AIDA, Page 45 of 46  ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Subjectup
  942   Wed Mar 13 14:50:04 2024 NH[HowTo] Backup and Restore Raspberry Pi SD Cards
Micro SD cards used by the raspberry pis are cheap but prone to failing

If the system won't boot and the SD card is read only it may have failed. Best way is to buy a new micro SD card (16 or 32GB) and restore a backup

I have uploaded an image of nnrpi2 (AIDA@GSI) to aida-3 (/home/npg/nnrpi2.img)

To backup an SD card

dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=nnrpi2.img status=progress

To restore a backup to a new SD card

dd if=nnrpi2.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress

(/dev/mmcblk0 name may differ on different machines, is for a laptop with built in SD card reader)
  575   Thu May 18 15:20:44 2017 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] Connecting a USB console interface to the FEE64

The three attachments show the orientation of the console cable pcb relative to the FEE64 connectors.

The first with the other cables and the other two with no cables for clarity of position.

Attachment 1: IMG_0107_resize.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_0108_resize.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_0109_resize.jpg
  559   Mon May 8 10:00:02 2017 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] Operating document for the Pi_Monitor FEE64 console logging equipment

The operating proceedure for the Raspberry Pi FEE64 console monitor is attached.

Please let me know if more detail is required.


Attachment 1: Operating_the_Aida_Pi_Monitor.pdf
Operating_the_Aida_Pi_Monitor.pdf Operating_the_Aida_Pi_Monitor.pdf Operating_the_Aida_Pi_Monitor.pdf
  268   Wed Jun 1 12:14:08 2016 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] React to "Check Clock Status => FEE64 Failure"
If there are more than one failures then check how they map to the MACB HDMI connections.
 Are they all connected to the just one MACB ? => Check the HDMI cable at the MACB Layer Port.
 Are they all connected to several MACBs which have a common "Parent" ? => Check the HDMI cable at the "Parent"
MACB Layer Port.

If there is just one failure then open the Local Controls browser window for the failing FEE64.
If the "Status Register" @1 is not 0x7 then the Waveform ADCs will not operate correctly and ASIC readout will
be compromised.
To remedy try 
A)    Enter 0x2B to "LMK03200 control register" @5 
          then Reload the Page 
          then Enter 0xB
          then Reload the Page and check the status, if 0x7 all ok. 

B)     Enter 0xA to "LMK03200 control register" @5 
          then Reload the Page
          then Enter 0xB
          then Reload the Page
          then enter 0x2B to "LMK03200 control register" @5 
          then Reload the Page 
          then Enter 0xB
          then Reload the Page and check the status, if 0x7 all ok.  
  234   Tue May 24 08:28:28 2016 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] Save power if not using the Waveforms and restart the Waveforms
The USB controlled power Relays are near their AC fuse operating limit which has caused some Fuse failures.
To reduce the power consumption of each FEE64 it is possible to power down the Waveforms ADCs saving about 20W per FEE64. 

To Powerdown the ADCs in a FEE64 use the 'Local Data' browser window from the 'Control' browser window. Change the setting of the ADC Control 
Register at offset 2 from 0 to 0xFF. All the FEE64s can be thus controlled by using the 'Act on all' tick box.
Clearly, the System Check for ADC calibration will now fail for all those that are powered down.

To Power up the ADCs change the setting from 0xFF to 0. Then using the FADC Calibration browser window calibrate the FADCs. 

The SYSTEM should be in the 'STOP' state during these procedures.

Should the SYSTEM be power cycled then the ADCs will be powered up.

Saving at the 16A AC fuse is estimated to be 3A as there are 16 FEE64 being powered through each.
  239   Thu May 26 10:03:11 2016 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] Specification Document for MACB including suggested setup.
Attached is the specification for the MACB with the settings currently available.
Attachment 1: Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf
Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf Specification_for_the_MACB_25May16.pdf
  941   Tue Jan 30 14:18:16 2024 NH[HowTo] Update MACB Firmware
Attachment 1: MACB_GSI_Simple.jed
  236   Wed May 25 18:51:54 2016 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] Use the Multiplicity Trigger Firmware, V8.18, and update the files
The attached firmware file, FEE_GF_Feb16_18.bin, should be saved to /MIDAS/Aida and the FlashPgm.csh file edited
to load "FEE_GF_Feb16_18.bin"

Use the Run Control Expert command to update the firmware on all the FEE64s.

Power cycle the FEE64s to load the new firmware.

Make a backup copy of the files in the directory /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/DISC.

Unzip the files from and copy them into /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/DISC to replace the existing

Make a backup copy of the file /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/LOCAL.tml

Unzip the file from and copy into /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/LOCAL to replace the existing

'RESET' and browser refresh the two updated control windows to load the new software.

To use the Multiplicity Trigger:-
In the Local Controls select option 5 for the Trigger.

In the Discriminator window.

Set the 'Upper Limit'
Set the 'Lower Limit' ( always greater than 0 ..... or the Trigger will always be present )
Set the 'Time window'. The number of 10nS clocks. So 4 => 40nS. Register is 0 to 255.


These registers are not in the Save/Restore set yet.

Tested on the T9 system using the pulser and setting/clearing Mask bits.

Please let me know how this works for you.
Attachment 1: FEE_GF_Feb16_18.bin
Attachment 2:
Attachment 3:
  237   Thu May 26 01:44:45 2016 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] Use the Multiplicity Trigger Firmware, V8.18, and update the files
Done. Awaiting test. See attachments 1-2.

> The attached firmware file, FEE_GF_Feb16_18.bin, should be saved to /MIDAS/Aida and the FlashPgm.csh file edited
> to load "FEE_GF_Feb16_18.bin"
> Use the Run Control Expert command to update the firmware on all the FEE64s.
> Power cycle the FEE64s to load the new firmware.
> Make a backup copy of the files in the directory /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/DISC.
> Unzip the files from and copy them into /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/DISC to replace the existing
> ones.
> Make a backup copy of the file /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/LOCAL.tml
> Unzip the file from and copy into /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/LOCAL to replace the existing
> file.
> 'RESET' and browser refresh the two updated control windows to load the new software.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> To use the Multiplicity Trigger:-
> In the Local Controls select option 5 for the Trigger.
> In the Discriminator window.
> Set the 'Upper Limit'
> Set the 'Lower Limit' ( always greater than 0 ..... or the Trigger will always be present )
> Set the 'Time window'. The number of 10nS clocks. So 4 => 40nS. Register is 0 to 255.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> These registers are not in the Save/Restore set yet.
> Tested on the T9 system using the pulser and setting/clearing Mask bits.
> Please let me know how this works for you.
Attachment 1: 70.png
Attachment 2: 71.png
  336   Wed Aug 17 14:44:52 2016 Patrick Coleman-Smith[HowTo] start acquisition using the new "Start ASIC Readout" button

Due to sometimes operating with very noisy systems, both at Daresbury and RIKEN, I have installed a change to the startup of the system.

The Runcontrol GO button now only starts the output of SYNC pulses. A further button labelled "Start ASIC Readout" ( see attached photo ) needs to be pressed to start the ASIC ADC, Discriminator and Correlation readout.

After carrying out the normal operations to start the system and pressing the GO button the Merger can be checked to be certain it is merging the events. Since there are only SYNC pulses it should soon be apparent if this is not happening and appropriate actions can be taken. ( Kill/Reload the Link and Merger processes using the "Merger for AIDA" icon at the top of the screen is one way. )

Once it is certain the merging is in progress then the new button labelled "Start ASIC Readout" ( see attached photo ) needs to be pressed to start the ASIC ADC, Discriminator and Correlation readout.

This must be done after every GO.

Attachment 1: RunControl_portion.png
  876   Mon Jul 24 08:39:39 2023 TDaida10 sys console output & aida10 options
Options and system cosnole disagree about which version of the DataAcq program is in use?
Attachment 1: sys_console_aida10.txt

... 28844 more lines ...
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-07-24_09-48-03.png
  194   Mon May 2 07:27:26 2016 TDaidas1 /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf updated
aidas1 /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf update

to install two scratch FEE modules assembled by PJCS April 2016

Previous version of configuration file saved to /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.BAK-2May2016

# DHCP Server Configuration file.
#   see /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf.sample  


ddns-update-style none; ddns-updates off;

max-lease-time 691200;

option domain-search code 119 = string;

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   option routers;
   pool {

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   option routers;
   pool {

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   option routers;
   pool {

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   option routers;
   pool {

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   option routers;
   pool {

group {
   use-host-decl-names true;
   default-lease-time 3600;
   max-lease-time 14400;

   server-name "";

   host nnrpi1 {
     hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:78:ee:44;
   host nnaida1 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d0:1b;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida1,tcp";
   host nnaida2 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d9:e1;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida2,tcp";
   host nnaida5 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d0:10;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida5,tcp";
   host nnaida6 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d4:b7;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida6,tcp";
   host nnaida9 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d9:ad;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida9,tcp";
   host nnaida10 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:f7:07;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida10,tcp";
   host nnaida13 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:11:b9;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida13,tcp";
   host nnaida14 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:11:b8;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida14,tcp";
   host nnaida17 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d9:cc;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida17,tcp";
   host nnaida18 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:b2:b2;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida18,tcp";
   host nnaida21 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:27:23;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida21,tcp";
   host nnaida22 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:f6:e9;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida22,tcp";
   host nnaida25 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d0:11;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida25,tcp";
   host nnaida26 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:27:54;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida26,tcp";
   host nnaida29 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d0:06;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida29,tcp";
   host nnaida30 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d9:b6;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida30,tcp";


group {
   use-host-decl-names true;
   default-lease-time 3600;
   max-lease-time 14400;

   server-name "";

   host nnaida3 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:f7:06;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida3,tcp";
   host nnaida4 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:ed:b8;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida4,tcp";
   host nnaida7 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:b8:8d;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida7,tcp";
   host nnaida8 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:9c:07;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida8,tcp";
   host nnaida11 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:11:af;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida11,tcp";
   host nnaida12 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d0:2f;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida12,tcp";
   host nnaida15 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:f3:ac;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida15,tcp";
   host nnaida16 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:9c:0e;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida16,tcp";
# 1 of 2 scratch FEE modules assembled by PJCS April 2016
   host nnaida19 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:09:e7;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida19,tcp";
   host nnaida20 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:22:55;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida20,tcp";
   host nnaida23 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:b8:90;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida23,tcp";
   host nnaida24 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:b6:45;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida24,tcp";
# 2 of 2 scratch FEE modules assembled by PJCS April 2016
   host nnaida27 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:ed:9a;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida27,tcp";
   host nnaida28 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:11:c5;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida28,tcp";
   host nnaida31 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:11:ae;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida31,tcp";
   host nnaida32 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:ed:b9;
     option root-path "/MIDAS@aidas/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/nnaida32,tcp";

group {
# 8 days
   default-lease-time 691200;

#    option dhcp-client-identifier "\0foo";

   host nndhcp052 {
# Analysis server
     hardware ethernet 00:22:19:50:02:40;

  292   Wed Jun 8 02:31:20 2016 TDaidas1 disk statistics
DAQ running to disk at relatively low rate (merger ~600k item/s, tapeserver ~4700kb/s)

Do these disk statistics look OK

aidas1> iostat -x
Linux 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64 (aidas1) 	06/08/2016 	_x86_64_	(16 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          19.56    3.00    1.15    0.74    0.00   75.55

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda               0.04     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.11     0.00     8.53     0.00    1.37   0.96   0.00
sdc               0.01     0.00    0.01    1.58     0.05     0.00     0.03     0.00    0.38   0.31   0.05
sdg               0.02     0.00    0.18    1.58    42.62     0.01    24.21     0.00    0.59   0.41   0.07
sdf               0.05   507.94    2.16    7.81   516.00  4113.00   464.34     0.69   69.54   4.77   4.76
sdd               0.19     3.95    0.05    0.10     1.36    32.36   225.17     0.00    6.63   3.57   0.05
sdb               1.40    38.38    2.17    3.35   185.34   332.20    93.75     0.14   26.19   2.60   1.44
sde               0.01     4.25    3.54    4.94    64.06    60.96    14.74     0.30   35.48   3.90   3.30
dm-0              0.00     0.00    3.56   41.53   185.07   332.20    11.47    12.54  278.00   0.32   1.44
dm-1              0.00     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.05     0.00     8.00     0.00    3.24   1.03   0.00
dm-2              0.00     0.00    0.15    4.05     1.23    32.36     8.00     0.05   11.49   0.12   0.05
dm-3              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.02     0.00     8.00     0.00    1.05   1.05   0.00
dm-4              0.00     0.00    5.92  522.90   622.57  4174.35     9.07    59.55  112.60   0.15   7.94
dm-5              0.00     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.07     0.00     7.95     0.00    3.11   0.69   0.00

aidas1> iostat
Linux 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64 (aidas1) 	06/08/2016 	_x86_64_	(16 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          19.55    3.00    1.15    0.74    0.00   75.57

Device:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sda               0.01         0.11         0.00       5682          0
sdc               1.58         0.05         0.00       2312        112
sdg               1.76        42.56         0.01    2170822        648
sdf               9.98       519.68      4114.55   26505990  209861264
sdd               0.15         1.38        32.32      70150    1648496
sdb               5.52       185.27       331.95    9449724   16931146
sde               8.47        63.97        60.90    3263022    3106264
dm-0             45.06       185.01       331.95    9436314   16931104
dm-1              0.01         0.05         0.00       2696          0
dm-2              4.20         1.24        32.32      63432    1648496
dm-3              0.00         0.02         0.00        864          0
dm-4            528.96       626.10      4175.46   31934274  212968288
dm-5              0.01         0.07         0.00       3778         24
  295   Wed Jun 8 04:24:04 2016 TDaidas1 disk statistics (without data compression)
aidas1> iostat -xn
Linux 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64 (aidas1) 	06/08/2016 	_x86_64_	(16 CPU)

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda               0.03     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.10     0.00     8.53     0.00    1.37   0.96   0.00
sdc               0.01     0.00    0.01    1.46     0.04     0.00     0.03     0.00    0.38   0.31   0.05
sdg               0.02     0.00    1.16    1.46   280.02     0.01   106.79     0.00    1.05   0.74   0.20
sdf               0.23   496.52    6.59    7.52  1630.98  4020.60   400.58     0.72   50.70   3.81   5.38
sdd               0.20     3.48    0.05    0.09     1.50    28.52   217.54     0.00    6.63   3.64   0.05
sdb               1.39    35.64    2.06    3.35   171.52   310.29    89.17     0.13   24.09   2.59   1.40
sde               0.01     3.89    3.13    4.56    56.50    56.00    14.63     0.27   35.22   3.91   3.01
dm-0              0.00     0.00    3.45   38.79   171.28   310.29    11.40    11.07  261.99   0.33   1.40
dm-1              0.00     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.05     0.00     8.00     0.00    3.24   1.03   0.00
dm-2              0.00     0.00    0.17    3.57     1.39    28.52     8.00     0.04   11.44   0.13   0.05
dm-3              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.01     0.00     8.00     0.00    1.05   1.05   0.00
dm-4              0.00     0.00   11.11  510.60  1967.40  4076.62    11.59    60.80  116.54   0.16   8.35
dm-5              0.00     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.07     0.00     7.96     0.00    3.64   0.68   0.00

Filesystem:              rBlk_nor/s   wBlk_nor/s   rBlk_dir/s   wBlk_dir/s   rBlk_svr/s   wBlk_svr/s     ops/s 
  rops/s    wops/s

aidas1> iostat -x
Linux 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64 (aidas1) 	06/08/2016 	_x86_64_	(16 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          17.42    3.35    1.10    0.72    0.00   77.41

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s   rsec/s   wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda               0.03     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.10     0.00     8.53     0.00    1.37   0.96   0.00
sdc               0.01     0.00    0.01    1.46     0.04     0.00     0.03     0.00    0.38   0.31   0.05
sdg               0.02     0.00    1.16    1.46   279.98     0.01   106.78     0.00    1.05   0.74   0.20
sdf               0.23   496.63    6.62    7.52  1636.72  4021.54   400.39     0.72   50.64   3.81   5.39
sdd               0.20     3.48    0.05    0.09     1.50    28.52   217.54     0.00    6.63   3.64   0.05
sdb               1.39    35.64    2.06    3.35   171.49   310.28    89.16     0.13   24.09   2.59   1.40
sde               0.01     3.89    3.13    4.56    56.49    56.00    14.63     0.27   35.22   3.91   3.01
dm-0              0.00     0.00    3.45   38.78   171.26   310.28    11.40    11.06  261.97   0.33   1.40
dm-1              0.00     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.05     0.00     8.00     0.00    3.24   1.03   0.00
dm-2              0.00     0.00    0.17    3.56     1.39    28.52     8.00     0.04   11.44   0.13   0.05
dm-3              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.01     0.00     8.00     0.00    1.05   1.05   0.00
dm-4              0.00     0.00   11.13  510.72  1973.09  4077.56    11.59    60.83  116.57   0.16   8.36
dm-5              0.00     0.00    0.01    0.00     0.07     0.00     7.96     0.00    3.64   0.68   0.00
  186   Tue Apr 26 06:13:00 2016 TDaidas1: updated /etc/fstab file
The aidas1 /etc/fstab file contained commented out entries for 2 (of 3) WD 3Tb disks
(slot # 3, 4 & 5). The entries are also incorrect - /dev/sdg1 does not exist and
/dev/sdc1 is already used by the OS. This file was most recently changed 8 June 2015.

*** Added note *** 
The device list (/dev/sda etc) changes at each boot - at a subsequent reboot the
WD 3Tb disks moved from /dev/sdb, e & f to /dev/sdc, f & g.

cat /etc/fstab.ORIG

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Tue Jan  7 13:48:12 2014
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
/dev/mapper/vg_aidas1-lv_root /                       ext4    defaults        1 1
UUID=23874852-9e28-4e64-8857-2fb66e38e877 /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
/dev/mapper/vg_aidas1-lv_home /home                   ext4    defaults        1 2
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
/dev/mapper/vg_aidas1-lv_swap swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
/dev/Data1/data10		/data10		ext3	defaults	1 2
/dev/sdf1          /data20   ext4    defaults  1 3
#/dev/sdg1          /data30   ext4    defaults  1 4

#/dev/sdc1          /data40   ext4    defaults  1 5

The new /etc/fstab file enables all 3 (of 3) WD 3Tb disks

aidas1> cat /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Tue Jan  7 13:48:12 2014
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
/dev/mapper/vg_aidas1-lv_root /                       ext4    defaults        1 1
UUID=23874852-9e28-4e64-8857-2fb66e38e877 /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
/dev/mapper/vg_aidas1-lv_home /home                   ext4    defaults        1 2
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
/dev/mapper/vg_aidas1-lv_swap swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
/dev/Data1/data10	/data10		ext3	defaults	1 2
/dev/sdf1		/data20		ext4	defaults	1 3
/dev/sdb1		/data30		ext4	defaults	1 4
/dev/sde1		/data40		ext4	defaults	1 5

aidas1> df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                       50G   27G   20G  58% /
tmpfs                 3.9G  136K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             477M   77M  376M  17% /boot
                      860G  106M  816G   1% /home
                      1.8T  1.6T  128G  93% /data10
/dev/sdf1             2.0T   32G  1.9T   2% /data20
/dev/sdb1             2.0T   71M  1.9T   1% /data30
/dev/sde1             2.0T  1.8T  140G  93% /data40

aidas1> ls /data10/TapeData
AIDA1    expt101  Feb2015  NULL    R202_0  TAPE1
expt100  expt201  May2015  R200_0  R6      test1
aidas1> ls /data20/TapeData
Dec2015  Mar2016
aidas1> ls /data30/TapeData
ls: cannot access /data30/TapeData: No such file or directory
aidas1> ls /data40/TapeData
  908   Thu Oct 12 16:40:21 2023 TDbackground alpha
start 14.55
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  18   Fri Oct 24 16:02:26 2014 Alfredo Estradebench tests with pulser

Performed pulser measurements with test setup at Daresbury lab, with main purpose of remembering how to operate the system! The status is similar to what Chris observed in Elog entry #14. Confirmed ASIC settings as in entry#4 of elog.

The pulser spectra shows FWHM of ~ 13.5 ch for all FEE64 cards with no DSSD connected to the system (i.e. Kapton cables unplugged). Some channels in a few FEE64 cards show two peaks on the pulse spectra, but still narrow and only slightly wider distribution for the two peak combined (~ 15 ch, see Figure 1).
With the DSSD connected, the pulser spectra shows a double peak structure with FWHM ~ 250 ch for each peak (Figure 2).  
However, for NNAIDA#11 and #12 a few ASICs had high level of noise, and were therefore used in the 1GeV range to become quiet (ASIC3 for nnaida#11, ASIC1 and 2 for nnaida#12). Figure 3 and 4 show sample of these noisy channels.
A good question brought up by Patrick is if the true noise level with a biased DSSD corresponds to these 'noisy' ASICs, or to the ones that are much more quiet (maybe some signal path disconnected for these?). Measurements with a radioactive source could clarify this.
Figure 1: pulser, no DSSD connected
Figure 2: double peak structure for pulser spectra for NNAIDA13 (similar spectra seen in the other FEE64 cards)
Figure 3: spectra for NNAIDA#11 with biased DSSD connected, and no pulser signal going into the system (only noise)
Figure 4: spectra for NNAIDA#12 with biased DSSD connected, and no pulser signal going into the system (only noise)
  133   Sat Dec 12 03:30:50 2015 Alfred, Chris, Phongchange configuration of NNAIDA modules in setup

We want to reduce the configuration of the setup to 4 FEE cards (8 NNAIDA modules), so we only have to isolate 4 of them from the cooling crate for a noise test. Following instructions in April2015 test logbook.

Copied directory /MIDAS@aidas to /MIDAS@aidas.121215

In /MIDAS@aidas/config/TclHttpd/aidas1@8015 edit file:
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npgstaff 2281 May  3  2015 startup.tcl

Now scripts does 'lappend ACQSERVERS nnaida$i' from i=1 to 8


  545   Wed Mar 29 17:49:36 2017 DKcshrc hacking w/ MIDAS
The ~/.cshrc was modified to change the MIDAS path for a convenient analysis method, but it should be done in a shell script instead, as it pushes the MIDAS BASE to all instances 
of MIDAS, such as the Run Control, etc.

As we did not want to log out, and the X session is setting these globally somehow (unexpected) then I did a temporary hack.

The directory we did not want, MIDAS@aidas.240215 was moved to MIDAS@aidas.240215.hacking

Then a symbolic link called MIDAS@aidas.240215 was created to point at MIDAS@aidas

We should remember to undo this later and fix the situation.
  290   Tue Jun 7 10:59:20 2016 TDmerge stats
Let me which merge stats for all data links would be most useful and I will upload screenshots. 
Attachment 1: 100.png
Attachment 2: 101.png
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown