-22
Bias +200V, I_L +=6.540uA, ambient temperature +19.9 deg C
DSSSD - AIDA adaptor PCB cabling
4 off LH Coupler (Kapton PCB, 5cm), 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cable (45cm), RH coupler(Kapton PCB, 10cm)
+ 3M 1245 1.4mil copper foil screen ribbon cables + RH coupler only (i.e. not LH coupler)
+ drain wires -> gold-plated Lemo-00 test input connectors
nnaida 11 & 12 AIDA adaptor PCB rev B
nnaida 13 & 14 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C (LK1 fitted)
ground links LK3 & LK7 fitted to nnaida11-14 AIDA adaptor PCBs
Heavy duty copper cable connects copper front end frames of FEE modules
Nitto 5011N conductive gasket between FEE module and front end frames
Standard ASIC settings
nnaida 11 & 12 - negative input
nnaida 13 & 14 - positive input
Pulser BNC PB-5
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate 100Hz
Delay 250ns
Ampl 5.00000V
Polarity +
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
Clamp ON
- polarity via Cooknell SA1 Summing Amplifier
207Bi source, approx centred on DSSSD, approx 2cm from DSSSD
File R5
shaping time 0.5us
slow comparator 16 (dec)
File R6
shaping time 8us
slow comparator 16 (dec)
start: stop: 18.01
File R7
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 12 (dec)
start: 18.02 stop: 09.29 10.2.16
spectra saved to disk 11.37 BST (sic)
10.50 Bias +200V, I_L +=6.010uA, ambient temperature +20.0 deg C
File R8
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 10 (dec)
start: 10.52 stop: 13.12
spectra saved to disk 14.13 BST (sic)
attachments 1 & 2 - hit patterns during R8
DAQ stalled at start of R9
Run control (updated) showed all FEEs going
No good events from nnaida12 & 14, nnaida11 & 13 OK
nnaida would not stop, would not reset
Power cycle to restart
Ignore R9
File R10
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 10 (dec)
start: 13.27 stop: 14.09
spectra saved to disk 15.10 BST (sic)
Pulser walkthrough 9.00000V-1.00000V @ 1.0000V step
see attachment 3
File R11
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 10 (dec)
start: 14.12 stop: 14.38
spectra saved to disk 15.39 BST (sic)
Pulser walkthrough 1.00000V-0.200000 @ 0.1000V step
See attachment 4 & 5
Ignore R12 - same issue as before R9
File R13
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 8 (dec)
start: 14.50 stop: 15.11
Pulser amplitude 5.00000V
File R14
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 8 (dec)
start: 15.12 stop: 15.20
Pulser amplitude 5.00000V & 0.20000V
File R15
shaping time 8uS
slow comparator 8 (dec)
start: 15.20 stop: 15.28
spectra saved to disk 16.33 BST (sic)
Pulser amplitude 0.10000V & 1.00000V
see attachments 6 & 7
For slow comaparator setting 8 (dec) and with the above BNC PB-5 pulser settings above
the slow comparator rate decreases from the expected 100Hz (plus source) to < 50Hz
between pulser amplitude 0.20000 and 0.10000V.
15.32 Bias +200V, I_L +=6.550uA, ambient temperature +19.6 deg C |
Attachment 1: 30.png
Attachment 2: 31.png
Attachment 3: 32.png
Attachment 4: 33.png
Attachment 5: 34.png
Attachment 6: 35.png
Attachment 7: 36.png
Tue Feb 9 17:27:12 2016 |
CG, TD | Ribbon cable + coupler tests at DL 8-9th Feb | 08/02/16
Spoke to PJC-S -> Ethernet cables from FEEs to switch are all 4m Cat6.
System powered on with bias to detector of +200V and leakage current of 6.4uA at room temp 19.0oC.
Double peaking present again in nnaida11/12 -> individual peaks @ ~100ch FWHM with separation ~150ch @ 2us shaping time.
Double peaking also present in nnaida13/14 -> indiv peaks ~100ch FWHM and separation ~90ch.
Changing grounding had no effect.
Made ribbon cable with 2 separately shielded halves plus connecting Cu tape strip at FEE and + drain wire in contact with both halves - single peaks - widths of ~110-160ch.
Added conductive gasket to Cu mount blocks
- resistance between Cu and gasket ~0.2 Ohms (probe-to-probe = 0.16 Ohms)
- LEMO connector to Cu mount block ~0.35 Ohms
- LEMO to LEMO (between adapter PCBs) ~0.55 Ohms (connected by heavy duty Cu braid)
Powered system on. Bias of +200V and leakage current = 5.5uA @ room temp 19.5oC.
With gasket added and heavy duty Cu braid between mount blocks, pulser FWHM in nnaida11 ~ 62ch and in nnaida13 ~72ch at shaping time of 8us.
Investigated effect of shaping time on peak FWHM (avg width found from average of 1.(6,8,10,12).L for each FEE. (see attachments)
Shaping time (us) | nnaida11 | nnaida12 | nnaida13 | nnaida14
0.5 | 95* | 108* | 126* | 99*
1.0 | 82 | 116** | 130^ | 110**
2.0 | 68 | 83^ | 110^ | 92^
4.0 | 60 | 77 | 85' | 90
8.0 | 56 | 63 | 77 | 64
* = all peaks single and Gaussian looking
** = not all peaks Gaussian, some flat or sloped top
^ = double peaks, widths estimated from tallest peak
' = flat topped |
Attachment 1: allnnaida_inSafe_cablesIsolated_0.5us.png
Attachment 2: allnnaida_inSafe_cablesIsolated_1us.png
Attachment 3: allnnaida_inSafe_cablesIsolated_2us.png
Attachment 4: allnnaida_inSafe_cablesIsolated_4us.png
Attachment 5: allnnaida_inSafe_cablesIsolated_8us.png
Wed Feb 3 15:34:30 2016 |
CG, TD | Ribbon cable + coupler tests at DL 1st-2nd Feb | 01/02/16
Started up system. Biased det to +200V |
Tue Feb 2 17:32:46 2016 |
CG, TD | Tuesday 2 February 2016 | Bias +200V, I_L +6.955uA, ambient temp +20.2 deg C
MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 2998-20
~42kBq 207Bi source ~3cm from DSSSD centre
Standard ASIC settings
shaping time 8us
frequency 100Hz
amplitude 5.0000V
x10 attenuation
Slow comparator 16 (dec) - saved to disk c. 18.58 BST (sic) 2.2.16
Slow comparator 10 (dec) - saved to disk c. 10.49 BST (sic) 3.2.16
10.54 3.2.16 I_L +6.305uA, ambient temp +20.1 deg C
Slow comparator 22 (dec) - saved to disk c. c. 12.31 BST (sic) 3.2.16 - see attachment 1
Slow comparator 16 (dec) - saved to disk c. c. 13.04 BST (sic) 3.2.16 - see attachment 2
Slow comparator 12 (dec) - saved to disk c. c. 14.15 BST (sic) 3.2.16 - see attachment 3
Slow comparator 10 (dec) - data to disk file R1 - see attachment 4
start: stop: 14.20
AIDA adaptor PCB ground links not fitted
Slow comparator 10 (dec) - data to disk file R2 - see attachment 5
start: 14.20 stop: 14.53
4x ground links fitted
14.22 3.2.16 I_L +6.625uA ambient temp +20.2 deg C
Slow comparator 10 (dec) - data to disk file R3 - see attachment 6
spectra to disk at 16.19 BST (sic) 3.2.16
start: 14.55 stop: 15.14
4x ground links fitted
amplitudes 9.00000 - 1.00000 @ 1.00000V step
Slow comparator 9 (dec) - data to disk file R4 - see attachment 7-9
start: 15.22 stop: 16.55
amplitude 5.00000V
From attachments 7-8 we can observe that rates (pulser @ 100Hz + 207Bi) are
generally sensible with slow comparator threshold = 9 (dec). Overall, merge
data rates ~110k data items / s.
Quick calculation suggests threshold (keV) ~ slow comparator setting * 10 |
Attachment 1: 20.png
Attachment 2: 21.png
Attachment 3: 22.png
Attachment 4: 23.png
Attachment 5: 24.png
Attachment 6: 25.png
Attachment 7: 26.png
Attachment 8: 27.png
Attachment 9: 28.png
Tue Feb 2 14:08:44 2016 |
CG, TD | Report: Low - No SYNCs from FEEs | Currently running with a source, and everything seems to be running fine in terms of histograms doing what we expect, no error messages etc.
Tried to start the merger and tape server, but the merger reports as waiting for the first SYNC.
Checked the stats page and sure enough, no SYCs are being produced.
Performed a re-sync from the MasterTS page but nothing changed. |
Attachment 1: noSYNCs.png
Thu Jan 28 13:53:29 2016 |
CG, TD | Ribbon cable + coupler tests at DL - 25-26th Jan | 25/01/16
On start up, received error when trying to access spectrum browser (attachment 1) => required restart of 'Http for AIDA'
At 2us shaping time, and all other setting as last week, the situation remains the same
- nnaida11 has width ~50ch, nnaida12 has width ~300ch, nnaida13 is quad peaked and nnaida14 is not quite Gaussian but has width of ~80ch (possibly two peaks very close together)
Change shaping time to 8us.
Swap cables to see if the cable is the source. Currently have two LH coupler + shielded ribbon cables connected to nnaida11/13 (11 good performance, 13 quad peaked)
- swapped the ribbon cables over but left the couplers where they were to see if the good performance is a consequence of something intrinsic to a particular ribbon or coupler.
- nnaida11 now has width ~40ch (attachment 2)
- nnaida13 now back to double peaked (attachment 3)
- inconclusive.
Could old style kapton laid next to nnaida11 be shielding it due to the built in screen? (the kapton is laid against the ribbon cable)
- removing the kapton makes no difference to widths, other than nnaida12 which comes down to ~15ch (as expected)
Clipping cable ends together makes no difference, and no combination of jumpers could improve the widths.
Bending cables through 90 degrees makes no difference either (if they were acting as aerials).
Swapped complete PCBs with cables still in place over. Test first thing tomorrow.
Swapping PCBs produced no difference
- nnaida11 has widths of ~50-60ch, although some structure visible in some peaks
- nnaida14 sees double peaks.
Clipping ribbon ends together now makes things worse.
Swapped PSU cables to nnaida11/14
- nnaida11 now marginally worse @ ~70ch width
- nnaida14 sees no obvious change
Connected PSU chasis to NIM crate - no change.
Added two more ribbon + HL/RH couplers to system. Now:
- nnaida11 = LH + ribbon
- nnaida12 = LH + ribbon + RH
- nnaida13 = LH + ribbon + RH
- nnaida14 = LH + ribon
Clipped drain wire to LEMO connectors on PCB instead of pulser BNC cable.
See marked improvement in performance. All nnaida now have single Gaussian peaks with widths now: (attachments 4-6)
- nnaiada11 at ~35ch
- nnaida12 at ~70ch
- nnaida13 at ~80-120ch
- nnaida14 at ~45-55ch (3 at ~80-150ch)
Added RH coupler to nnaida11/14, with thin braid taped over joint in shielding to reduced resistance
- nnaida11 widths increase slightly to ~40-60ch
- nnaida14 widths increase slightly to ~60-80ch, few round ~100-120
This is consistent with the RH coupler increasing widths by ~25ch, as seen in previous tests.
See occasional ripple through waveforms in nnaida11/14 (attachments 7-11).
- expanded view shows period of 34 samples ==> 680ns ==> frequency ~1.5MHz
Variation with shaping time (avg peak width over a several channels):
t_shaping (us) |
nnaida11 |
nnaida12 |
nnaida13 |
nnaida14 |
0.5 |
35 |
48 |
60 |
55 |
1.0 |
46 |
60 |
80 |
65* |
2.0 |
50 |
70 |
100 |
70 |
4.0 |
60 |
60 |
85 |
85 |
8.0 |
55 |
54 |
60 |
65 |
* = some non-Gaussian peaks
Connected detector, biased to +200V (+ve core to nnaida12, -ve braid to nnaida14) with leakage current = 9uA.
At 8us shaping time, and with Lk1 fitted on nnaida13/14 RevC adapter, peaks across all nnaida have widths ~70ch and are all single Gaussian peaks. (attachments 12-15)
Attachment 1: spectrumBrowser_InternalError.png
Attachment 2: nnaida11_spec_BribbonAcoupler.png
Attachment 3: nnaida13_spec_AribbonBcoupler.png
Attachment 4: nnaida11_spec_LHribbon_screenToLEMO.png
Attachment 5: nnaida13_spec_LHribbonRH_screenToLEMO.png
Attachment 6: nnaida14_spec_LHribbon_screenToLEMO.png
Attachment 7: nnaida11_wav_fullRibbon_toLEMO.png
Attachment 8: nniada11_wav_ripple.png
Attachment 9: nnaida13_wav_fullRibbon_toLEMO.png
Attachment 10: nnaida14_wav_fullRibbon_toLEMO.png
Attachment 11: nnaida14_wav_ripple.png
Attachment 12: nnaida11_spec_screenToLEMO_det.png
Attachment 13: nnaida13_spec_screenToLEMO_det.png
Attachment 14: nnaida11_wav_det.png
Attachment 15: nnaida13_wav_det.png
Wed Jan 27 14:54:48 2016 |
TD, CG | Wednesday 27 January 2016 | MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 serial 2998-22
Bias +200V, I_L +8.110uA, ambient temperature +20.2 deg C
DSSSD - AIDA adaptor PCB cabling
4 off LH Coupler (Kapton PCB, 5cm), 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cable (45cm), RH coupler(Kapton PCB, 10cm)
+ 3M 1245 1.4mil copper foil screen ribbon cables + RH coupler only (i.e. not LH coupler)
+ drain wires -> gold-plated Lemo-00 test input connectors
nnaida 11 & 12 AIDA adaptor PCB rev B
nnaida 13 & 14 AIDA adaptor PCB rev C (LK1 fitted)
Standard ASIC settings
nnaida 11 & 12 - negative input
nnaida 13 & 14 - positive input
Pulser BNC PB-5
Fall time 1.0ms
Rate 100Hz
Delay 250ns
Ampl 5.00000V
Polarity +
Pulse top Tail
Atten 10x
Clamp ON
- polarity via Cooknell SA1 Summing Amplifier
Pulser peak width (ch FWHM) from spectra 2.*.L
Shaping time(us)
0.5 1 2 4 8 8**
80 83 76 82 87 82
82 84 77 82 87 83
82 80 77 82 79 75
75 77 73 77 91 87
79 81 76 78 90 88
79 81 76 80 90 85
72 77 73 83 100 98
82 81 79 88 99 94
81 81 79 86 94 96
84 84 77 86 93 94
76 87 100 325 557 828*
86 83 84 100 119 121*
83 83 82 92 108 106*
78 77 83 85 110 111*
98 81 96 105 119 123*
89 89 93 104 109 108*
81.6 81.8 81.3 82.4 91.0 88.2 mean
6.0 3.4 8.2 3.5 6.1 7.3 std dev
0.5 1 2 4 8 8**
72 79 70 68 65 62
77 81 74 73 70 70
81 85 77 76 70 70
66 74 64 63 62 63
73 79 71 69 63 65
75 83 73 70 64 65
65 74 65 64 63 63
70 74 68 66 65 65
73 79 69 68 64 65
78 80 76 72 67 65
61 72 61 60 61 62
69 77 68 61 63 63
74 80 71 68 66 66
64 69 63 61 61 62
74 83 72 67 58 57
75 82 72 70 62 64
71.7 78.2 69.6 67.3 64.0 64.2
5.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 3.2 3.1
0.5 1 2 4 8 8**
71 72 72 63 54 53
75 80 76 64 56 54
77 86 83 67 56 56
61 66 60 57 52 51
69 74 71 62 55 52
74 77 75 64 56 53
59 65 60 57 53 52
66 70 68 60 55 54
66 65 67 60 53 53
72 75 75 59 52 53
58 63 59 54 50 51
62 65 64 57 52 52
68 75 68 60 55 51
55 59 55 52 51 49
61 68 65 57 49 46
71 74 72 63 51 49
66.6 70.9 68.1 59.8 53.1 51.8
6.6 7.0 7.5 4.0 2.2 2.4
0.5 1 2 4 8 8**
68 76 68 64 56 54
69 76 73 48 56 51
68 77 72 66 56 53
67 75 70 66 54 52
68 77 70 57 54 49
69 77 71 66 56 53
65 76 69 65 56 55
66 75 67 65 54 54
67 76 68 65 57 53
70 79 74 67 46 48
66 76 68 64 53 53
65 75 68 64 56 54
69 77 70 66 52 56
70 81 73 69 57 54
81 96 82 74 54 50
74 84 78 71 54 52
68.9 78.3 71.3 64.8 54.4 52.6
3.9 5.3 4.0 5.8 2.7 2.2
* outlier ignored
** ground links LK3 & LK7 fitted to nnaida11-14 AIDA adaptor PCBs
electronic noise
n+n strips ~64 ch FWHM ~ 0.7 * 64 ~ 45keV FWHM
=> slow comparator threshold (5x sigma) ~ 5 * 45 / 2.355 ~ 96keV
p+n strips ~ 54 ch FWHM ~ 0.7 * 54 ~ 38keV FWHM
=> slow comparator threshold (5x sigma) ~ 5 * 38 / 2.355 ~ 81keV |
Attachment 1: 11.png
Attachment 2: 14.png
Wed Jan 20 17:02:47 2016 |
CG, TD | Ribbon cable + coupler tests at DL | 18/01/16
Set up as last week but with 8us shaping time.
With detector connected, still seeing rail-to-rail noise on waveforms in nnaida13 and double peaking in all nnaida.
Measured various resistances around the system to gauge quality of grounding connections (all measured in Ohms).
- NIM crate to PCB LEMO connector: 4.8
- NIM crate to mezzanine Cu block: 5.3 -> Plastic guide pins now installed.
- Between LEMO connectors on the adapter boards: 0.19
- nnaida11/12 drain wire to nnaida13/14 drain wire: 0.25
- RH coupler nnaida13 to RH coupler nnaida11: 1.4
- LEMO to ribbon shielding nnaida13: 0.2
- LEMO to RH coupler shielding nnaida13: 0.4
Double peaking not seen in RIKEN or by PCS during his tests -> most likely pickup of external noise.
Connected multiple different cable types to see effect they have on the sinusoidal wave seen in the waveforms and on the double peaking.
- nnaida11: LH coupler (not shielded) + 45cm ribbon (shielded) + RH coupler (shielded)
- nnaida12: LH coupler (not shielded) + 45cm ribbon (shielded)
- nnaida13: old style 90cm kapton (19/02/14 revision)
- nnaida14: 45cm thin kapton (shielded) with foil over loose end
Setting as last week, with 2us shaping time.
Peak -to-peak differences in all nnaida for several channels:
| nnaida11 | nnaida12 | nnaida13 | nnaida14
1.4.L | 157 | 123 | 160 | single peak of width ~400ch
1.6.L | 119 | 111 | 170 | " "
1.8.L | 72 | Flat top single peak, width ~35 | 155 | " "
1.10.L | 90 | " " 42 | 177 | " " -> Noticed after cable gnd jumper was not connected on nnaida14 and needs to be for these kaptons. Explains v. large peak width. (Attachments 3-5)
Swapped cables on nnaida11 and nnaida13. Now have:
- nnaida11: old style 90cm kapton (19/02/14 revision)
- nnaida12: LH coupler (not shielded) + 45cm ribbon (shielded)
- nnaida13: LH coupler (not shielded) + 45cm ribbon (shielded) + RH coupler (shielded)
- nnaida14: 45cm thin kapton (shielded) with foil over loose end
In nnaida13 see ripple on baseline of waveform with period ~30ch = 600ns (@20ns per ch) => frequency of 1.67 MHz. (Attachment 6+7)
Resistance between drain wire end and ribbon shielding on nnaida13 cabele: ~0.8 Ohms.
" " RH coupler shielding on nnaida13: ~1.1 Ohms.
For shielded ribbon cable on nnaida13, see fairly flat waveforms. High frequency transients pass through, but no sign of sinusoidal wave over time window of 6us. (Attachment 9)
After swapping cables on nnaida11 and nnaida13 (only change to system), now see single, Gaussian peaks in nnaida12 with widths ~40ch.
For nnaida12:
Shaping time (us) | Avg peak width (ch) (avg of 1.8/9/10/11.L peak widths)
0.5 | 35
1.0 | 39 (1.11 width ~50ch, all others ~37-42)
2.0 | 39 ( " " )
4.0 | 35 (1.11 width ~45ch, all others ~32-38)
8.0 | 37
At 8us shaping time: in nnaida11 (old style cable), see single pulser peak of width ~150 ch.
nnaida13, still see double peaking with peak separation of ~90ch and an extra structure, like a small shoulder, on the outside of the peaks. (Attachments 8+10)
nnaida14, not fully double peaked, more a peak with a shoulder ~40ch apart.
At 2us shaping time: in nnaida11, pusler peak width back to ~300ch.
nnaida13, retains extra structure on outside of peaks, but peak searation increased to ~150ch.
nnaida14, double peaked, with peak separation of ~65ch.
(Attachments 11-15)
Cannot see waveforms on nnaida12, so swapped cables with nnaida11. Also acts as test of whether the good performance seen in nnaida12 follows the cables or is something to do with the FEE.
Now have:
- nnaida11: LH coupler (not shielded) + 45cm ribbon (shielded)
- nnaida12: old style 90cm kapton (19/02/14 revision)
Now see some Gaussian peaks in nnaida11 with width of ~60ch @2us shaping time, however some peaks seem to have a slight shoulder.
> suggests issue causing double-peaking is still present (and likely was in nnaida12), but is more/less apparent in some channels than others.
** Is this just a very well shielded cable, or something to do with the intrinsic properties of this specific cable?
** What happens if a RH coupler is added?
** What happens if the RH coupler is removed from the cable connected to nnaida13?
Added RH coupler to cable on nnaida11.
Measured some resistances of the shielding on the nnaida11 (good performance - single peaks) cable and the nnaida13 (double peaks) cable:
- drain wire to far end of shielding: nnaida11 = 0.2 Ohms nnaida13 = 0.2 Ohms
- drain wire to RH coupler: nnaida11 = 0.4 Ohms nnaida13 = 0.5 Ohms
- far end of nnaida11 cable shielding to far end of nnaida13 cable shielding: 0.05 Ohms (this seems wrong considering pushing the multimeter probes together gets 0.14 Ohms, but was repeated several times and was always 0.05 Ohms)
With addition of RH coupler to nnaida11 (and shaping time still at 2us): (Attachments 16+17)
- nnaida11 peaks show slight shoulder and increased width of ~110ch.
- nnaida12 now sees noise over full-scale range
- nnaida13 now quad peaked.
- nnaida14 still double peaked, but peak separation increased to ~150ch.
Removed RH coupler from nnaida11, all peaks go back to how they were previously, before its addition (Something is repeatable - excellent!)
- some peaks in nnaida11 now non-Gaussian nad with widths ~130ch. Most Gaussian and width ~50ch.
Removed RH coupler from nnaida13:
- no real change in the spectra of any nnaida -> what is the difference between the cables on nnaida11/13???
Stock take of ribbon cables currently at DL:
- 90cm = 16
- 45cm = 16 (4 with me for testing in Edinburgh this week. Will be returned to DL next week)
- LH couplers = 10 (2 with me for testing in Edinburgh this week. Will be returned to DL next week)
- RH couplers = 10 (2 with me for testing in Edinburgh this week. Will be returned to DL next week)
Attachment 1: nnaida11_wav_flatTop.png
Attachment 2: nnaida11_wav_wavyTop.png
Attachment 3: nnaida14_spec_90cmOldKapton_noGNDjumper_2us.png
Attachment 4: nnaida14_spec_90cmOldGnd_2us.png
Attachment 5: nnaida14_spec_90cmOldGnd_2us_fit.png
Attachment 6: nnaida11_wav_oldKapton.png
Attachment 7: nnaida11_wav_oldKapton_1MhzWave.png
Attachment 8: nnaida13_fullShieldedRibbon_gndJumperOn.png
Attachment 9: nnaida13_wav_shieldedRibbon.png
Attachment 10: nnaida13_wav_shieldedRibbon_gndJumperOff.png
Attachment 11: nnaida12_spec_LHshieldedRibbon.png
Attachment 12: nnaida14_spec_45cmFoiled.png
Attachment 13: nnaida13_wav_strangeStructure.png
Attachment 14: nnaida12_spec_LHshieldedRibbon_2us.png
Attachment 15: nnaida11_wav_goodCable.png
Attachment 16: nnaida12_spec_goodCablePlusRHcoupler_2us.png
Attachment 17: nnaida13_spec_addedRHcouplerTo11.png
Wed Jan 20 16:44:02 2016 |
TD | Report - LOW - spectrum browser x/y expand |
Spectrum Browser
y expand by manual entry of values to YMin/YMax does not work unless the spectrum
has first been expanded/moved using the Expand/Contract Y or Move View up/down
Also, the only spectrum affected by manual entry of values to YMin/YMax or
XMin/XMax is the 'current' spectrum (gallery) regardless of current/all gallery
setting. |
Wed Jan 20 12:00:19 2016 |
CG, TD | Wednesday 20 January 2016 | 11.58 Repeat yesterday's test - no significant change observed
nnaida11 - input -, shaping time 2us - attachment 1
nnaida14 - input +, shaping time 2us - attachment 2
15.20 invert input polarity - no significant change observed
nnaida11 - input +, shaping time 2us - attachment 3
nnaida14 - input -, shaping time 2us - attachment 4
Note - nnaida11 1.12.L pulser peak width ~45 ch FWHM (integrate)
Test conducted yesterday and today suggest that it is the grounding and/or
the AIDA adaptor PCB that is significant - *not* the particular LH coupler
+ 2x 34-way ribbon cable + 3M 1245 Cu foil screen assembly or FEE64 polarity
Current AIDA adaptor PCB configuration
nnaida11 rev C, LK1 fitted
nnaida14 rev B, no links fitted
15.37 Add LK1 to nnaida14 AIDA adaptor PCB - no significant change
nnaida11 - input +, shaping time 2us - attachment 5
nnaida14 - input -, shaping time 2us - attachment 6 |
Attachment 1: 5.png
Attachment 2: 6.png
Attachment 3: 7.png
Attachment 4: 8.png
Attachment 5: 9.png
Attachment 6: 10.png
Tue Jan 19 18:09:53 2016 |
CG, TD | Tuesday 19 january 2016 |
18.00 Swapped input cables to nnaida11 and nnaida14
both cables LH coupler + 2x 34-way Samtec ribbon cables + 3M 1245 1.4mil Copper screen w/ground wire
RH coupler not fitted
both ground wires tied to BNC cable from pulser to AIDA adaptor PCBs at BNC(F)-Lemo-00(M) adaptor
Before swap, input cable attached to nnaida11 exhibited typical peak widths ~50 ch FWHM, cable
attached to nnaida exhibited double peaking and other structure
This is unchanged following swap => grounding and/or AIDA adaptor PCB significant *not* cable
See attachments 1-4 post swap
nnaida11 ASIC 2*L ~40-60 ch FWHM pulser peak width
standard ASIC settings, shaping time 2us |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Fri Jan 15 16:50:09 2016 |
CG, TD | Ribbon cable + couple tests at DL | 12/01/16 (Attachments 1-8)
FEEs set up as per ELOG entry 136 (15/12/15)
Connected cables as follows:
- nnaida11 > LH coupler + 45cm ribbon (unshielded)
- nnaida12 > no load (no waveforms from this card)
- nnaida13 > LH coupler + 45cm ribbon (unshielded) + RH coupler
- nnaida14 > LH coupler
Peak widths (ch): <all with shaping time of 8us and heavy duty Cu braid between test inputs on each adapter card>
nnaida11 | nnaida12 | nnaida13 | nnaida14
1.4.L | 392 | 14.7 | 250 | 34.3
1.6.L | 300 | 13.6 | 150 | 23.1
1.8.L | 290 | 13.0 | 123 | 16.8
1.10.L | 309 | 13.2 | 129 | no output
> widths greater than expected
> thought it could possibly be due to pickup of external noise in the room so added Cu tape as shielding to cable connected to nnaida13 with drain wire connected to CU braid on pulser input
> reduced peak with in nnaida13 to ~160ch
> connecting far end of Cu shielding via a Cu braid to main Cu braid reduces this to ~130ch
> connecting Cu shielding on RH coupler to main ribbon cable shielding with thin braid reduced this further to ~110ch
For nnaida13, see double peaking of pulser peak with all shaping times up to 2us. At 4us, see single peak of width ~160ch. At 8us, see single peak of width ~110ch.
13/01/16 (Attachments 9-20)
Set up system as yesterday.
With shaping time of 2us, nnaida13 does not show Gaussian peaks. Some peaks are double, others just single non-Gaussian peaks.
Yesterday peak-to-peak difference was ~150ch
- added tin foil to loose coupler end and over connection between ribbon cable and RH coupler, as it was suspected it could be pickup of external noise
- @ 2us shaping time, double peaks still present with p-2-p difference of ~130ch
- clipped foil firmly to Cu shielding tape > no difference.
In nnaida14, see single roughly Gaussian peak of width ~15ch.
In nnaida11, see single peaks of widths ~250ch. At 8us this reduces to ~180ch.
Connecting the Lk7 jumper for nnaida13 produces no difference.
Added full LH coupler + 45cm ribbon + RH coupler to all nnaida, with full shielding > no improvement.
Connected all to detector and saw no improvements, in fact increased noise in nnaida13 dramatically (see waveforms)
See low frequency wave in waveforms, will work next week to try remove this as this could be what is causing the double peaking and hiding the true capabilities of the cables.
Attachment 1: nnaida11-14_1.4_varyingCables.png
Attachment 2: nnaida11_wav_LHcoupler45cmUnshielded.png
Attachment 3: nnaida13_wav_LHcoupler45cmUnshieldedRHcoupler.png
Attachment 4: nnaida14_wav_LHcoupler.png
Attachment 5: nnaida13_wav_LH45cmShieldedRH.png
Attachment 6: nnaida13_spec_LH45cmShieldedRH.png
Attachment 7: nnaida13_spec_LH45cmShieldedRHshielded.png
Attachment 8: nnaida13_spec_fullShieldedCable_2usShapingTime.png
Attachment 9: nnaida13_spec_noGaussian.png
Attachment 10: nnaida13_spec_nonGaussianDoubplePeaks.png
Attachment 11: nnaida13_spec_cableEndFoilShielding.png
Attachment 12: nnaida11_spec_1us.png
Attachment 13: nnaida13_spec_1usFullyShielded.png
Attachment 14: nnaida14_spec_1usLHcoupler.png
Attachment 15: nnaidaAll_spec_all4CompleteShieldedCables_1us.png
Attachment 16: nnaida11_wav_4CompleteShielded.png
Attachment 17: nnaida13_wav_4CompleteShielded.png
Attachment 18: nnaida11_wav_4CompleteShieldedCablesPlusDetector.png
Attachment 19: nnaida11_spec_4CompleteShieldedCablesPlusDetector_1us.png
Attachment 20: nnaida11_spec_4CompleteShieldedCablesPlusDetector_8us.png
Thu Jan 7 16:04:44 2016 |
CG, PJCS | PCS Reply to RIKEN progress - 15/12/15 (late) |
Quote: |
Tues 15/12/15
Swapped previously tripped detector (3131-11) on to kaptons already in place for (working) 2977-15 and attempted to bias
- i.e. made no changes (FEEs, or jumpers etc) to the known working setup of 2977-15, just replaced the detector with 3131-11
> still trips at ~6-7V
> conclusion: He's dead Jim.
Took some measurements of rough max positions of DSSSDs from the FEEs with the current 90cm kaptons (pictures in attached PowerPoint and PDF)
- Vertical EURIKA support to centre of EURIKA ~ 60cm
- AIDA Cu cooling pipe to end of snout ~ 75cm
- Base of snout to end = 57cm
- Min distance from end of snout to inner most FEE (horizontal FEEs) ~ 92cm
- additional 6cm per extra adapter
- Further DSSSD can go from base of snout ~ 54cm (60cm from Cu pipe)
- limiting factor is kaptons to nnaida5+6 (bottom stack). Still a few more cm slack in the other kaptons.
- For kaptons in 4th horizontal connector (furthest slot in 2nd adapter), detector 48cm from base of snout.
- For kaptons in 8th horizontal connector (furthest slot in 4th adapter), detector 36cm from base of snout.
Note (PCS): In disconnecting things to check ground connections, and when putting AIDA away before I left, I noticed ~20% of the network cables are of the shielded variety. I know this didn't seem to make any difference in the setup at DL, but I don't know how concerned you are about this and if you would suggest changing them in future.
I would recommend changing the network cables for unshielded versions to remove a potential ground connection. |