ML enabled ring signals remotely.
Used FakeMotion.dat (read FakeMotion.dat from InteractiveMotion.x).
Started run 50.
Cooler voltage moved up by 0.1 V. Did not refocus.
Setpoint = 244.4 V
Read = 243.85 V
Collector current = 4.3 mA
Target thickness 3.4E11 atoms/cm2 now stable
Injection 1-4E7 ions
Realised motors were not in.
Moved detectors in (36.54 / 64.60 mm)
Started run 51. Ignore run 50.
Realised the left half of DSSD BL was not counting. Checkloaded. Fixed it.
Fire alarm? Stopped later. EM thinks it is a test.
Run continues.
Rates OK. Merger OK. Writing to disk back to 200 kB/s. Nothing changed, reasons unclear.
FakeMotion.dat continues
System wide checks as before
Temperatures OK
Beam lost. Called HKR. Detectors out. Run continues. FakeMotion stopped
Beam is back. Detectors back in. FakeMotion.dat restarted.
15.10 High rates observed aida01-auida04 ( c. 250k/FEE64)
Cycled Left Servo
Rates normal