ISOLDE, Page 10 of 11  ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject
  23   Thu Sep 14 15:40:42 2017 TDMSL type S2 bias data
  22   Thu Sep 14 14:07:21 2017 pbalignment

Chat with survey team

1. mauf plugs for both ends of chamber with concentric 8mmH7 holes, with nylon tipped grub screws/clamp bars

2. Manuf of target with 8mmH7 hole

3. Manuf detector with 8mmH7 hole

4. Manuf of 4x pad sliders for feet for radial alignment.


Report from survey team attached.

  21   Thu Sep 14 10:29:25 2017 ClaudiaAlpha Calibration

Run 1-10 Test

14 September 2017

Run 11 Start 18:16 (CERN time)


adc#2 7,8 missing segments (n+n side dE)

adc#3 19 low gain (p+n E)

some strips have no noise but maybe that is OK.


Run 12 Start 11:50

Pulse switched on halfway through

Run 13 Start 12:08

Pulser on

ADC spectra:

#1 ch0 bad resolution (also pulser)

#2 ch7 ch8: no alphas, pulser there

#3 ch0 low gain, ch24 low resolution

#4 ch 7 low gain only for alphas (not pulser)

TDC missing: ch 32,80,120,123

Not understood yet: 1mm detector has peak at ~1.5 MeV @ adc#3 ch20-30 (with ALL alpha events when visible , 24 looks very distorted); not visible in ADC#4 (n+n) no alpha in ADC#6 although segment.

  20   Thu Sep 14 10:24:34 2017 ClaudiaDetector - ADC connection

ADC#1 0-31: p+n dE

ADC#2 32-48: n+n dE

ADC#2 49-64: p+n dE

ADC#3 0-31: p+n E

ADC#4 32-48: n+n E

ADC#4 49-64: p+n E

ADC#5 0-31: p+n HI

ADC#6 32-48: n+n HI

ADC#7 49-64: p+n HI

  19   Thu Sep 14 09:47:02 2017 dkdiscussion with beam operators
CERN side
     Faraday cup at the end of SEC, ideally with automated control to insert and remove

Edinburgh side
     Photographs of chamber, diagrams, measurement, nicely organised 
     FC output from SHV to SMA, to input to CERN preamp
     Beam viewer scintillating min beam intensity?
     Irises to protect SSDs are essential since the beams will be tuned for energy case by case and not at once.
     Collimator sizes for the target ladder?
     Window view port to confirm iris settings?
     Photodiodes should be on the opposite side of the target ladder from the collimator.  
  18   Thu Sep 14 08:37:27 2017 ClaudiaDetector installation

dE detector: 2083-9, 74 um thick, V_depletion=12V; V_operating=24 V

E detector:  3080-23, 1012 um thick, V_d=110; V_o=350 V

HI detector: 2410-23, 65 um; V_d=7 ; V_o=14 V

Connect bias cables 14,15,16 (dE,E,HI)

Quad Bias Supply ports 1,2,3 (dE,E,HI). There seems to be some offset voltage on them (V1=3V, V2=7V, V3=1V, V4=4V) Seems to go dowon when preamps are on.

Leakage Currents


dE Leakage Currents
Voltage Current (uA)
7 0.15
11 0.22
16 0.31
21 0.39
24 0.44


Voltage Leakage Current (uA)
15 0.28
20 0.37
30 0.49
40 0.60
50 0.72
60 0.82
81 1.04
100 1.2
122 1.4
140 1.55
160 1.7
180 1.82
202 1.96
225 2.06
250 2.18
275 2.29
300 2.39
326 2.47
340 2.52
350 2.55


Voltage (V) Current (uA)
3 0.21
6 0.46
8 0.61
10 0.72
12 0.87
14 1.02


  Draft   Wed Sep 13 15:28:18 2017   

Discussion with ISOLDE staff -> things to sort out:

1) Removable Faraday Cup between Scattering Chamber and our Chamve

  16   Sat Sep 9 09:39:38 2017 ClaudiaVacuum Readings at ISOLDE Hall

Thursday, 7th September:

Vaccum after pumping all night preamps off, chiller off

  • 09:37: IMG1 2.3E-5 mbar, Chamber 7.5 E-5 mbar; Julabo off;
  • 09:38: IMG1 2.1E-5 mbar; Chamber 6.6E-5 mbar; Julabo 20 Celsius
  • 09:41: IMG1 2E-5; Chamber 6.6E-5; Julabo 5 Celsius
  • 09:55: IMG1 1.3E-5; Chamber 1.3E-5
  • 10:10 IMG1 1.2E-5; Chamber 4.5E-5;

Preamp power ON, Chiller on 5 Celsius

  • 10:25 IMG1 1.3E-5; 5E-5; Thermocoupling Readout 16 Celsius
  • 11:20 IMG1 1.5E-5; 6.1E-5 Thermocoupling Readount 19.3
  • 13:08 IMG1 1.6E-5; 5.5E-5
  • 14:16 IMG1 1.4E-5; 5.1E-5
  • 15:40 IMG1 1.4E-5; 4.9E-5
  • 17:55 IMG1 1.3E-5; 4.5E-5

Preamp OFF, chiller off

8th September

  • 1.2E-5; 3.9E-5

--> Leak test with He, replace target ladder with blank and refit feedtrhrough (upstream detectors), identify some scratches

start pumping

  • 23:50 IMG1 2.2E-5; Chamber 9E-5

9th September

  • 08:17 IMG1 1.3E-5; 5.1E-5 mbar

Leak test but no leaks found anywhere now.

Chiller on 5 Celsius, preamplifiers ON

  • 10:55 IMG1 9.1E-6; 3.8E-5
  • 12:00 IMG1 8.9E-6; 4.0E-5
  • 14:50 IMG1 8.1E-6; 3.6E-5

Preamplifiers OFF

  • 15:05 IMG1 6.3E-6; 2.9E-5 (9.8 C)
  • 15:12 IMG1 6.1E-1; 2.9E-5 (9.3 C)
  • 15:25 IMG1 5.9E-6; 2.8E-5 (9.0 C)

Chiller OFF (not sure when exactly chiller was turned off)

Sunday 10/09/2017

  • 22:50 IMG1 8.8E-06; 3.4E-05

Monday 11/09/2017

  • 9:20 IMG1 8.2E-06; 2.7E-05

Leak test on Cooling loop. --> Big leak detected. Open up chamber to replace cooling.

Tuesday 12/09/2017

Several tests done for cooling, it seems that even the smallest possible cooling loop is leaky.

  • 19:00, close chamber and start pumping
  • 19:13 start both turbo pumps at 9.9E-1 mbar
  • 19:23 P=2.7E-4 mbar

Note that big Turbopump has been switched to normal start so pumping times not comparable with before. Maximum wattage of pump should be 420 W

Wednesday 13/09/2017

  • 9:15 8.5E-6 mbar; 3.1E-5mbar
  • 9:30 Cooling ON, switched to -10C
  • 10:05 4.4E-6 mbar; 1.7E-5 bar (-9.9C on chiller)
  • 10:15 preamps on, -10 C, 4.1E-6; 1.6E-5 mbar
  • 10:22 T readout 5.6 C, 4.6E-6; 1.8E-5
  • 10:26 T readount 6.2 C; 4.8E-6 mbar, 1.9E-5 mbar
  • 10:40 4.9E-6 mbar; 1.9E-5 mbar

Preamps off, cooler off

open chamber for detector installation and some checks; close chamber and pump

  • 18:55 7.2E-5; 3.3E-4 mbar
  • 20:45 4.4E-5; 1.8E-4 mbar (nopreamp, no chiller)

Thursday, 14 September 2017

  • 9:25 1.1E-5mbar; 4.3E-5 mbar

open chamber to discuss with beam operators

  • 11:05 close chamber start pumping
  • 11:20 1.2 mbar, turbo pumps on
  • 11:32 4.1E-4 mbar; 1.1E-3 mbar


  15   Fri Sep 8 19:12:19 2017 TDMIDAS DAQ configuration
MIDAS DAQ configuration files from directories w26:/MIDAS/experiments/daq
and w26:/MIDAS/TapeServer/SunOS
  14   Fri Sep 8 19:03:23 2017 TDw26 network configuration
Network configuration files for workstation w26 (Sun Ultra 45)

serial # 0743TFC0DQ
host ID # 840e6006
MAC address 0:14:4f:e:60:6

The MIDAS DAQ configured to use ppc1 (MVME 2431 CPU) connected
to w26 via port 1 (/dev/bge1)
  13   Wed Aug 16 15:30:04 2017 DK, MDShipping Inventory
==BOX A==  59kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

VME crate, with power cable
    7 Silena ADCs
    1 S9418 ACQ controller
    2 CAEN V767 TDC
    CAEN 560
    MVME 24XX Motorola crate Controller
26 ribbon cables
    12 for analog
    12 for discrim
    2 extra

==BOX B==  49kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

RAL amp crate (full with modules)
Ribbon cables for patch
1 NIM Fan
2 Cable patch boxes

==BOX C==  40kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

RAP amp crate (only 5 modules)
Ribbon cables for patch
1 NIM Fan
2 Cable patch boxes

==BOX D==  29kg - 450mm x 450mm x 450mm

Scrolling pump
Backflow interlock

==BOX E==  

Target ladder and components

==BOX F==  92kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

Large TMP
Small TMP
2 TMP controllers
2 Preamp feedthrough
   Bolts and washers
   2 O-Rings + 1 spare
2 Preamp power supplies
TMP bolts (large and small)
20x IEC leads
2x Swiss to UK leads
Box E
Box G
2x spare HVBNC cables
middle foot sections of blue frame
2x vacuum hoses

==BOX G==

2 inverse magnetron ion gauges
1 thermocouple vacuum gauge

==BOX H==

Multi gauge reader

==Box I==

Chiller & Pipes
Chamber, sliding mount
Box H (gauge reader)
Box E (target ladder)
4 Long ribbon cables
3 Power Bars

==BOX J==

6 feet for chamber stand
All bolts for chamber stand

==BOX K==

Valve for TP 1 & 2
vacuum clamps

==BOX L==

Upstream beamline pipe
    Gate valve, nipple, adaptor flange to SEC
N2 pipe with valve
Mechanical pressure gauge and "plus" type connector
Swagelok nylon and brasss ferrels for gas line / coolant piping

==BOX M==

Bolts, nuts and spacers for chamber end flanges and center

==BOX N=

Blanking kindey plate
bellow cage
o-ring for ribbon feedthroughs
spare straight and right angle swagelok fittings
TMP/gauge mounting pipe
Faraday cup
dummy detectors
thermocouple cbable
cctv camera power lead
BNC to Lemo 
Lemo to Ribbon box
lemo cables
20 ~1 cm spacers for SSD mounting
9 ~2 cm spacers for SSD mounting

==BOX O==  84kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

Box J, K. L. M, N, S, T
Old inv magnetron vac gauge meter
thin green polymer tubing (gas lines, cooling system)
current integrator for FC
3 large O-Rings for chamber (spare)
short bits of blue frame
braces off blue frame
16way BNC multicore

==BOX P==  83kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

Camac crate
     5x Logic Shaped Outputs (CAMAC)
     2x CAMAC / VME converter
     1 LeCroy 622 Quad Logic (NIM)
     1 Ortec 566 TAC (NIM)
     1 Lecroy 222 dual GDG
     1 Ortec 459 bias supply

NIM crate
     1 BNC PB-5 digital pulse generator
     1 BNC PB-4 analog pulse generator
     1 Analog ratemeter 4678
     1 ECL-NIM-ECL EC 1601
     1 Silena Quad Bias Supply 7710
     2 LeCroy 419A Logic FI/FO

==BOX Q==  52kg - 600mm x 600mm x 800mm

Sun Microsystems Tower

==BOX R==  37kg - 600mm x 450mm x 700mm

Wheels for frame
Safety boots and helmets-

==BOX S==

2 S2 1000 um SSDs

==BOX T==

3 S2 75 um SSDs

==Box U==

1 green gremlin
2 pink unicorns

==Bundle 1==  16kg - 1600mm x 400mm x 150mm

==Bundle 2==  8kg - 700mm x 150mm x 150mm

==Bundle 3==  15kg - 1400mm x 300mm x 150mm

==Bundle 4==  12kg - 650mm x 1150mm x 100mm

==Bundle 5==  23kg = 2300mm x 150mm x 150mm

Number of Packages: 10 Boxes, 5 Bundles

NET WEIGHT: ~800kg
  Draft   Wed Aug 16 15:29:57 2017 DKShipping Inventory
==BOX A==
VME crate
26 ribbon cables
    12 for analog
    12 for discrim
    2 extra

==BOX B==
RAL amp crate (full with modules)
Ribbon cables for patch
1 NIM Fan
2 Cable patch boxes

==BOX C==
RAP amp crate (only 5 modules)
Ribbon cables for patch
1 NIM Fan
2 Cable patch boxes

==BOX D==
Scrolling pump
Backflow interlock
  11   Wed Aug 16 12:53:43 2017 DKTo do / missing
     Foil mount (12 um Al seems okay, but check more carefully)

Beam viewing material
     Previous order very delayed

==TDC data==

*Check for remaining LeCroy 622 quad logic unit
      ask Stephan

*Conversion cables for CAEN V767 TDC input

*RAL ADC output split of ribbon cable


How to protect the S2s during beam tuning?
     Can the ISOLDE operators easily restore beam optics settings or not?
     (Determines if we can do all the beam tuning at once or if we have to separate them)
     Controlable iris aka Star Wars door -- contact Simon Fox at York

Dynamic range of the preamps is only maximum 200 MeV, so we need a foil to degrade the heavy ion energy

Gain resistors for up to three dynamic range settings
  10   Thu Jun 1 13:09:38 2017 DKTesting email header, part II
Checking some server settings for the elog system regarding the email notification.

And testing updating an elog.

Testing again...
  9   Wed May 24 16:18:22 2017 MDNotes from visit of ISOLDE at 23rd May 2017

Status of Beamline XT03 at HIE-ISOLDE:

Scattering chamber (1m*1m) will be put in place in next two weeks. They are just waiting for separate crane, which will be mounted on the wall.
(Reason is, that the roof crane can only go down in the middle for XT03, because it is the end of the hall)

The scattering chamber will take place at the gray surface with all tube connector.
The end of scattering chamber is ISO 100. Do we have the right adapter for the tube to connect?

The scattering chamber, with a lot of electronics inside, has a pressure of something E-06 mbar, so our pressure should fit well.

Our faraday cup was asked to have the possibility to monitor if we getting beam or not.


Behind the scattering chamber there will be a setup for Neutron Time of Flight experiment on C15 in the end of august and on 9/10Li in the end of October 2017.
The setup length will be additional 5-6 meters (close to left end of the poster/wooden box on picture).


Offline Setup:

Offline Setup next to parallel wall will probably not be possible due to the other setup, but there is at least 2-3m*4-5m space on the wall, where the beam line points to (corner). We just have to leave some space that people can access the crane ladder.
No specific time was discussed, because the current setup has to first installed.



The Tools are mounted at the wall (2 points) and are setup in the corner (stand from bottom). It is an electronic system, no further details from Karl, but contact has been established.


Beam Height:

Beam height is 1.75m. We will bring our own metal frame for support. What is our height (range) at the moment?


For Offline test we can have an alpha source.

Power plug: SWISS standard à need ADAPTERs

3 normal plugs per grounded access point (with C16 fuse). For offline testing we can easily use 1-2 access points, which would be enough.

Near the installation place at the beamline are also 2 access points, which we will share with the scattering chamber. In case we also use extension to the offline ones, although safety regulation allow no cables on the floor, so we always have to use cable guides above. (I´m not sure how they deal with power cables…)

Next point: cables guide are used, so we have to bring longer BNC cables and the other long ribbon cables.

No camacs crates are spotted at the moment by Karl, which we could use.

No OIL pumps are allowed anymore at HIE – ISOLDE. Our roughing pump and Turbo pump are working without oil, aren´t they?

Grounded crates??



They want to have a drawing of our setup (chamber including metal frame, crates, vacuum pipes, water cooling, … maybe add work place with PC)  

And all the SAFETY Regulation papers should be prepared.


Important!!! Everything is temporary:

 There are daily changes in the setup at XT03 with scattering chamber and neutron TOF setup in the next week and when ISS chamber will be installed, the odds and ends near the wall and the corner will hopefully disappear, so we will have a better picture how much space in the end will be there.

I will visit ISOLDE in the beginning of June again to see the progress.


Forgot to ask:

Any special placement for water cooling or can we still use shortest possible distance to chamber?

  Draft   Wed May 24 16:09:10 2017 MDNotes from visit of ISOLDE at 23rd May 2017

Status of Beamline XT03 at HIE-ISOLDE:

Scattering chamber (1m*1m) will be put in place in next two weeks. They are just waiting for separate crane, which will be mounted on the wall.
(Reason is, that the roof crane can only go down in the middle for XT03, because it is the end of the hall)

The scattering chamber will take place at the gray surface with all tube connector.
The end of scattering chamber is ISO 100. Do we have the right adapter for the tube to connect?

The scattering chamber, with a lot of electronics inside, has a pressure of something E-06 mbar, so our pressure should fit well.

Our faraday cup was asked to have the possibility to monitor if we getting beam or not.


Behind the scattering chamber there will be a setup for Neutron Time of Flight experiment on C15 in the end of august and on 9/10Li in the end of October 2017.
The setup length will be additional 5-6 meters (close to left end of the poster/wooden box on picture).


Offline Setup:

Offline Setup next to parallel wall will probably not be possible due to the other setup, but there is at least 2-3m*4-5m space on the wall, where the beam line points to (corner). We just have to leave some space that people can access the crane ladder.
No specific time was discussed, because the current setup has to first installed.



The Tools are mounted at the wall (2 points) and are setup in the corner (stand from bottom). It is an electronic system, no further details from Karl, but contact has been established.


Beam Height:

Beam height is 1.75m. We will bring our own metal frame for support. What is our height (range) at the moment?


For Offline test we can have an alpha source.

Power plug: SWISS standard à need ADAPTERs

3 normal plugs per grounded access point (with C16 fuse). For offline testing we can easily use 1-2 access points, which would be enough.

Near the installation place at the beamline are also 2 access points, which we will share with the scattering chamber. In case we also use extension to the offline ones, although safety regulation allow no cables on the floor, so we always have to use cable guides above. (I´m not sure how they deal with power cables…)

Next point: cables guide are used, so we have to bring longer BNC cables and the other long ribbon cables.

No camacs crates are spotted at the moment by Karl, which we could use.

No OIL pumps are allowed anymore at HIE – ISOLDE. Our roughing pump and Turbo pump are working without oil, aren´t they?

Grounded crates??



They want to have a drawing of our setup (chamber including metal frame, crates, vacuum pipes, water cooling, … maybe add work place with PC)  

And all the SAFETY Regulation papers should be prepared.


Important!!! Everything is temporary:

 There are daily changes in the setup at XT03 with scattering chamber and neutron TOF setup in the next week and when ISS chamber will be installed, the odds and ends near the wall and the corner will hopefully disappear, so we will have a better picture how much space in the end will be there.

I will visit ISOLDE in the beginning of June again to see the progress.


Forgot to ask:

Any special placement for water cooling or can we still use shortest possible distance to chamber?

  Draft   Wed May 24 15:21:37 2017 MDNotes from visit of ISOLDE at 23rd May 2017

Status of Beamline XT03 at HIE-ISOLDE:

Scattering chamber (1m*1m) will be put in place in next two weeks. They are just waiting for separate crane, which will be mounted on the wall.
(Reason is, that the roof crane can only go down in the middle for XT03, because it is the end of the hall)

The scattering chamber will take place at the gray surface with all tube connector.
The end of scattering chamber is ISO 100. Do we have the right adapter for the tube to connect?

The scattering chamber, with a lot of electronics inside, has a pressure of something E-06 mbar, so our pressure should fit well.

Our faraday cup was asked to have the possibility to monitor if we getting beam or not.


Behind the scattering chamber there will be a setup for Neutron Time of Flight experiment on C15 in the end of august and on 9/10Li in the end of October 2017.
The setup length will be additional 5-6 meters (close to left end of the poster/wooden box on picture).


Offline Setup:

Offline Setup next to parallel wall will probably not be possible due to the other setup, but there is at least 2-3m*4-5m space on the wall, where the beam line points to (corner). We just have to leave some space that people can access the crane ladder.
No specific time was discussed, because the current setup has to first installed.



The Tools are mounted at the wall (2 points) and are setup in the corner (stand from bottom). It is an electronic system, no further details from Karl, but contact has been established.


Beam Height:

Beam height is 1.75m. We will bring our own metal frame for support. What is our height (range) at the moment?


For Offline test we can have an alpha source.

Power plug: SWISS standard à need ADAPTERs

3 normal plugs per grounded access point (with C16 fuse). For offline testing we can easily use 1-2 access points, which would be enough.

Near the installation place at the beamline are also 2 access points, which we will share with the scattering chamber. In case we also use extension to the offline ones, although safety regulation allow no cables on the floor, so we always have to use cable guides above. (I´m not sure how they deal with power cables…)

Next point: cables guide are used, so we have to bring longer BNC cables and the other long ribbon cables.

No camacs crates are spotted at the moment by Karl, which we could use.

No OIL pumps are allowed anymore at HIE – ISOLDE. Our roughing pump and Turbo pump are working without oil, aren´t they?

Grounded crates??



They want to have a drawing of our setup (chamber including metal frame, crates, vacuum pipes, water cooling, … maybe add work place with PC)  

And all the SAFETY Regulation papers should be prepared.


Important!!! Everything is temporary:

 There are daily changes in the setup at XT03 with scattering chamber and neutron TOF setup in the next week and when ISS chamber will be installed, the odds and ends near the wall and the corner will hopefully disappear, so we will have a better picture how much space in the end will be there.

I will visit ISOLDE in the beginning of June again to see the progress.


Forgot to ask:

Any special placement for water cooling or can we still use shortest possible distance to chamber?

  6   Wed Apr 26 12:10:04 2017 DKTesting email header
I asked IT about putting the elog name into the email subject line (useful for those of us subscribed to more than one elog).  They said they enabled it for ISOLDE.  Let's test 
to see!

Another test (June 1st)
  5   Tue Apr 18 11:05:43 2017 Mirco / ClaudiaSetup Preparation

status of the setup - 07/04/2017

status of the setup - 21/04/2017

  4   Tue Mar 14 10:57:20 2017 Claudia Meeting Edinburgh 14 March 10 am 2017

1) DAQ

We have 192 channels to DAQ working. Mirco will test the silicon detectors with an alpha source in the next 2 weeks. 

2) Vacuum

In the moment we reach 6E-6. There are still 2 tiny leaks. There will be an extra turbo for the upstream beam line which should improve the vacuum for ISOLDE purposes. 
We need to check how fast we can pump down as might need to open the chamber between tuning and beam time (detectors need to be protected from tune beam).

3) Alignment

Alignment of the sample positions can be done here (Mirco/Peter). Claudia will contact Karl about a survey team for alignment at ISOLDE. Then we can talk to them directly.

4) Shipping

We aim to ship the setup to CERN by the end of March. We will try to go over to CERN for initial setup middle of April (to be confirmed with Karl)

5) Equipment needed from CERN

Claudia will ask Karl about availability of a CAMAC crate and 2 NIM bins. 

6) Safety

Peter will order safety boots and hard hats. 
Those who do not have ISOLDE access need to attend the ISOLDE radiation protection course. 

7) Availability for Preparations

Tom not here: 25 March - 3 April, 25 April - middle June
Daid not here: until middle June ?

8) Samples CH2, CD2

Paul has new batch and should send alpha spectra soon.

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown