Mon May 20 10:02:43 2019, A. Algora, 60Co again, with better threshold settings
Start: 18:06
Stop: 20:20
Rates: 14 kHz (Dynodes) 12.7 kHz (anodes) |
Mon May 20 09:39:23 2019, A. Algora, Dynode 08 threshold changed
Dynode 08 threshold was changed from 675 to 790. Now the rate in this detector is fine.
The global rates for the cards (dynodes and anodes) are similar. |
Mon May 20 08:15:24 2019, A. Algora, background  
Start: 16:25
Stop: 17:25
Background in the same conditions as before (right after the Co measurement) |
Mon May 20 07:07:59 2019, A. Algora, Co source (CD 395)
Start: 15:10
Stop: 16:08
Positioned in the center, with the source holder. |
Mon May 20 06:55:15 2019, A. Algora, New config file after calibration
A file with Co and Cs was collected for 10 min
after a minimal correction of the voltages (mentioned in the earlier entry). After this a new calibration was performed. |
Mon May 20 06:31:53 2019, A. Algora, gain correction
Only a very small correction was needed (at the level of 0.5 V) for the raw spectra of det 6,12,13,17 (raw Dynodes)
New voltages
DET01 │ 599.0 V 1500.0 uA 598.5 V 89.5 uA On |
Mon May 20 06:04:41 2019, A. Algora, Co and Cs short file   
Short file with the strong Co source and Cs source. To test stability
Stop: 14:04 |
Mon May 20 03:18:03 2019, A. Algora, Co and Cs after two days
We have been running with Co and Cs for the weekend to check the overall stability.
Seems that the detectors did not move too much. Please note that the Ref detector was plugged incorrectly in channel 8
instead of channel 10 of the ancilliary card. A new run will be done to include the reference detector. |
Sat May 18 01:41:45 2019, Nacher, Algora, gain check after the night
Only PM3 showed an small jump. It seems that it has moved. Even after changing the HV cable. We will pay attention to it in the next days.
The others seem stable.
File after the night with 137Cs and 60C |
Thu May 16 06:59:51 2019, Algora Kiss Nacher, Det 3
Det 3 moved, both Anode and Dynode. So we have changed the HV cable to test if there are no more jumps. We used cable 9 and it was not
relabeled. The HV of the detector was corrected. It was changed to 527.5 V |
Thu May 16 02:57:15 2019, Nacher, Algora, threshold dynode #13 increased
Threshold of dynode #13 changed from 500 to 700 because of a very high noise.
New configuration file: 20190516_Conf.xlsx (attached). |
Thu May 16 02:02:24 2019, Algora Kiss Nacher, detector 3 moved over night   
After the long background measurement we have measured 60Co to check alignment.
Everything looks fine except for detector #3 that has moved to lower gain (seen in dynodes and anodes).
See figures attached. |
Wed May 15 11:53:17 2019, Algora, Nacher, Kiss, Background
Start: 20:05
Stop: 09:44
Background rate 2.9 kHz (Dynodes), 2.3 (Anodes) (Threshold of detector 13 was increased) |
Wed May 15 11:50:04 2019, Algora, Nacher, 137Cs listmode, and rootfile
137Cs source in the center of the DTAS, with the IFIC holder
list mode files: Cs137_Source_20190515_000.dlt to Cs137_Source_20190515_005.dlt
Root file: 201905151942_137Cs.root |
Wed May 15 09:57:54 2019, Nacher, root file with 60Co and 137Cs
For JL to play... |
Wed May 15 08:11:46 2019, Tolosa, Nacher, Algora, Kiss, Energy resolutions 
Using getSigmaCal.cxx macro to check energy resolutions...
root [3] getSigmaCal("201905151555_137Cs.root")
Wed May 15 07:48:08 2019, Kiss Algora Nacher, Saturation and pulser
Saturation and pulser position after calibration
EDy1 16801 25000
Wed May 15 06:53:52 2019, Nacher Kiss Algora, HV setting
EMPTY00 │0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V 0.5 uA Off
DET01 │ 597.0 V 1500.0 uA 596.5 V 89.5 uA On |
Wed May 15 06:40:16 2019, Algora, Kiss, Nacher , DTAS aligned and calibrated   
Signal cables (long cables, from preamp to digitizer) of channels 13 and 16 were changed. For the moment they have not been relabelled.
We assumed that it was not a HV supply or cable problem, since the anods were aligned and only the dynodes moved.
After changing the cables we realigned the dynodes and recalibrated all signals. Screen shots are attached. |
Wed May 15 04:03:23 2019, JAR, Synchronization with AIDA working
Synchronization with AIDA is working, see attached document to proceed. |