ID |
Date |
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Wed Nov 8 15:20:17 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | TALYS Parameters from Different Models | This is the parameters of Ca42+n and Ca50+n
acquired from differen models. They were
chosen as they have Gaussian distributions |
Mon Nov 6 09:20:53 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | TALYS including MACS | |
Sat Nov 4 14:05:19 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Ne22+n | 1. This graph is Ne22+n with a log scale.
Theorotical cross section is around 0.05
while the experimental is 0.061, which matches |
Sat Nov 4 14:01:18 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Ca43+n | 1. This graph is the Gaussian fitted Ca43+n
with rebinned to 10 total. Theorotical cross
section is around 110 while the experimental |
Sat Nov 4 13:56:02 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Ca42+n | 1. This graph is the Gaussian fitted Ca42+n
with rebinned to 10 total. Theorotical cross
section is around 15 while the experimental |
Sat Nov 4 13:45:53 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of P31+n | 1. This graph is fitted P31+n with rebinned
to 10. Theorotical cross section is around
2 and the experimental value is 1.74, which |
Sat Nov 4 13:40:39 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Si28+n | 1. This graph is the exponential decay
Si28+n total. Theorotical cross section is
between 0-1.5 while the experimental should |
Sat Nov 4 13:18:53 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Gaussian fit of Cl35+n with a binning of 10 | 1. This graph is the Gaussian fitted Cl35+n
with rebinned total. Experimental cross section
is around 12 while the graph shows the maximum |
Wed Nov 1 16:14:37 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Cl35+n | Cross Section Distributions for
Cl35+n; where macs01 is for l=0, macs11 is for l=1and macs1 is for the total.
The most probable value is less than what |
Thu Oct 26 18:09:12 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Na23+n | Cross Section Distributions for
Na23+n;where macs01 is for l=0, macs11 is for l=1and macs1 is for the total. This is an example
of logarithmic decline due to high level |
Thu Oct 26 17:59:17 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Maxwellian Cross Section Distribution of Cl37+n | Cross Section Distributions for Cl37+n;
where macs01 is for l=0, macs11 is for l=1
and macs1 is for the total. This is an example |
Wed Oct 18 15:54:26 2023 |
Selin Ezgi Birincioglu | Parameters from TALYS | These are the parameters taken from TALYS
to further utilize them as inputs for MyGOE.f
- generating nuclear levels. In the sheet |