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ID Date Author Subject
  83   Fri May 31 09:49:08 2019 A. AlgoraBackgroun, beam on

Start: 17:49

Stop: 22:11

Root: 201905312211_background_AIDA_in.root


  82   Fri May 31 07:03:37 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on, rates at F11PL and AIDAPL

Start: 15:04

Stop: partial (17:43), 201905311743_background_AIDA_in.root (file corrupt again), system will be restarted


Comment: Figure shows the rate of F11PLR (black), F11PLL (lighter color, ??) and AIDAPL (blue). There are different counting rates in left and right of F11 plastic

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_17-36-38.png
  81   Fri May 31 06:48:58 2019 A. AlgoraT spectra for AIDA and F11 plastics

T spectra for AIDAPL and F11PLL and F11PLR are defined from now on. The ancilliary card was not saving the CFD values for all channels.

It was modified in order to have those spectra. A new configuration file will be saved. See in the attachment

Attachment 1: 20190531_Conf_1.xlsx
  80   Fri May 31 02:41:55 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, beam on

Start: 10:42

Stop: 11:49

Root: 201905311149_background_AIDA_in.root



Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_10-50-53.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_10-50-37.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_10-51-55.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_10-53-05.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_10-52-54.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2019-05-31_10-55-27.png
Attachment 7: 201905311149_background_AIDA_in.root
  79   Thu May 30 12:08:01 2019 A. Algorabackground, dacq restarted before the measurement

Start: 20:09

Stop: 10:17

Root:  201905311017_background_AIDA_in.root

Comments: before this measurement  the system was restarted.

LED in EDy16 looks wider

The TACS were recovered. Probably all the files of today (until now) and generated after the configuration file change do not have the calibrated spectra.

Attachment 1: 201905311017_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: 20190530_Conf.xlsx
  78   Thu May 30 08:57:34 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, no beam + beam, file not saved

Start: 16:57


Comments: first part no beam, but later with beam

Root: File not saved

  77   Thu May 30 08:43:29 2019 A. AlgoraBackground no beam

Start: 16:43

Stop: 16:56

Root: 201905301656_background_AIDA_in.root

Comment: no beam, AIDA in

Rates: 1.5 kHz (Dynodes), 1.8 kHz (Anodes)

  76   Thu May 30 07:21:41 2019 A. AlgoraBackground with beam on

Start: 15:21

Stop: 16:41

Root: 201905301642_background_AIDA_in.root

Comments: they stopped the beam to put the target in

  75   Thu May 30 06:46:10 2019 A. AlgoraBackground with beam

Again a new test with the beam on. At the begining the beam was off and it can be noticed.

There is a lead wall after F11 plastic and in the polyethilene block there are two lead bricks to block the beam to AIDA.


201905301457_background_AIDA_in.root (beam was stopped for a short period)

Rates with the beam: 2.2 kHz (Dynodes), 2.3 (anodes)



I will not erase it and continue to collect root files (no lmd for the moment), they are still optimizing things. Rate at F11 should be similar to

the rate at F7 according to Pieter. Rate at F7 plastik  is 5 kHz. The plastik spectra (F11, our plastik) shows some spikes.

Attachment 1: 201905301448_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: 201905301457_background_AIDA_in.root
  74   Thu May 30 06:41:18 2019 A. AlgoraBackground with the beam

There was an small increase in the counting rate of the detectors after the beam was delivered. The rate at
F7 was of the order of 5 kHz. But remember that there is a lead wall protecting the detector. Root file saved. Look at TSumA for example

Root: 201905301442_background_AIDA_in.root

  73   Thu May 30 02:44:56 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, just a test

Start: 11:01

Stop: 13:37

Root: 201905301337_background_AIDA_in.root

Comments: Some of the TAC spectra have desapeared with the new configuration file. To be explored.

I have tried with both configuration files that were sent.

Attachment 1: 20190530_Conf.xlsx
  72   Thu May 30 02:03:33 2019 A. AlgoraRef detector position changed, AIDA plastik HV changed

The position of the reference detector in the ancilliary card was changed from channel 10 to channel 9. Remember that this is important

in relation to all files saved until now.

The HV of AIDA plastic was changed from 1300 V back to 1000 V.

A new configuration file provided by Alvaro and Jose, with some small changes will be loaded.

cp 20190529_Conf_ATJLT.xlsx 20190530_Conf.xlsx

The new configuration file has been uploaded. Reference detector appears in channel V2A8C9. It was necessary to change the range of the histogram, and to recalibrate it.

With the new configuration parameters the pulser appears at 1360 keV in the calibrated spectra of the reference detector.

The threshold of the Ref detector has also been changed. From 4400 to 2800.

Attachment 1: 20190530_Conf.xlsx
  71   Wed May 29 10:01:10 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, no lmd, AIDA in

Start: 18:02

Stop: 18:33, partial file (201905291833_background_AIDA_in.root), Stop: 09:53 saved also next day (30/05) 201905300953_background_AIDA_in.root

Comments: AIDA in, Bigrips is doing settings (105Te to my best knowledge). There is a lead wall before our setting. No apparent change in the rate of background

Root: 201905300953_background_AIDA_in.root


Attachment 1: 201905291833_background_AIDA_in.root
Attachment 2: 201905300953_background_AIDA_in.root
  70   Wed May 29 09:49:25 2019 A. AlgoraNew configuration file

New configuration file after a few small changes in thresholds.

Attachment 1: 20190529_Conf.xlsx
  69   Wed May 29 09:08:11 2019 A. AlgoraAIDA plastic setting changed

AIDA plastic changed.

HV was at 1000 V, it was changed to 1300 V

Coarse gain was changed to x5, Fg remains as it was.

I had only two minutes to enter (it was a rush). Better to verify it again

  68   Wed May 29 08:29:26 2019 A. Algoralatest conf file

Latest configuration file from 28 of May

Attachment 1: 20190528_Conf.xlsx
  67   Wed May 29 07:04:19 2019 A. AlgoraF11 plastic connected

F11 plastic has been connected to our dacq as it was in the earlier BRIKEN setting.

The detector cables were followed and connections checked.

The outputs of the detector (L and R) go through an Ortec TFA 474 with the following settings:

Coarse gain: x4

Fine gain: looks minimal

Integrate (ns): 200

Diff (ns): 100

Non-inv setting

After the TFA, the Right signal is plugged in channel 1 of our card, and an attenuated signal (50 Ohm) is

plugged in channel 3. Similarly the Left signal after the TFA is plugged in channel 2 and the attenuated 

signal is plugged in channel 4.

Parameters of the channels of the dacq have to be checked.

  66   Wed May 29 02:07:20 2019 A. AlgoraIrradiation for 24Na

Irradiation of two pieces of aluminium of 80 mm x 40 mm x 10 mm will be performed at the second BigRips dipole.

The pieces were placed with the help of Fukuda and Nishimura san.

  65   Tue May 28 07:49:51 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, no lmd

Start: 15:50

Stop: 10:09 (next day)

Root: 201905291009_background_AIDA_in.root

Comments: background, Aida in

  64   Tue May 28 06:13:27 2019 A. AlgoraBackground, Aida in

Start: 14:13

Stop: 15:47

Lmd: Background_AIDA_in_201905281413_231.dlt .. Background_AIDA_in_201905281413_233.dlt

Root: 201905281547_background_AIDA_in.root

Rates: 2.1 kHz (Dyn), 1.8 kHz (Anodes)

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown