ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Text |
Mon May 20 10:02:43 2019 |
A. Algora | 60Co again, with better threshold settings | Start: 18:06
Stop: 20:20
Rates: 14 kHz (Dynodes) 12.7 kHz |
Mon May 20 09:39:23 2019 |
A. Algora | Dynode 08 threshold changed | Dynode 08 threshold was changed from 675
to 790. Now the rate in this detector is
fine. |
Mon May 20 08:15:24 2019 |
A. Algora | background | Start: 16:25
Stop: 17:25
Background in the same conditions |
Mon May 20 07:07:59 2019 |
A. Algora | Co source (CD 395) | Start: 15:10
Stop: 16:08
Positioned in the center, with |
Mon May 20 06:55:15 2019 |
A. Algora | New config file after calibration | A file with Co and Cs was collected for
10 min
201905201444_137Cs60Co_align.root |
Mon May 20 06:31:53 2019 |
A. Algora | gain correction | Only a very small correction was needed
(at the level of 0.5 V) for the raw spectra
of det 6,12,13,17 (raw Dynodes) |
Mon May 20 06:04:41 2019 |
A. Algora | Co and Cs short file | Short file with the strong Co source and
Cs source. To test stability
Start:11:32 |
Mon May 20 03:18:03 2019 |
A. Algora | Co and Cs after two days | We have been running with Co and Cs for
the weekend to check the overall stability.
Seems that the detectors did not |
Sat May 18 01:41:45 2019 |
Nacher, Algora | gain check after the night | Only PM3 showed an small jump. It seems
that it has moved. Even after changing the
HV cable. We will pay attention to it in |
Thu May 16 06:59:51 2019 |
Algora Kiss Nacher | Det 3 | Det 3 moved, both Anode and Dynode. So
we have changed the HV cable to test if there
are no more jumps. We used cable 9 and it |
Thu May 16 02:57:15 2019 |
Nacher, Algora | threshold dynode #13 increased | Threshold of dynode #13 changed from 500 to
700 because of a very high noise.
New configuration file: 20190516_Conf.xlsx |
Thu May 16 02:02:24 2019 |
Algora Kiss Nacher | detector 3 moved over night | After the long background measurement we have
measured 60Co to check alignment.
Everything looks fine except for detector |
Wed May 15 11:53:17 2019 |
Algora, Nacher, Kiss | Background | Start: 20:05
Stop: 09:44
Background rate 2.9 kHz (Dynodes), |
Wed May 15 11:50:04 2019 |
Algora, Nacher | 137Cs listmode, and rootfile | 137Cs source in the center of the DTAS,
with the IFIC holder
list mode files: Cs137_Source_20190515_000.dlt |
Wed May 15 09:57:54 2019 |
Nacher | root file with 60Co and 137Cs | For JL to play... |
Wed May 15 08:11:46 2019 |
Tolosa, Nacher, Algora, Kiss | Energy resolutions |
Using getSigmaCal.cxx macro to check energy
Wed May 15 07:48:08 2019 |
Kiss Algora Nacher | Saturation and pulser | Saturation and pulser position after calibration
EDy1 16801 25000
Wed May 15 06:53:52 2019 |
Nacher Kiss Algora | HV setting | EMPTY00 │0.0
V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V
0.5 uA Off |
Wed May 15 06:40:16 2019 |
Algora, Kiss, Nacher | DTAS aligned and calibrated | Signal cables (long cables, from preamp
to digitizer) of channels 13 and 16 were
changed. For the moment they have not been |
Wed May 15 04:03:23 2019 |
JAR | Synchronization with AIDA working | Synchronization with AIDA is working, see
attached document to proceed. |