Beam energy = 3 MeV
Horizontal beam position = 4.0 mm, vertical beam position = 0.0 mm.
Beam intensity at inj ~ 2.5e7
Detectors are positioned IN. Left arm = 36.54, right arm = 64.60 mm
Cycle time ~ 6 minutes
Target density still very unstable
Target density has dropped to ~1e9 and has been at that level for 30 minutes. We will try to move the target a bit and see if we can get an increase. Target position is currently x=-12400, y=2900
Merger OK, Tape server OK
ADC data item statistics looks as before. OK
FEE temperatures look OK
System checks OK
We were able to recover some target, but it is still very unstable. The new position is x=-12800, y=2000
Merger OK, Tape server OK
ADC data item statistics looks as before. OK
FEE temperatures look OK
System checks OK
Target still unstable, fluctuating around the 5e10 region
Merger OK, Tape server OK
ADC data item statistics looks as before. OK
FEE temperatures look OK
System checks OK |