15:40 reseated FEE64s adaptors of aida01, aida09, aida13 & aida16.
TEMP OK. HV OK. System wide checks all passed excl. aida07 ADC calibration, see attached.
Histograms and rates look same as previous, reseating aida01 seems to have worked. aida16 still unhappy.
re-reseated aida16. 16:19 - appears to have fixed the problem in the channel.
Pulser test + connected.
bPlast ground removed from frame.
- Need clarification about links connected on AIDA n+n FEE64 adaptor boards. Currently, the situation is given by the attachment 8 & 9.
- Fix BB7 grounding, continuity between snout and frame observed.
- Pulser walkthrough for n+n, can do p+n when convienient.
18.30 Noted FEE64 ADC stats now significantly higher ( attachments 9-10 ) cf. earlier this afternoon (attachments 1-2)
DSSSD bias OFF. FEE64 power OFF.